Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2959: Universal education and extermination of gentry

Yao Xing let out a long sigh of relief: "It turns out that the conflict between your husband and Liu Yu is not because he doesn't give you official titles, but because he is an enemy of the entire gentry class. But I think Liu Muzhi and Xu Xianzhi are from the gentry. How happy is it to cooperate with him? Even the big families like the Xie family and the Yu family are now the only ones looking forward to it. Are they not more qualified to represent the noble family than you."

Tao Yuanming sneered: "Liu Muzhi and Xu Xianzhi have long been the shame of scholars. For his own glory and wealth, he did not hesitate to take refuge in the martial arts. Liu Yu even did it. It is even more excessive than your Huren kings. At least, you can build an empire in the Central Plains. The Hu people monarch knows to respect the virtuous and the gentry, and he knows to respect the gentry, but Liu Yu, he wants to destroy the whole gentry class, and from then on, the gentry will never exist again."

   Yao Xing frowned: "I heard that Liu Yu was going to restore the military meritocracy system of the Qin and Han Dynasties, without meritorious officials, but not meritorious. You said that the Cambrian was used instead of the gentry. What did you mean by that?"

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Even in the Qin country back then, it also attached importance to the gentry. Foreign talents, as long as they are gentry, have culture and knowledge, they can also be directly awarded officials. Shang Yang himself is a foreign talent. In this way, the warriors have to make meritorious deeds, and the final calculation of credit may not be as great. The power of the country is still in the hands of the gentry, and the warriors are just fighting the eagles and dogs of the world. Don't worry too much."

"But what Liu Yu wanted to do was much more than this. He actually wanted to use the rubbing technique of the Southern Dynasty to make a large number of scriptures and classics, and finally got one copy. Those farming farmers, fishing fishermen, woodcutter mountain people, all can read and write, the cultural advantage of the foundation of the gentry will be wiped out, and within a few decades, we gentry will become true Becoming the dispensable group of people, so this is something we scholars absolutely cannot agree to!"

Yao Xing's eyes widened: "What, is there any way he can directly make thousands of books? What kind of magical method is this? If there is such a way, it would be necessary to use so many literati people to go all over the world. Do you copy the scriptures?"

Tao Yuanming sneered: "His demon method uses the rubbing technique of the South, which is not too unusual, but he can make the words in those articles into modules, and then arrange them into full pages. In this way, add them. The ink can be rubbed in large quantities. If this was only spread among the gentry, it would be fine, but Liu Yu deliberately distributed these books to the common people. If everyone can read and write, everyone wants to rely on it. When an official is in power, who else is willing to farm, fish and harvest? Who wants to do the hard work? Back then, Shang Yang’s reforms were at best only to allow the fierce and combative civilians and even slaves of the Qin people to obtain farmland through military exploits. Opportunity, I didn’t say that I dared to offend all the scholars. Liu Yu wanted to cut the way for the scholars in the world to gain a good reputation among the common people. He not only wanted to be an emperor, but also a saint. For this, I will not hesitate to destroy the way of the scholars for thousands of years!"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing laughed: "If Liu Yu is a human king, then no one will oppose him, because in the eyes of us prairie people, we dominate with strength. Even if it is a temporary slave, it is possible to turn over to become a master. How can the world's strengths and weaknesses remain the same for a long time?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "You Hus do not have the traditions and rules of the Central Plains. While ruling with power, you are tribal adults. The chiefs have an absolute advantage. The number of wives and concubines is much higher than that of ordinary tribes. Tribes that are defeated in the war often become slaves, men are killed or become slaves, and women become wives and concubines who defeat the tribe, especially tribal adults, who have children for them, so tribal leaders often have many children and grandchildren. , And continue to separate families and become new tribes. Over time, tribes with one family and one surname will spread out and become stronger and stronger. This principle is the same as that of the Central Plains."

"It's just that we people in the Central Plains have always paid attention to benevolence, rules, and peace, and don't kill them all. Therefore, we need to maintain this kind of tradition. They have the power to read and understand the six arts. This is a far cry from the head of Guizhou. Even if the country is destroyed, as long as the culture is still there, there is still the possibility of turning over. Although Qin and Han implemented the military merit system, they still did not allow it. The ranks of scholars who really hold power, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty dominates Confucianism. In fact, it is to maintain this kind of tradition and inheritance that scholars give priority to. This is the true core rule of our Central Plains.

Yao Xing nodded: "Indeed, when the first emperor was there, he repeatedly mentioned that in order to stay in the Central Plains, the military power should be in the hands of our Yao tribe's own family, but to govern the country, we must use the talents of the Han family. Respect the scholars, respect the talents and love the scholars. Over the years, I have become more and more aware of this. Your Han Chinese family and gentry have been inherited for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, with a huge foundation and cannot be easily shaken. , Especially with Junwang as a relative, often the whole village and the whole town have a family name. Without their support and effectiveness, I am afraid that we can't stand here at all. Liu Yu wants Yiding Revolution, to change this thousand-year-old tradition, he is really dizzy."

Tao Yuanming sighed: "If Liu Yu only wants to replace the Sima clan and establish a new dynasty by himself, in fact, I am not unable to support it. There are many new dynasties and new dynasties, especially in this chaotic world, but He wants to change the rules of the world and let those lowly common people ride on the heads of scholars. That is a contempt and betrayal of our rules for thousands of years. All scholars who have been with him are not worthy of wearing this kind of Confucian clothing. This is the reason I want to oppose him. Even if your Majesty wins the world, he will respect the gentry, so it’s worth my help!"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing smiled slightly: "But Mr. just said that he would not come here to work for me. If you want to oppose Liu Yu, do you still want to continue to support Sima? Shi? An idiot emperor who can't even speak, like a walking dead, I am afraid that no one can abandon Liu Yu for this person."

Tao Yuanming sneered and said: "It doesn't matter who the emperor is. Whether it is Sima Dezong or Sima Zhong back then, they are just puppets. It is the aristocratic family of the Jin Kingdom and the gentry group that they represent. Even though it seems that the Xie family is supporting Liu Yu, but they are only cooperating on the surface. Once Liu Yu really starts to popularize education and literacy among the people, it will destroy the life of the whole world. The Xie family will inevitably be the fiercest one to resist. . And what they need is just like holding Sima Rui back then, a Sima flag! I have brought you this flag!"


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