Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2952: Secretly assist Yao Xing to aid Guanggu

Kumarajiva said coldly: "In the past, in order to buy people's hearts, Yao Xing personally promoted the Dharma, preaching that all beings are equal, and that they will be happy after death by accumulating virtue and doing good. He will not give up so easily. After all, Qin is also a big country. With hundreds of thousands of soldiers and thousands of miles away, I wouldn’t say that I wanted to attack the monks in these temples. The so-called my disciples leaked the news. If there is no direct evidence, forgive him Yao Xing would not be so easy to take this matter. The article, you are just being alarmist."

   Dou Peng smiled slightly: "Then would you like to gamble on the prospects or even the lives of the monks in Qin? Bet Yao Xing will not take you?"

Kumarajiva pondered for a moment, and said, "I still have to do something to save face, such as praying for the soldiers who died in the war, or asking for the closure of some monasteries and the demobilization of about 30% of the monks. The crowd even took out some incense money to donate to the families of the dead soldiers as a sympathy. Of course, this money should be given out in the name of the emperor Yao Xing.

Dou Peng nodded in satisfaction: "It seems that you, the great monk, can still recognize the situation. However, I think the most important thing for you is to let your disciples give Liu Bobo a fake news and let him defeat the battle. Only in this way can Yao Xing feel at ease."

Kumarajiva frowned: "I don't quite understand this kind of military affairs. What's more, Liu Bobo didn't trust me. He didn't directly attack Yao Xing when he received my information last time. How could he be fooled this time? Woolen cloth?"

Dou Peng smiled and said: "It's because Liu Bobo missed last time, so if you give information this time, he will definitely not miss it again. You can ask Yao Xing to kill a carbine and let his younger brother Yao Shao and his favorite time. Zi Yao Bi quietly led the army in ambush in the Yinping area, then scattered a large number of cattle and sheep, released some townsmen outside the city, and lured Liu Bobo to rob him, saying that Yao Xing was preparing to shrink the defense line and withdraw the Lingbei defenders as much as possible. Private households, cattle and sheep are scattered, this is a great opportunity to **** people and cattle and sheep, don't miss it."

   Kumarajiva hooked up the corner of his mouth: "Yao Bi was defeated before conquering Nanliang. Does he really have the ability to beat Liu Bobo by ambush?"

Dou Peng said in a deep voice: "Of course it can't be beaten under normal circumstances, but Yao Xingxin is defeated and Lingbei shakes. No matter how cunning Liu Bobo is, he will be somewhat slack at this time. And Yao Xing's prince Yao Hong is weak in humanity. Zi Yao Bi is a heroic hero, quite like Yao Xiang back then. Yao Xing has always been interested in helping Li Yao Bi to make military merits, so as to formally take over. Last time he let Yao Bi sneak attack on Gu Zang, just to give him a chance to do meritorious service. It's a pity that this guy was too hasty and didn't grasp it. Instead, he returned in a big defeat. Now he has the famous general Yao Shao beside him, and he is in a state of mourning. As long as he stays calm, he can win a small victory over Liu Bobo for a while, although he won't hurt him. And Liu Bobo’s roots, but at least it can bring Yao Xing back a bit of face. With this victory, Yao Xing will not turn his anger on you."

Kumarajiva shook his head and said: "But in this way, I offend Liu Bobo, not to mention whether he will betray me in a rage, even in the future, it is impossible to believe my words, then I will borrow Liu Bobo. Wasn't the plan to eliminate Yao Xing completely frustrated?"

Dou Peng smiled slightly: "You also know that after all, the Hou Qin is a huge country with hundreds of thousands of miles and hundreds of thousands of armors. It is not so easy to be wiped out, and now there is no shortage of good soldiers, Yao Xu of Hedong, Yao Shuode of Ganliang. , And Yao Shao. These three uncles and younger brothers of Yao Xing are all veterans who have been fighting for many years. They hold heavy soldiers. If you really want to fight Liu Bobo with all your strength, then Liu Bobo can’t take advantage of it. It's just that Yao Xing is afraid of these clan families and dare not let them use them."

Kumarajiva said coldly: "A Hu Xia can't do it, then it will be enough to unite Nanliang, Western Qin, Northern Liang and even Qiu Chi to attack the Post Qin together, plus the Northern Wei and Eastern Jin in the east. To seize the land of the Central Plains of Hou Qin, once Hou Qin shows signs of decline, then these tiger and wolf kingdoms will be swarmed, just like the era of the former Qin era!"

Dou Peng shook his head: "It will not be easy for these countries to attack Qin at the same time. Liu Bobo does not even have a capital now. He is guerrillas everywhere, and he is not ready to attack Qin at the same time. It is a small country, and it is still difficult to separate one side. It is even more dreaming to destroy the Qin Dynasty. It is probably the Eastern Jin Dynasty or the Northern Wei Dynasty that can really destroy the Qin Dynasty."

Kumarajiva laughed: "It's impossible for you to allow Liu Yu to destroy Hou Qin. By the way, Liu Yu is now attacking Nan Yan. I heard that he is about to succeed. Nan Yan has only one lone city left, and your old friend The black robe is still struggling to support him. Instead of saving him at this time, what do you come here to do instead?"

Dou Peng said indifferently: "Hei Pao has never been my old friend. It's just that they have used each other for decades to get the companions they need. He is arrogant and arrogant, thinking that he can defeat Liu Yu on the battlefield. The result proved him. Now he is not Liu Yu’s opponent. In such a situation, he is also looking for himself. However, Heipao will definitely do his best to survive. He is trapped in Guanggu, because he has the hope of defending the city. In the final analysis, this hope is still in On me."

   Kumarajiva waved his hand: "I understand what you mean~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You want Hou Qin to send troops to rescue Nan Yan, and save your black robe who uses each other's companion, right?"

   Dou Peng smiled and said, "Should I still use my power in the south to save him? After saying that Qin sent troops, he is already worthy of the black robe."

Kumarajiva sighed: "You don't know the combat effectiveness of the post-Qin army. Liu Bobo can beat them without the strength to fight back. Nanliang can also defeat the post-Qin army. Then Liu Yu can defeat Nanyan head-on. The armor and cavalry outfits of the world, even if the Qin sends troops, it is nothing more than giving people a head."

   Dou Peng smiled slightly: "Qin Jun didn't go to fight Liu Yu head-on, but just to let Liu Yu know that Hou Qin sent troops."

   Kumarajiva was a little surprised, and looked at Dou Peng's face: "What does this mean?"

Dou Peng smiled and said: "Yao Xingxin is defeated, and he has to fight back against Liu Bobo again. This is destined that he will not be able to send troops soon. Even if he sends troops, it will be a few months later. If the black robe can hold Guanggu , The Jin army has been under a strong city, and it has been ineffective for several months. The art of war is already a fatigued division. In addition, the loss in the previous Linqu Battle is not small. If you breathe this sigh of relief, it will be difficult for you to break through the city. Difficult. At this time, as long as the news of the Qin army dispatching troops comes out, under normal circumstances Liu Yu must withdraw his troops, because he cannot risk sending all the troops under Guanggu City, and this is the result I want!"


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