Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2956: All the people from all the cities

Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "Is this what the Buddha told you?"

Kumarajiva shook his head: "The Buddha does not speak directly with mortals, but I remembered the first emperor's death, including the death of the first emperor. Talking about karma, your majesty’s empire inherited from the first emperor, and the karma accumulated by the first emperor when he created a great cause will always be eliminated. Liu Bobo was just the opposite. His entire tribe was slaughtered, and Tuobagui also received retribution for this. Killed by one's own son, aren't these all retribution?"

Yao Xing sneered and said: "In troubled times, fighting for the world will always kill people like you said, and there will always be the karma you said. If all of them have retribution, then why are there so many founders and deaths? Is it all? Did all the emperors and generals die by fate?"

Kumarajiva said indifferently: "These are all due to cause and effect. Some people are also destroying karma while creating karma. For example, those who lead soldiers will not kill or kill the pawns and do not harm the people. These are the accumulation of merit. For example, fighting for the country and killing people in troubled times can be forgiven. If you can accumulate some merits at the same time, you may get good rewards. Moreover, generally speaking, these karma are eliminated after death, and they are obtained in this world. Retribution usually committed a lot of evil, and they needed to pay back before they died. The first emperor raised troops and made a lot of business, but after the founding of the country, he was able to comfort the people, rest with the people, and restore the stability of Guanzhong and Longyou, so Delayed the time of eliminating karma."

   Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "But the first emperor also died of unfavorable fate, how do you explain it?"

   Kumarajiva sighed: "The first emperor was awakened in a dream, and when he ran out, he accidentally gave the guard a halberd and injured his lower body and died, right?"

   Yao Xing frowned: "Even you know about this? Damn, who told it?!"

Kumarajiva hooked his mouth: "This kind of thing is probably not because of the death of Fu Jian and the former Qin soldiers, but because of the death of Queen Mao, Your Majesty, the first emperor, just because of the resentful spirit of Queen Mao. And the loss you caused this time because of Liu Bobo, I am afraid it was the work of Fu Jian and the hundreds of thousands of former Qin soldiers and civilians who died under the hand of the Emperor."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing was silent for a while, before sighing: "I have been doing good deeds for so many years, and I have not used swords and soldiers. The land is fighting abroad because I believe these words of yours and want to do some good deeds to compensate for the murders made by the emperor when he raised his troops. But now according to your statement, the good deeds I did before can't stop the debts and karma. NS?"

Kumarajiva smiled slightly: "I said before that your Majesty was able to come back alive this time because he was blessed by the Buddha. Think about General Qi Nan and General Yang Fosong. They didn’t have your Majesty’s luck, and there was no bones left. Just like Duke Dongping just now, these martial artists only know **** people and do meritorious services, but they don't know how to accumulate virtue and do good. Your Majesty, it is because of your previous good deeds that they saved you this time."

Yao Xing's eyes lit up: "So, can this karma still be eliminated? Then what should I do now to survive this catastrophe for Da Qin? Liu Bobo has created so many evil karma, should the Buddha should also Ask him to report to the world sooner?"

Kumarajiva said indifferently: "So many acts of unrighteousness will lead to death. Liu Bobo just got some asylum because the whole family died unjustly in the past. Once the blessings accumulated by his predecessors are used up, he will naturally retaliate. Unhappy, he only knows that killing and robbery, everyone hates him. Even his subordinates are only afraid of his force and dare not resist for the time being. As long as your Majesty does not take the initiative to attack him and recreate killing karma, he will naturally encounter his subordinates. Rebel and die, don’t take it seriously."

Yao Xing frowned: "But now he is attacking the cities of Lingbiao all day long. Do I have to watch the people of Lingbiao slaughter and plunder him? An emperor can't protect his people, I'm afraid I myself must betray my subjects first!"

Kumarajiva smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, the previous failures in the expedition of the grasslands were many times, mainly because Daqin was dominated by infantry, and was far less mobile than Liu Bobo. Their tribes could pack tents and move away at will. Thousands of cavalry attacked back and forth, concentrating the superior forces to eat up the insufficient supply of the Qin army. Therefore, when attacking the grassland, your majesty used a short attack and had no advantage at all."

"But on the other hand, it is not easy for Xia Jun to attack Lingbiao cities. Cavalry is better than maneuvering and shorter than siege. If they are really closed, these cities are enough to make Xia Jun useless. Liu Bobo can gather tens of thousands of cavalry. , It is nothing more than the captures after the previous siege of the city and the breaking of the army, so that the barbaric and brutal Loop Tribes are willing to follow. Once the benefits of victory are not obtained, naturally no one is willing to follow. Will not fight and chaos. This is what I call the method of eliminating karma."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "Guoji~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You don’t know military after all. I have used this trick before, but Ling The cities on the table can’t be guarded against. No matter whether it is Yinmi, Xinping, or Xingcheng, these fortress cities, which are famous for their sturdiness, have all been conquered."

Kumarajiva said calmly: "It wasn't that Hu Xiajun himself broke through. It was because there were internal responses in the city. Opening the city gates would break the city. I have disciples in these cities and are very clear about these things. Your Majesty, as long as there are no internal responses in these cities, You don’t have to worry about falling!"

Yao Xing frowned: "Lingbiao Zhucheng and the various tribes of the Hetao Grassland have been in contact and intermarried for thousands of years. There are even some guards who have relatives on both sides. Is it possible to say that they are afraid that they are internal and can kill them all? Is it possible? Most soldiers are still loyal!"

Kumarajiva sighed: "Ninety-nine loyalty among a hundred people is useless. As long as there is one traitor, the whole city can fall. Your Majesty, as you said, the soldiers and civilians of all cities in Lingbiao are all possible. There are contacts and connections with Hu Xia's tribes. When they feel that the enemy is strong and we are weak, they may fall into the enemy army. If you want to defend the city, you have to let those loyal and reliable soldiers who fight to the end, only these people, Will become the strongest city wall!"

   Yao Xing's eyes lit up: "Guo Shi, you just say, who should I go to and how to do it?"

Kumarajiva said in a deep voice: "First of all, your Majesty should evacuate all the soldiers and civilians from all the cities of Lingbiao, leaving only those sergeants whose families were slaughtered by Hu Xiajun, and even if these people were left behind, their families must be moved back to Guanzhong. , Granting land and dividing the land, tax exemption for three years, as a compassion."

   Yao Xing frowned: "Evacuate all the soldiers and civilians from Lingbiao cities? This is a major event for hundreds of thousands of people, how would they be willing?"

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