Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2951: Yao Xing was defeated and moved to Anger Buddha

Cloak smiled and shook his head: "You will win if you can be angry enough. Monk, if you haven't succeeded for so many years, don't waste your strength. In order to prevent your Buddha from dispersing my soul, I will never live beyond my life. To realize my ten-thousand-year plan of peace, so that the merits and virtues will be fulfilled, and you will become a god. Your Buddha can't help me."

Speaking of this, Cloak hooked his mouth: "Well, not much nonsense, this time I am here, I want to tell you a good news, your toss has worked, Yao Xing's imperial conquest, give Liu Bobo an ambush, After a disastrous defeat, Yao Xing was almost captured, and he escaped from his birth after losing the generals. Now Yao Xing is defeated, and at most the day after tomorrow, he will be able to return to Chang'an. You better think about it this time. , But not dying, but you told him that this battle is a good time, Buddha bless, if he comes back to ask you for a crime, how can you get through this time?"

Kumarajiva's face changed slightly, and his eyes widened: "How is this possible? Yao Xing is splitting his troops this time. There are not many soldiers and horses in his own imperial camp. Only the champion general Yao Wenzong leads the guards of the imperial army. After Liu Bobo knew this information, as long as he attacked with his iron cavalry, Yao Xing would be captured alive!"

Cloak smiled and shook his head: "Great monk, great monk, the military situation on the front is changing rapidly, how can you understand it from the rear? Besides, Liu Bobo doesn't trust you so much. It is impossible to bet on all the main forces at once. You colluded with Yao Xing and wanted to earn him? So, he just asked his son Helian to bring 10,000 cavalry to attack Yao Xing in Second City, and he took 50,000 cavalry to follow behind, ready to watch Circumstances determine the follow-up approach!"

   Kumarajiva sighed: "No matter how weak Yao Xing is, he won't even be able to stop him from 10,000 cavalry. It's really a pity, such a good opportunity, so I give myself up."

Cloak nodded: "Yes, but the 10,000 cavalry soldiers have already made Yao Xing very panicked and scared. He once wanted to leave the army behind and escape by himself. Although he persuaded the officials, it still affected his morale. The Ten Thousand Forbidden Army collapsed almost overnight. It was Yao Wenzong’s hard fight to repel Helianding. The post-Qin army, who originally wanted to attack the Loop, retreated because of this battle. Yao Xing did not fight. Instead of destroying Liu Bobo himself, Hu Xia once again plundered the tens of thousands of people in Lingbiao. This failure was even worse than the previous few times, because this was Yao Xing’s personal expedition, and it can even be said that this battle Later, I am afraid that Hou Qin will no longer have the ability to attack Hu Xia actively, and can only be passively beaten from then on."

Kumarajiva clapped his hands excitedly: "Very well, just like this. Once the Qin army declines, Zhuliang in Longyou and the Northern Wei in Hedong will take the opportunity to attack them, and Liu Yu in the Eastern Jin Dynasty will never sit back and watch. When besieged from all sides, it was the past few years to break Qin!"

Cloak smiled slightly: "But, you may not be able to see that day. This time, you told Yao Xing that you prayed for the blessing of the Buddha for him, and that you would win a complete victory. But for such a miserable defeat, Yao Xing will not blame himself. Your cowardice and fear of war will only push the blame on you. Have you thought of how to protect yourself?"

Kumarajiva raised his white birthday eyebrows: "I just prayed for the soldiers of the Qin army, but there is no guarantee that I will win. If I burn incense and worship a Buddha, the military affairs will be decided. People will destroy the country. What's more, Yao Xing has been relentlessly fighting swordsmen for years, and he has already violated the wishes of the Buddha. How can he be invincible? This time he can come back alive and the army can basically return. It is the Buddha's blessing! It is impossible for him to blame me for this kind of thing!"

Dou Peng shook his head: "You are too naive. Yao Xing is not a fool. He doesn't really think that burning incense can win the war, but if his spy met your disciple in Hu Xia's place, then he would There are enough reasons to doubt you. Don't think that I will help you block once. This news will not be leaked, because I am afraid that Yao Xing under Liu Bobo is not the only guard!"

Kumarajiva gritted his teeth: "Some of my disciples went to Hetao in the name of preaching the Dharma. This is an open act. The Buddhist disciples are monks and do not participate in these military-state disputes. If you don’t go to the Northern Wei Dynasty or the Eastern Jin Dynasty, are they all spies?"

Cloak smiled slightly: "But Liu Bobo can hit every time. All the suspicious tactics of the Post Qin are not working well. This time, Yao Xing's own imperial battalion directly attacked. I am afraid there is no such a coincidence in this world. It’s, you have disciples who have been following Yao Xing’s army, and at the same time another group of disciples went to Hetao to preach and preach. This time, Yao Xing blocked all contacts with Hu Xia three months in advance, but he still arrested him. Right now, if he doesn't doubt you, who else can he doubt?"

Kumarajiva sneered: "That's his business, not mine. How can it be possible to completely block the border between the two countries for thousands of miles? How can this tens of thousands of troops completely block the news? If it is because of these things Just attack me, it will only make people feel dissatisfied."

Cloak shook his head: "Even if people are dissatisfied and find a scapegoat to bear the responsibility for defeat, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also needed. Now the people of Qin are panicking, and the whole country is full of grief. You, as a holy monk. If the Great National Teacher can't save it, then you have to bear this responsibility."

   Kumarajiva shuddered with a smile: "Take responsibility? Can he kill me or not?"

Cloak smiled slightly: "It won't be enough to kill you. However, reduce the size of this Fahua Temple, and even close a large number of temples in the post-Qin area, forcing most of the monks to return to the secular army, reducing the land granted to the monastery and collecting it. Going back to the country, these are still completely achievable. Great monk, Yao Xing may not be able to beat Liu Bobo, but at this time of national crisis, there is still no problem in cleaning up you!"

Kumarajiva gritted his teeth: "Why did he do this? In these troubled times, the temple can give people inner peace and hope. If it weren't for our temple to help him comfort the people, I'm afraid that Qin would have been everywhere long ago. The uprising, the war continues. I don't believe he can be so stupid!"

Cloak shook his head: "Before and after Qin was still in peace, it did not require too many people to join the army or work. In order to prevent too many people from being idle, you can allow them to enter the temple and you will manage it on your behalf. Now it’s different. The Qin army has lost consecutive battles, and Lingbiao has almost completely fallen. Yao Xing can’t wait for every male in the country to become a fighter, and your temple is where he can find manpower the fastest. Believing in the Buddha may not be able to. Immortal, but Yao Xing is angry and can make them die right away!"


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