Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2955: Good and evil are rewarded by cause and effect karma

The next day, Fahua Temple, Zen room.

Yao Xing was dressed in a dragon robe and his face was as sinking as water. Under the sanitation of more than ten guards, he sat opposite to Kumarajiva. He was dressed in armor. Waiting for Yao Xing's order, the current high monk in front of him will go to see the Buddha of the Western Heaven in advance.

Kumarajiva’s eyes were slightly closed, and he was muttering words. In the entire Buddhist room, only his gentle Sanskrit chanting, accompanied by the knock of wooden fish, curled with sandalwood, made people’s mentality, I don’t know. Unconsciously will enter a state of ethereal and peaceful.

Finally, Kumarajiva’s chanting stopped, and his eyes slowly opened, and he calmly looked at Yao Xing, who was sitting opposite, and said: “Your Majesty has been waiting for a while. Cross the dead soul."

Yao Xing said coldly: "I know that you are transcending things, and you are transcending for my soldiers who died in the battle of Daqin. It stands to reason that I should be grateful for you, but I remember this. Before the second expedition, you clearly said that the Buddha will bless our soldiers and soldiers, and will bless our army to win. Now how are you going to explain?"

Kumarajiva shook his head: "Your Majesty, if you think that Lao Na’s chanting and praying can determine the affairs of the military, you can bless the invincible war, then how could Lu Guang attack Qiuci and bring me to Where is Guzang City? And your Majesty, how can you eliminate the Houliang Lu family and let me go to this Fahua Temple again?"

Yao Xing was speechless for a while, and Yao Shao on one side said sternly: "Your Majesty, this old monk is playing mystery here again, only for the benefit of his tongue, if he is so useless, then what is the use of keeping him, this time tens of thousands of soldiers. He died on the battlefield because he believed his nonsense and did not kill him. How can the soldiers who died be brought back to justice? How can the anger of their families be calmed?!"

Kumarajiva said calmly: "If Duke Dongping feels that killing me an old monk can wash away the shame of defeat and find a person to vent his anger, then even if he does it, it’s just that Lao Na is afraid that if this happens, the world will only laugh at you, General Yao. , Even laughed at your Majesty, was incompetent against the enemy, and killed the monk who prayed for his blessings and superseded the dead soldiers, but the sword is very fast."

   Yao Shao was so angry that he drew his sword straight out: "Before I kill you, I must cut your tongue first!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Kumarajiva smiled slightly: "I am a monk, who is no longer in this world. The general can help me liberate and ascend to bliss early. I cannot ask for it. Your Majesty. , You can order to do it. If you feel that Lao Na’s first level can calm the grievances of the soldiers’ family members, that’s also Lao Na’s merit."

   Yao Xing frowned and turned to Yao Shao and said solemnly: "Don't be rude, all back!"

   Yao Shao was still unwilling, holding the sword and said: "Your Majesty, don't go to this demon monk anymore..."

   Yao Xing sternly said: "Did you not listen to what I said? Get out!"

   Yao Shao gritted his teeth, returned his sword to its sheath, waved his hand, and took all the guards in the room back out and stood outside the courtyard.

Yao Xing looked at Kumarajiva and sighed: "Guo Shi, this is the current military aspiration. You have also seen it. I didn't want to embarrass you, but when you went out before, you prayed for the soldiers in public. , I said that the Buddha would bless. Now that the battle is like this, 30,000 soldiers died in the battle, and even I could hardly return. If it wasn't for your spells that didn’t work, it would prove that the Buddha didn’t have this ability, no matter what it was. , Will disappoint the military and the people. I am the lord of a country. I cannot count on gods and Buddhas to fight. I still have to rely on the soldiers. So this time, even if you are editing, you have to give everyone an explanation and explanation!"

Kumarajiva shook his head: "What do you want Lao Na to explain? If Lao Na really prays for a blessing and recites a sutra that will enable you to win the war, how can you destroy the country twice and invite your Majesty to come here? Some You and I know this well, although the Buddha has boundless powers, he will not intervene in this kind of crusade in the world. Whether it is His Majesty or Liu Bobo, they are all killing man-made karma, and they will all be accomplished. The Buddha is the one who pursues sentient beings and avoids the suffering of the world, how can he support you to kill people and destroy the country?"

   Yao Xing frowned: "So, you were deceiving me from the beginning. The Buddha won't bless us at all?"

Kumarajiva sighed: "The Buddha will only try to protect the peace of the soldiers. They are going to kill, and the other's soldiers are also murderers. There are murderers on both sides. Who do you want the Buddha to protect? Forgive me for disrespect, this time. Most of the army can return, and your Majesty can survive in danger and return safely. If it is not for the Buddha to do a lot of good deeds and accumulate a lot of merits, how can he be surprised?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "Could it be said that the Buddha didn't want to bless me to destroy this Liu Bobo? He is killing people like **** and messing up the world. He takes the initiative to pick Those who started the war, I kindly took in him who came to vote alone, but gave him gratitude, rebellion and self-reliance, killing my soldiers, and slaughtering my people. For this kind of peerless villain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Does the Buddha care about it? ?"

Kumarajiva shook his head: "My Buddha is merciful. Good and evil will eventually be repaid, but it is not unreported. The time has not come. Of course, Liu Bobo has done a lot of evil, but his entire tribe is slaughtered, and he is the only one left. The virtue of good life also blessed him many. Now he has many evil deeds, but in this troubled world, before the time for retribution, he is like your majesty. Isn't your subordinates also covered with blood? As for your majesty's first emperor, what he did when the nation was founded, how does it compare to Liu Bobo?!"

   Yao Xing was furious: "Kumarosh, you are so rude, how can you criticize the first emperor? Even if you are a national teacher, what you said just now is enough for you to die 10,000 times!"

Kumarajiva said calmly: "The monks don’t speak words. In this Buddhist temple, in front of the Buddha, if you don’t even dare to tell the truth, then how can your Majesty ask Lao Na to pray to the Buddha? What kind of person is the emperor? Your Majesty knows naturally, even if the people of the world are blocked, what can they do?!"

Sweat beaded on Yao Xing's head, and he sat down on the futon and sighed: "Could it be that you mean that when the first emperor raised his army, he used to act that violates humanity and righteousness and damages his conscience. Today, Liu Bobo killed him. Is the appearance of the star to repay the blood debt of the emperor when he raised his troops?"

Kumarajiva’s white beard moved slightly: "Buddhism pays attention to the retribution of good and evil, and benefits and eliminates karma. The karma created by the first emperor will be repaid by His Majesty today. Fu Jian pardoned and took in, and then revolted against Fu Jian, and even hung him with his own hands. Today, Liu Bobo is probably Fu Jian's grievances persisting, and he used him to avenge his Majesty and Daqin's soldiers and people."

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