Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2957: There are military talents in the national division

Kumarajiva smiled slightly: "As long as there are enough rewards in Guanzhong, you don't need to be attacked by Hu Xia again when you move back. Most people should not be able to ask for it, and Lao Na will help your majesty!"

   Yao Xing was surprised: "How can the Chinese teacher help me?"

Kumarajiva said indifferently: "Lao Na can send his disciples to Lingbei Zhucheng to promote the Dharma. It is said that the Buddha descended on the decree and that Lingbiao Zhucheng has created too many killing karma due to previous battles, and was rejected by the gods and Buddhas. Bobo kills the gods to eliminate karma. Of course, the people who stay here may also accumulate merit for themselves by beheading demons and demons. But if you don’t want to fight, you’d better leave this place. In this way, cooperate with your Majesty to move the people and stay in the army. In the end, most of the common people will be able to move to Guanzhong. As long as the rewards given by your Majesty are sufficient, they will definitely scramble to return."

Yao Xing nodded, and then furrowed his brows deeply: "However, in this way, at most there are only a few thousand soldiers in Lingbei. With this number of people, those six or seven big cities can't be defended at all. It doesn't mean that they are in Is Lingbiao waiting to die?"

Kumarajiva smiled slightly: "The people in Lingbiao need to withdraw, but the army in Guanzhong has to go to Lingbiao, just like Duke Dongping just now, and the soldiers who wanted to kill me. They all have relatives and colleagues who died. In Hu Xia’s hands, didn’t he want to take revenge? That would happen to be guarded by Lingbiao. Only sergeants and no people would remain in the city. The fields outside the city did not need to be farmed, and the rations used for expeditions were collected in the cities. It can last for a few years. If Hu Xiajun comes, he doesn’t need rescue, he just needs to stick to the cities, and he can even use false information to lure Hu Xiajun to attack and then set up an ambush and annihilate him."

   Yao Xing laughed: "I don't think that the national division still understands the affairs of the military state. Then, how to spread this false information?"

Kumarajiva said calmly: "I can send my disciples to Hu Xia, saying that your majesty forcibly relocates the people of Lingbiao cities and asks them to go to Guanzhong and prepare to abandon the Lingbiao cities. If you don’t come to looting at this time , I’m afraid I can only get empty cities in the future. Your Majesty is newly defeated, and Hu Xia is full of arrogance. Hearing the news of the evacuation at this time, he will not doubt that he will divide his troops to attack the cities. As long as his Majesty chooses one or two major cities Ambush down and fight with mourning soldiers, and you will surely defeat the arrogant Hu Xia army."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  " And as long as this is defeated, Liu Bobo will not dare to act rashly. Your majesty can also withdraw the soldiers and civilians of Lingbiao calmly, and send the victorious division to permanent residence. In this way, the situation of the Lingbiao cities can be re-stabilized, and if Hu Xia fails to benefit from captivity for a long time, its internal changes will inevitably occur. Those tribes that succumb to Liu Bobo's brutal rule will gather and rebel. Your Majesty can Uniting with the Northern Wei Dynasty and letting the Northern Wei Dynasty send troops to destroy Hu Xia, this will always relieve the troubles of the heart. It will not increase one's own killing karma, but can also put down Liu Bobo, but it is an act of immense merit! Soldier, that's probably the case."

   Yao Xing smiled and clapped his hands: "The national teacher has a great knowledge, and he is really not very human. If you come out and are willing to be the master, you will also be a famous person. Being a national teacher is too awkward."

Kumarajiva sighed: "I have been familiar with all sorts of country governing classics, military books and strategies since I was a child. These methods of killing people in battle are widely available to me, but after all, soldiers are fierce and dangerous, if not for I don’t want to save the hundreds of thousands of creatures in Lingbiao. I don’t want to make this idea with your Majesty. Liu Bobo was brutal and brutal, and the disciples who sent me to the grassland to preach the teachings were also killed. To destroy him was also an act of slaying demons and demons.”

   Yao Xing's eyes flashed a thought-provoking light: "But someone told me that the disciples of the master, on the grassland, are telling Liu Bobo about the situation, revealing the military intelligence of our army."

Kumarajiva said indifferently: "Not to mention that these disciples of mine do not understand military affairs. How can their monks know about your majesty's military affairs? If a few ordinary disciples all know your majesty's military secrets, then I am afraid that Liu Bobo will know in advance, how will he let His Majesty survive this time?"

   Yao Xing's brows are still frowning: "But the grassland is full of ferocious and savage Husbands. They don't believe in Buddha at all. Why does the master let his disciples go to the grassland to teach?"

Kumarajiva said: "Isn’t there no one in the Central Plains who believed in Buddha back then, but letting the world know the Buddha and the good and evil is the duty of my generation of monks? The Hu people on the grassland are barbaric and brutal, that’s because They don’t know the afterlife, the cause and effect, so they will do this beast move. My disciples preach the Dharma by their bodies and die well. Sooner or later, they will have awe and know that good and evil will be rewarded. Only in this way , So that the trouble of the northern captives can be eliminated forever."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing sighed: "If you talk about firm will and sacrifice for righteousness, no one can compare to a Buddhist disciple. However, if the master wants to do the opposite The trick, I'm afraid that the disciples who go to spread the letter will never get back. Does anyone really dare to go like this?"

Kumarajiva’s white eyebrows moved slightly: “The disciples who went to the grassland to promote the Dharma before ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are like that. Knowing that they will die for a lifetime, they still have no hesitation. In the eyes of our Buddhist disciples, sacrificing one’s body for righteousness is like the Buddha cutting the flesh and feeding the eagle. If they accumulate merit for themselves and cultivate positive results, they will leave with a smile, and I will also do more for them. If they are really unfortunately killed, I will help them reach bliss early."

   Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "If there is a master's disciple who is willing to do this, it can indeed lure Liu Bobo into deceive.

Kumarajiva nodded: "Lao Na personally went to Lingbei, Yinmi, Xinping, and Anding. The abbots of the three major monasteries in these three cities are all my direct disciples. Let them bring dozens of monks and hundreds of people. Fleeing to Liu Bobo will not make people suspect. In order to make things more realistic, you can even ask these disciples to petition for the people. Then, your majesty’s soldiers can beat and imprison some monks and disciples. Bobo also has a lot of eyeliners in these cities. Your majesty’s reinforcements will not enter the city for the time being. They will be lurking for dozens of miles outside the city. Only when the monks set off, then completely seal the city and cut off all connections with the outside world. Then, wait for Hu Xiajun to come. Attack!"

Yao Xing nodded: "It is indeed a perfect method of ambush, impeccable, I will personally arrange elite soldiers and strong generals to fight this battle, national teacher, if this battle really wins, you are the number one hero, and I will definitely do it. These monks who sacrificed their lives for righteousness gave great rewards, made large golden bodies for the Buddha, and allowed people across the country to fast for three days to commemorate their merits. However, national teacher, you are too talented here. It is a troubled time and you are born. Be my prime minister and benefit the people from the world."


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