Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2961: Yuan details about the white tiger

Yao Xing smiled slightly: "Speaking of this Muronglan, she was a beauty who was all over the country back then. Before I went to perform the mission, I saw her true face. I really fell in love with her for a few days. Later, I asked the emperor to go to Murong. But the first emperor said that the Murong family’s women are not to be provoked, and they all have to serve the family one by one. Ba Shi Yijian is such a hero, who dominates the desert, but he was overwhelmed by the Murong family's women. In the end, it led to the conflict between the people and the collapse of the country. Our Yao family and the Murong family were only temporarily cooperating to fight against the Qin. Sooner or later, I will become an enemy. We must not let this Murong woman enter my Yao family's house."

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Unexpectedly, your Majesty had such a relationship with Murong Lan back then. However, Murong Lan is indeed a fascination for the troubled country. She deliberately intervened in the marriage contract between Liu Yu and Wang Miaoyin, and robbed her of love. She was still separated from Liu Yuruo, and she always only served her Murong clan Yan Kingdom. She is indeed a powerful character. Even peerless women like Chen Junxie and Wang Miaoyin can be said to have been defeated by her, and her life has been rough."

   Yao Xing nodded: "You just said that Wang Miaoyin became a nun, and later changed her name, and then entered the palace as a queen. What happened?"

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "That's because after Liu Yu exposed Xi Chao, the Mafia guardian Qinglong, on the stage, he won the appreciation of Sima Yao, who wanted to be in power at the time, and promoted him to the general of the guards and guards. In the palace, they offended the noble family because of this. After all, the Mafia defended the interests of the noble family. For hundreds of years, it had been a virtual monarch and real power. The Emperor Sima was not allowed to truly control power. In order to fight the war, Liu Yu did not hesitate to serve as a general to Sima Yao. Loyalty, he also said that he would serve the country and the emperor in battle and meritorious service. In this way, Sima Yao's appetite was in line with Sima Yao's appetite, and he kept it by his side and prepared to reuse it. This was tantamount to breaking with the noble family. At that time, he became a nun in Jianjing Temple. The Zhi Miaoyin specially asked Liu Yu to come to see her and negotiate face-to-face with her mother and daughter. It was also a final effort to save Liu Yu's heart."

"Liu Yu probably wanted to persuade the Xie family to take the lead in handing over power and be as loyal to the emperor as he did, so he left for the appointment, but Wang Miaoyin's father, another major guardian of the Mafia Suzaku, took advantage of Liu Yu's absence. He bought the then concubine Zhang Guifei and assassinated Sima Yao. Surely your Majesty has also heard of this."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing smiled and said: "As a dignified emperor, because of a drunk joke, he actually gave a woman a pillow to suffocate. This of Sima Yao The emperor is really going back more and more alive. There is no basic security protection. This was my joke for many days. However, the death of Sima Yao caused the death of Sima Daozi and Sima Yuanxian. Ambition, which led to several civil wars in Shanxi, finally led to the chaos of Sun En. Hey, according to what you said, Liu Yu's dereliction of duty to Sima Yao's death was an inescapable dereliction of duty. If you change any country, you will die. Apologizing, why did he escape again?"

Tao Yuanming sneered: "It's not that the Mafia at that time had a bad idea and couldn't bear Liu Yu's ability to fight. So Wang Ningzhi insisted, leaving Liu Yu's life and letting him go to fight against Sun En. What he wanted was to conquer Liu Yu and become a black hand. At the same time, they suppressed the Xie family, made Wang Miaoyin’s mother and daughter responsible for the transfer of Liu Yu, and threatened that if Wang Miaoyin’s name was not changed to Wang Shenai, he would enter the palace as his elder brother Wang Xianzhi and the daughter of Princess Xin’an. That night Liu Yuye entered Jianjing Temple publicly and let his mother and daughter be buried with him!"

   Yao Xing frowned: "That's his wife and biological daughter, can Wang Ningzhi really be cruel?"

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Your Majesty did not know that between the aristocratic families of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, open and secret struggles were the extent of life and death. This kind of political marriage has always been a match for appearances. As a daughter, Wang Miaoyin has been trained and cultivated in the Xie family since he was a child. It is also the benefit of the Xie family rather than the Wang family. Since Wang Ningzhi married Xie Daoyun, the Wang family’s power has been weakened day by day, and the Xie family has been suppressing it overtly and secretly, especially by taking advantage of the opportunity to form the Beifu army to completely exclude the Wang family. Outside the power of the Central Government. Therefore, Wang Ning will join the Mafia later to fight for power with the Xie family. This opportunity is something he has waited for decades to obtain, so how can he give up?"

Yao Xing stared at Tao Yuanming motionlessly, and slowly said, "These secrets of the Jin Kingdom that even my spies don’t know, how did you know, as an official who had no important position at the time,? Are you also a Mafia? Guard?"

   Tao Yuanming smiled and waved his hand: "When things are up to now, there is no need to hide from your Majesty. I have an extraordinary relationship with the black hand guardian Baihu, that is, Wang Xun. It can even be said that he is my master."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing opened his eyes wide: "Wang Xun? He is your master, how is this possible? Didn't he stay in Beijing as an official? ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and your husband has been in Jingzhou for many years, and you didn't go there until Huanxuan entered Beijing. How could you have any relationship?"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "Your Majesty did not know. In the four major guards of the Mafia back then, the Baihu family had always controlled the power of Jingzhou, but when Huan Wen was a white tiger, he took the opportunity to break away from the Mafia and let the Huan family dominate Jingzhou. From then on, all the weapons, food and grass, and even the secret guards under the name of the white tiger were gone, and the white tiger became a nameless guardian of the white board. After Wang Xun took over as the white tiger, he naturally wanted to restore his strength, so when he served in the Huanwen shogunate, he secretly I make friends with the scholars in Jingzhou, wanting to use them, and one day, take back what belongs to him."

Yao Xing nodded: "The widow understands that the Dow family has always been a famous family in Jingzhou. When the Eastern Jin Dynasty was founded, the ancestor was the first governor and was famous. It is a pity that the family fell behind and was taken over by the Yu family and the Huan family. You also want to regain your position in Jingzhou, so Wang Xun found Mr., right?"

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Yes, at that time, our children of the Tao family were almost mixed up to become villagers in the mountains. Even I had to learn to cultivate the land, farm the fields and make a living from wood harvesting. If the master hadn't saved me, I would give I have a lot of books and taught me the art of war and espionage. I can’t go where I am today. Perhaps, I will become an unnamed corpse in the troubled times.”

Yao Xing smiled and said: "It is no regrets that Wang Xunquan has the knowledge to train your husband so well. However, I heard that the post of Baihu was transferred to Yin Zhongkan's hands. Bar."

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