Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2954: The world is chaotic into the empty door

Kumarajiva sighed: "But according to my Buddha's philosophy, it should be like this. I am different from you. You only want to hold power, control and enslave all human beings in the world. Your service, even if you become an immortal or a **** according to your ideals, it is nothing more than letting all living beings offer you incense. This is not what I want."

Speaking of this, Kumarajiva took a deep breath: "I am a Buddhist disciple after all. I have to pay attention to the equality of all beings. What Liu Yu thinks and what he does is actually more in line with my philosophy. His kind of extension technique I am very interested. With this, there is no need for so many monks to copy the scriptures.

Cloak hooked the corner of his mouth disdainfully: "If it can be done directly, then so many monks need to do something. I am afraid that no matter who is the emperor, it is impossible for you to have three thousand more disciples in the Fahua Temple. , Monk, you are not Liu Yu. Your Dharma is just a cover for you. What you really want is more and more disciples and more and more land, so that you can always be a rich man in a robes , If you are really pursuing sentient beings like your Buddha, you should also hold your broken bowl, practice asceticism, and travel all over the world."

Kumarajiva wanted to refute the cloak, but after all he had nothing to say, and he could only sigh: "I have really been pampered since childhood. Although I have tried to practice penance, I really can't survive on my own. You are right. If it weren’t for the disciples in the temple to serve, I don’t want to talk about spreading the Dharma to the people, it would be a problem to live by myself. However, if there is a method of development, a large number of these scriptures can be turned into thousands of books, and then spread again. The world, I still need this."

Dou Peng sneered: "You just need more people to understand the Buddhist scriptures, believe in your Buddhist preaching, and then escape into the empty door to become a monk and nun. The exploitation of the kings of China is obviously a better choice for the low-level people who are not as good as dogs in the troubled times. To put it bluntly, you still want to serve you more and more people. But I I advise you not to have such illusions. Liu Yu’s thoughts are different from yours. In his opinion, whether it is a monk or Tao, it is nothing more than a layer of religious clothing, which is one of those who occupy land in reality. That's it, it's no different from aristocratic families, and they are all targets that must be attacked and eliminated."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Kumarajiva angrily said: "A school of nonsense! Whether it is a monk or the Tao, it is to persuade people to be good, and to give people peace and tranquility. This troubled world was originally created by the emperors, generals, and ministers who were siege of the city. They provoked wars and conquered for their own power and achievements. Only this will make the people who can't survive turn to Buddhism and Taoism. What qualifications do they have? Say this?"

Dou Peng laughed: "So Liu Yu wants to eliminate all foreign nations in the world, and restore the Han Dynasty to the Great Jin Dynasty, so that there will be no troubled times, so that the world will be peaceful. After the world is peaceful, those who fight for the country's benefits, Whether it is a powerful family or your Buddhist and Taoists, you no longer need it. The people's land is divided by the state. Then you only need to grow the land and weave, pay taxes and service to the state, and do you need to be a monk and do for the Tao?"

Kumarajiva gritted his teeth: "The country is not omnipotent, and it is impossible to solve all the troubles and troubles of all people. Isn’t it painful to come to burn incense and worship Buddha only if you fight in troubled times? Not to mention that as long as there is a country, it will Powerful people oppress the people, even if it is the Buddha, Liu Yu cannot forbid this situation. Even if according to his thoughts, all the officials are dedicated to their duties and put the people first, there will be countless ordinary people in their daily lives. Contradictions and conflicts, there will be all kinds of unsatisfactory things in life, these do not need to obtain inner peace through religion? No matter when, this ask God to ask the Buddha, it is impossible to stop."

Dou Peng sneered and said, "Can you come to you to burn incense and donate some money to solve these problems in reality? Monk, I think you are deceiving yourself. You have played too much, and you believe it. what!"

Kumarajiva said bitterly: "I said that people always ask for peace of mind and hope for troubles and problems that cannot be solved in reality. Ordinary people want to live their lives in their dreams, but they can’t get them. Can’t they come to burn incense and worship a Buddha and pray that they can live like this in the next life? Are they usually at home, but can’t get out of their anger in life? , Can’t you come to ask for peace of mind? Liu Yu is not the emperor. Even if he is the emperor, it is impossible to solve the suffering of the people. Only the Buddha and the gods can make people go to the world of bliss in the next life!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Dou Peng laughed: "Monk, monk, say you are deceiving yourself, and you still don’t believe it. If you only cultivate in the afterlife, after death, would that come to you? Burning an incense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can you commit suicide by worshiping a Buddha?"

   Kumarajiva's eyes widened, his beard was trembling slightly, obviously, he stopped asking.

Cloak’s eyes flashed coldly: "Whether you are here or in Taoist temples, this kind of praying for gods and worshipping Buddha is just for the rewards of gods and Buddhas. Things that cannot be verified in reality can give people that kind of emptiness, and make the unsatisfactory fools in reality believe that it will be better in the future. But if Liu Yu can end the war, he will realize that everyone can read and everyone has. Land, there will be days to eat, then there will not be too many living beings suffering, not to mention the people who want to be a monk and escape from taxation, even the pilgrims and donors who come to your temple to burn incense and worship Buddha will not be many. When that day comes, I’m afraid your Fahua Temple will almost be closed."

   Kumarajiva's eyes sparkled, and he was lost in thought.

Cloak’s eyes became sharper, and his speech speed increased: “To put it bluntly, monk, you are the same as us. Only when the world is chaotic and all beings are suffering, will some people believe in you, and some will want to escape into the empty door and become Your disciple, if you really make Liu Yu succeed, and you really make a world of bliss, then who is willing to listen to your teachings and continue to worship you? If you want to become a Buddha, you have to let the world live by No, otherwise, no one would believe in wealth in the next life and bliss after death, only thinking about how to live longer in this life. Liu Yu may be a noble person, but because of this, he is you My mortal enemy, you even need to destroy him more than I do!"

   Kumarajiva gritted his teeth: "What should I do?"

   Dou Peng smiled slightly: "Now we can discuss the topic."

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