Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2949: Mutual use

The corner of Kumarajiva's mouth was hooked lightly, and he returned to his inherent composure: "You are really pervasive. You can even know such secret things. Lao Na is really fortunate that Yao Xing doesn't have you. Otherwise, I’m afraid that the thousands of monks in this temple, and even the monks in the entire Qin Kingdom, will be sent to the West in advance."

Cloak smiled and shook his head: "You should be grateful for this, and you should be grateful that, in fact, on two occasions, your two tall feet had actually been exposed when they secretly contacted Liu Bobo, if it weren't for me. Help you deal with it in time, I'm afraid that what you were worried about just now has happened. Yao Xing is not an incompetent person, even if he is by Liu Bobo's side, he has his eyeliner, and Liu Bobo, the Tiefu Huns, has the ability to engage in intelligence. , Obviously a lot worse than his ability to fight."

Kumarajiva's face changed and he opened his eyes: "There is this kind of thing? Are you slandering me? My apprentices all met directly with Liu Bobo in secret, and there was no third person present. How could the news leak?"

Dou Peng smiled and shook his head: "Great monk, can you let your six deaf and mute disciples come out of the ground now? If I really want to be against you, they won't have time to save you. "

Kumarajiva's face turned red all of a sudden, and his teeth creaked. In the eyes of the world's high monk, as if the Buddha is alive, if anyone sees his current appearance, he will definitely suspect that there is a problem with his eyes, but After all, he took a breath, stood up, and gently extinguished the three-pillar incense in the bowl behind him. Soon, the ground shook slightly, together with some slight water movement in the water tank outside. Soon, this small building returned to normal, and even the smell of sandalwood just disappeared.

Cloak nodded with satisfaction: "You are doing a good job. The deaf-mute disciples are lurking underground, on the beam and in the water tank outside. They only rely on the smell to order them, so there is no need to worry about the wind leaking. It's a pity. Liu Bobo has the same thoughts as you. Although his martial arts are so powerful, he is not too big to see your two disciples alone. You know, in this world, there are endless assassinations and assassinations, even if it is Liu Yu. , I can’t guarantee that I’ll be foolproof. Unfortunately, among Liu Bobo’s personal guards, there is Yao Xing’s deadman.”

   Kumarajiva gritted his teeth: "If Yao Xing has the ability to ambush himself among his close soldiers, why doesn't this person kill Liu Bobo directly?"

Cloak shook his head: "Liu Bobo is very shrewd. The experience of breaking down from a young age has given him not only the heart of a wolf, but also the cunning of a fox. There are more than ten people in his shadow, and he is also proficient in changing appearances. Zhishu, even often pretending to be a guard, and letting the stand-in pretend to act in front of him, often uses Yao Xing’s secret guards to deliberately convey false military information. The reason why Yao Xing has repeatedly defeated him is more than half. It is because of this kind of false information that he has suffered countless dark losses. Therefore, the surviving guards no longer dare to easily stab him, because he is not even sure whether the Liu Bobo in his eyes is himself! "

Kumarajiva sighed: "But if you secretly connect with my disciple for such an important matter, you can also use a substitute to deal with it? If you leak the wind, wouldn't it kill me? So who would dare to cooperate with him? "

Doupeng laughed: "It's your business that you die, so what is it to do with him? Yao Xing is kind to you out of the need to educate his people and let them have spiritual sustenance, but Liu Bobo, the Huns barbarian, is not Need, maybe, he was eager to let Yao Xing find out that you had betrayed him, collaborating with the enemy and treason, and killed you in a rage, so that the Qin State could further civil strife!"

Kumarajiva was speechless for a long time before he sighed: "Perhaps, I chose to cooperate with Liu Bobo because I was too hasty, but Yao Xing destroyed my country and broke my precepts, preventing me from becoming a Buddha, and let me Living in fear and resentment all the time, is it wrong for me to find someone to avenge me?"

Dou Peng shook his head: "I know, great monk, in your heart, Yao Xing is the third most wanted to go to Xitian, the second is Lu Guang, and the first is me. However, I know you think so. , But still keep you, even protect you, cooperate with you, and give you the opportunity to spread your Dharma to the world, do you know why?"

Kumarajiva said bitterly: "Because you want to take advantage of me, you are in the north and have no foundation here in Guanzhong. You can only rely on me to engage in conspiracies and tricks. I don't believe you will be kind. It's useless to you, you will be more unfeeling to me than Liu Bobo!"

Dou Peng smiled and nodded: "So, monk, you have to make yourself useful, valuable, and not to be sold to me, right? But, you were right just now. Now here in Houqin, you are The only force I can borrow, I promised you before that I will open the door to the spread of Buddhism in the south. I haven’t missed an appointment in the past two years. In Jingzhou, even in Jiankang, your disciples have successfully opened the door. Temple, if it weren't for my help, what would An Neng be like?"

Kumarajiva sneered and said: "If it weren't for you to follow the promise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I could let my disciple take your life just now, cloak, even if you are great, this is my place, you think It’s not so easy to retreat all over."

Cloak's eyes blinked, and he stuffed the last piece of dried tofu into his mouth, chewed it, and nodded with satisfaction as he ate, "It tastes really good. This vegetarian dish can taste like meat. No wonder you monks." If you can eat it for many years, I will send your meal monks to the south. Compared with Buddhism, I hope they can pass on the skill of making vegetarian dishes."

Kumarajiva said angrily: "You might as well find a way to help Liu Bobo defeat Yao Xing earlier. If the Qin collapses, I can go to the south by myself, so that I can end this day of insecurity and life hanging by hands. ."

The cloak shook his head: "Great monk, sometimes you are extremely clever, sometimes you are stupid as a stupid cow. I said just now that you have to be useful to me before I can keep you, and now you are the most useful to me. , It’s in this north, in this pass, can become my ally and help me get things done. If you don’t stay here, what use do you think you can do to me when you go to the south? Don’t really think that I believe in your Buddhism Reincarnating and practicing, want to ascend to heaven after death."

   Kumarajiva frowned and said, "Don’t you want the Ten Thousand Year Plan for Peace? Let this pass fall into the hands of the Xiongnu Tiefu, bleeding thousands of miles, no one’s life, what good will it do for you?"


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