Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2948: Master Yin and Xiong meet again

   Hou Qin, the capital, Chang'an.

In the Fahua Temple, the sound of Sanskrit chanting the Buddha, and the curling of sandalwood, enveloped the treasure temple in a cloud of smoke. A group of monks were lining up holding their bowls and preparing to go to the dining hall to have a meal. The fragrance and the taste of dried tofu made the young monks in the queue swallow unconsciously. Obviously, they hadn't cultivated to the point of resisting hunger.

A twenty-five-year-old monk in Tsing Yi, standing in front of the two big pots of porridge that has already bottomed out, is the monk on duty who is making the porridge today, and whispered: "What's the matter with the master host these days? Our homework, we don’t use our own meals as we used to do. Shouldn’t we, shouldn’t we be sick?”

The other slightly older monk in grey clothes next to him is the other leader who is on duty today. He glared at the monk in Tsing Yi, and said dissatisfiedly: "Brother, be careful, master master is that The reincarnated sacred monk of the Buddha has long been disease-free and has not been sick for many years. I heard that the master was to pray for the Buddha and pray for the blessing of the Buddha for the soldiers who went to Hu Xia in Da Qin, but could not go out of retreat. "

The monk in Tsing Yi suddenly realized: "Oh, I just remembered what the brother said. Last month, His Majesty the Emperor Qin specially came to the temple to worship the Buddha, and he also met with the master master. I don't know what the result of his imperial conquest this time is. Hey, our monks are supposed to fight against the world and do not participate in these worldly battles. I don't understand why the master master wants to pray for these murderous emperors."

The monk in grey clothes quickly covered the mouth of the monk in Tsing Yi: "Junior brother, don’t you want to live anymore? You dare to say that? Our temple is in the city of Chang’an in Daqin. If you don’t follow the emperor’s meaning, I'm afraid that the thousands of monks in the whole temple will have their heads fallen. Although the Buddha's magical power is boundless, it is impossible to go down to stop these killings at once."

The monk in Tsing Yi threw off his senior brother’s hand on his mouth and said bitterly: "My hometown is in Liangzhou. If it weren’t for these emperors, generals and ministers to fight all day long, my family and clansmen would have died. Light, how can I become a monk? I hope that the Buddha can manifest his spirit early and throw all these emperors who are only for his own tyrants into 18 hells, so as to save the people of the world."

The monk Huiyi sighed: "In this troubled world, it is not easy to live. At least, we can still get a moment of peace in this Fahua Temple now. Although the Emperor Qin is not kind, it is compared with that of Hu Xia's Liu. Bobo is already a good person. I heard that Liu Bobo killed people like hemp. All the soldiers and civilians of Daqin who were caught were either smashed or piled into Jingguan. The cities of Lingbiao would not be slaughtered by him. Go there to do things to surpass the souls of the dead. The masters and uncles, after coming back, couldn’t stop sighing, saying that in this brilliant universe, how could there be a demon like him in this world, or else, how could the master abbot easily intervene in the disputes in this world and pray for Daqin’s soldiers?"

The monk in Tsing Yi hooked his mouth: "That's true. No one knows Liu Bobo's foul name. It is said that even the monks who persuade him to do good and not to kill people will cruelly set up a pyre for him and burn him to death. He also said that if these monks have the power to avoid the fire, he will listen to them. This man is really a devil. How could the Buddha let such a devil come into the world?"

The monk Huiyi sighed, "Perhaps, the whole family of Liu Bobo was killed, and the Buddha couldn't bear it, so he opened his face to this devil, but the people he kills now have caused far more sins than the people he was killed. I only hope that the master master can use his power to let God overtake this devil and return the world to peace. If Hu Xiamanzi is really allowed to enter Chang'an, I'm afraid we will all die and have no place to bury!"

While the two were talking, they saw a little novice holding a bowl and wandering over. The Tsing Yi monk instinctively wanted to get the rice spoon in the porridge bucket. His eyes fell on the person and suddenly said, "That's not the host. Is the abbot’s bowl?"

   The grey-clothed monk frowned and looked at this delicate eyebrow, who looked only seventeen or eighteen-year-old little novice monk, and said solemnly: "Junior brother, are you a disciple next to Master Master?"

   The little novice monk held together with one hand and pronounced the Buddha's name: "Amitabha Buddha, good and good, two seniors, the poor monk is the new little novice monk beside the master master, and the master master sent me to come and make porridge."

While taking the bowl, the monk in gray shook his head in disbelief, "But why have I never seen you before? Junior Brother Dou Peng? Besides, the master’s diet and daily life are not managed by the female layman (Kumaroshi’s wife). ) Are you responsible?"

   Dou Peng took the bowl of porridge indifferently: "The female layman recently had a sickness, and the master master wants to pray for blessings. Therefore, I will be responsible for the diet and daily life. In the next few days, I will have a lot of trouble for the two seniors."

   The Tsing Yi monk added two more slices of dried bean curd to the bowl, and said: "I also ask my younger brother to take good care of the master. May his blessings protect the safety of the monks in our temple."

Dou Peng smiled slightly and bowed away. He walked all the way through the temples and courtyards, and finally walked into the elegant building in the center of the small lake. After entering the abode, he saw Kumarajiva sitting in the monastery alone. Inside, his eyes closed tightly, no monk stayed aside, UU reading www.uukánshu.com only had the fluttering sandalwood, refreshing, and an old bowl that was almost exactly the same as the bowl in the hands of Doupeng was placed on the Kumo. On the wooden frame behind Roche, three thick-fingered sandalwood are inserted on it, and the fragrance around it comes from here.

Dou Peng smiled slightly, put down the bowl in his hand, a gust of wind blew him, and his whole body was hidden in a black cloak, and a lifeless bronze mask was displayed in front of Kumarajiva. , Accompanied by the hoarse voice of the cloak: "Aren't you afraid that an assassin will suddenly come to send you to the west?"

   Kumarajiva did not open his eyes, and said indifferently: "In this world, besides you, I am afraid that no one wants my life, cloak, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

   The cloak hooked the corner of his mouth, and sat down cross-legged opposite Kumarajiva, grabbed a few pieces of dried bean curd in the bowl with one hand, and stuffed it into his mouth: "How do you know I will come?"

   Kumarajiva shook his head: "Zhang Gang is here, and Tao Yuanming has also come secretly. Why don't you, the layout man who manipulates everything, come here?"

Dou Peng smiled slightly: "I said the great monk, you are quite capable. I didn't think that you could secretly associate with Liu Bobo and provided him with so much military information about Qin. If it weren't for your help, Hou How could Qin have lost consecutive battles over the past few years, losing his troops and losing his generals? But I don't know what you are doing in this way. Would Liu Bobo also let you be a great national teacher?"


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