Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2958: Emperor Qin after the Yuan Ming and Dark Meeting

Kumarajiva shook his head: "No, I have already made a wish to the Buddha. This life is only for the purpose of pursuing sentient beings. I am not interested in the power and wealth of this world, Your Majesty, for you, one can help you calm your mind. The eminent monk who enables the people of the world to rely on is far more important than a prime minister, and this time I help you, not because I want to be rich, but simply because Liu Bobo doesn’t do anything evil, and I want to protect Lingbei. Hundreds of thousands of living beings broke the precepts once to help you practice this military art. This has already damaged my practice. Perhaps, after my death, because of this, I can only go to the Abi hell."

Yao Xing smiled slightly: "The National Teacher's House is already a human being. I am deeply moved. I think the Buddha can also appreciate your good intentions. It will not be detrimental to the National Teacher. It's just that the National Teacher is unique and has no successors. It's a pity. If there are talents like a national teacher by my side, why worry that Liu Bobo is unbreakable?"

Kumarajiva laughed: "Your Majesty, in fact, the idea just now was not what I thought of alone, but a donor who came to visit and talked to me about the military affairs. After all, he reminded me, after all, those military strategies. For me, it was decades ago, and many of them have long been forgotten."

   Yao Xing's eyes lit up: "What, the Chinese teacher is still under the guidance of an expert? Where is this person?"

   Kumarajiva laughed and said: "This person can be regarded as an old acquaintance of your majesty. He used to be an envoy of the Jin country and traveled to Daqin. His surname is Tao, his name is Qian, and the word is Yuanming. Does your majesty remember?"

   Yao Xing stood up in shock and lost his voice: "How could it be him?!"

   One day later, Hou Qin, Inner Palace, Chongde Hall.

In this side hall, which is rarely opened, the lights of a few candlesticks are reflected brightly. The hall is empty. Yao Xing, wearing a dragon robe, sits on the dragon couch, and Tao Yuanming, who is dressed as a servant, even Shaved off the iconic beard, his face was smooth and smooth, just like the eunuchs in this palace, except that his bright eyes still couldn't conceal his extraordinary spirit.

Yao Xing sighed softly, with a little apologetic tone in his tone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tao, let you meet in the palace, in order to conceal people's eyes, this is the only way to wrong you, after all, the people of Jin are very powerful in intelligence, maybe There is no shortage of their eyeliners in my palace. For your safety, it can only be so."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "It’s okay, I didn’t plan to go back to Shanxi in this year or two. I shave for a while, and it’s not harmful. I can stay in the future. Get up, it's just that this opportunity to see your Majesty is not always there."

  Yao Xing smiled and said: "When you saw your husband last time, you would rather die than call me your majesty. You only want to be called the king of heaven. Now you are willing to call out. Does this mean that your husband intends to go out and help the widows?"

Tao Yuanming hooked his mouth: "Your Majesty, please don’t get me wrong. Last time I could not call you your Majesty because I am an envoy of the Jin State. My family and sons are still in Jin State. Once foreign affairs fail, not only will I lose my life. My family will also be buried with me, so I can only insist on this name, but now, there are only you and me, so naturally you don’t need to stick to this name. You have already taken the throne and become the emperor. I call you your majesty. The right thing is right."

   Yao Xing shook his head: "You call me your majesty, don't you just recognize me as the emperor, don't you recognize you as the emperor of Jin? It's okay?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "It's okay. Just like in the Warring States period, there can be many vassals who stand on their own feet. If they were called at the time, a country’s ministers could also be called foreign monarchs and foreign ministers. I’m here. When I come back to see your Majesty, I don't have any official posts in the country. If there is, I should call myself a foreign minister."

   A trace of disappointment flashed in Yao Xing's eyes: "In that case, your husband didn't intend to go out and serve me?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "At present, I have no intention of this. After all, my family is still in the Jin country. Moreover, my Tao family has been favored by the country since the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty. For several generations of Zhongliang, this time I am willing to plan for your Majesty. , Not to betray the Jin country, but to save me from the big Jin."

  Yao Xing frowned: "Save you from the Great Jin Dynasty? Isn't the Eastern Jin Dynasty now in full swing? Liu Yu has broken through the Southern Swallows, and he will almost achieve the Northern Expedition that hasn't been achieved in a hundred years. This word of rescue, in any case, can't talk about it."

Tao Yuanming said solemnly: "Your Majesty's words are not correct, Liu Yu's heart of usurping rebellion, the scholars within the Dajin know well, he is just the current Huan Wen, Cao Cao, the virtual emperor and the real power. He wants to pass these credits. Step by step to improve his status, if he is really loyal to the Dajin, how can he find all kinds of reasons to prevent the Sima clan from serving the country, and why find a puppet emperor who can't even speak for convenient control?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing smiled slightly: "Is this your idea alone, or the idea of ​​the nobles of Dajin? As far as I know, Dajin is in the country. Regardless of the generals, Liu Yu is regarded as a loyal loyalty that is rare in a century, and he strongly supports him. There is no such situation as you said. If he really has a heart of disobedience, he can stand on his own when he is destroyed. Why wait until now?"

Tao Yuanming sneered, "That's because he was not deeply rooted at the time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although he was a little influential in the military, in the eyes of scholars, he was nothing but a rash man. You can fight the world by force, but you must sit in the world. Relying on the support of scholars and great families, Liu Yu is not as good as Liu Yi on this point, so he can only continue to support the Dajin emperor. In the world, if he was really loyal to the royal family, he should promote the kings of the Sima clan to lead the army more, and let the children of the family who made contributions to the founding of the country participate in political affairs, but he suppressed the clan and family in many ways, under the banner of liberating the common people. Promoting those incompetent and unscrupulous villains to take control of the army, in order to achieve his ulterior purpose and establish personal favors. I have already seen this. Otherwise, how could they have come out last time? After making meritorious service, break with it categorically and stop working for it?"

Yao Xing smiled slightly: "Mr. Tao, if I remember correctly, you are neither the Sima clan nor the founding family of Jin. You can even say that what Liu Yu gave to you is comparable to when the Sima clan was in power. The official position given to you should be large. After all, when you were in the Sima clan, you were only an instructor of a county, but under Liu Yu’s rule, you were an envoy. Even the minister and even Shangshu is reasonable. You should support Liu Yu."

Tao Yuanming said bitterly: "I and Liu Yu are not the same people, I am a scholar, he is a martial artist, and the world has been in power by a family of nobles for thousands of years. The martial artist can only become an eagle dog, but he wants to change this. By the way, let the martial arts take over the army and power, just by this point, I will swear against him! Even if he makes me the prime minister, I don't want it!"


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