Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2962: What's the benefit of taking in anti-thief?

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Yes, the Yin family is also against the Huan family. Yin Zhongwen's uncle, Yin Hao, was killed by Huan Wen, and the Yin family was as ruined as our Tao family. The outstanding one was received by the king since he was a child and trained secretly. Because his family status was still much higher than that of our Tao family at that time, he finally took over the position of Baihu, and I was asked to assist Yin Zhongkan. ."

   Yao Xing said with a smile: "But, if the widow remembers correctly, in the end the husband seems to have abandoned Yin Zhongkan and turned to Huan Xuan. What's the matter?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "Huan Xuan is for the guard Qinglong of the former Mafia, that is, the disciple trained by Xi Chao. Huan Wen used a part of his leftover Jingzhou resources as a guarantee, and asked Xi Chao to help him help Huan Xuan successfully rise to the throne, so Huan Xuan Zi When he was a teenager, he was ambitious and connected with powerful people everywhere, and wanted to restore his father’s foundation. He had some connections with Murongchui and Tuoba?, and he had fought against Liu Yu for many years. Xi Chao was also afraid of the power of the Huan family in Jingzhou. Influence, although supporting Huan Xuan, is more of control. To put it bluntly, Xi Chao does not want Huan Xuan to take over Jingzhou, but wants to become the lord of Jingzhou by himself and leave the Mafia to stand on his own as Huan Wen did."

Yao Xing sighed: "Later, all this was made public, Xi Chao was also ruined, and Liu Yu personally beheaded at the stage of the stage, followed by the Sun Enzhi Rebellion, and Huan Xuan also eliminated Yin Zhongkan and Yang Qiqi. , And even wiped out the entire Mafia. In this process, what role did your husband play? Since you are a disciple of the White Tiger King? Why don’t you protect the Mafia?"

Tao Yuanming sneered and said: "Because the king? I don't know people, and I don't know people. Just because Yin Zhongkan's family is stronger than me, I need Yin Zhongkan to take over the position of Baihu. How can this convince me? Not to mention Yin Zhongkan's superior. After that, Wang? died inexplicably. Although I haven't found out how he died, he still has nothing to do with Yin Zhongcan. It's just that Yin Zhongcan wants to use my Tao's power among the Xi people. , I didn’t do anything to me. Yin Zhongkan was arrogant and conceited. He didn’t listen to admonitions. He was hypocritical. He did not hesitate to scatter his army to buy people’s hearts. He was already defeated. I couldn’t save him, but I could at least. Save me!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing laughed: "So Mr. took the opportunity to invest in Huan Xuan, betrayed Yin Zhongkan and Yang Qi, and since then became Huan Xuan’s staff. Yes?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "I'm just a temporary surrender to Huan Xuan, not his confidant, so he has never really trusted me, and Bian Fanzhi has always been wary of me, so I can only hide behind the scenes and not let myself. Obviously, in the eyes of outsiders, I am just an ordinary official in Huanxuan’s shogunate, because the identity of Jingzhou and the title of a celebrity gave him a trap, but this is good, and it can effectively cover my true identity. The Mafia was wiped out by Huan Xuan, and no one knows my roots anymore. I can take advantage of the trend to find a real master who is truly worthy of my own work!"

   Yao Xing twitched the corner of his mouth: "If it wasn't for Liu Yu's disrespect of your nobles and wanting those Cammen to take the lead, I'm afraid you would really work for Liu Yu."

Tao Yuanming sighed, his eyes turned lonely and gloomy: "I really wanted to work for Liu Yu. After all, his mansion lacked talented scholars, even if Liu Muzhi and Xu Xianzhi were there, they still had My place to use martial arts, but what Liu Yu wants to do is to eliminate the entire group of scholars, so that the world is truly free from high temperatures, no distinction between scholars and commoners. My Tao family has been a scholar for generations and enjoys the benefits of being a scholar. , I also know that whether the country or the world is good, rules and order are needed. The reason why our gentry governs people as laborers and those farmer villagers govern others as laborers is that we have culture, knowledge, and know-how. Governing the country, so they can only obey our rule. If this advantage is gone and everyone in the world wants to be a master, who is willing to work with peace of mind? Sooner or later, the world will be in chaos!"

Yao Xing said with a smile: "It seems that your Han gentry look at the distinction between the gentry and the gentry even greater than the difference between Hu and Han. If it weren't for what the husband said today, the widow would not even dare to believe it. "

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "In the eyes of us in the Central Plains, Hu and Han have no inherent contradictions. The so-called Hu people are just barbarians from all directions. Of course, they also have the right to pursue a better life and live in peace and contentment. When the force is strong, Entering the Central Plains, as long as you abide by the rules of our Central Plains, you can stay and even establish your own dynasty hegemony. It is like your majesty. You respect the virtuous and love the people and observe the values ​​and customs of our Central Plains. Lord. And Liu Yu, if you want to ruin my centuries-old tradition in the Central Plains, that would be our mortal enemy!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing’s eyes flashed coldly: "Liu Yu didn’t know that Mr. was once the identity of the Mafia. After the demise of the Mafia, how many? It also left some legacy to Mr. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so you can still make trouble in Jin country?"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "It's only a pity that the Mafia's vitality was severely injured after several internal strife, and Sun Enzhi's rebellion severely damaged the strength of several major guards, so that when Huanxuan entered Beijing, he could hardly resist, and was eventually taken by Huanxuan. In Huanxuan’s view, I was just a celebrity who wanted to be an official. There is no big difference from other gentry in Jiankang City. What I have What I can master is the trivial power that the White Tiger asked me to assist Yin Zhongkan back then, but there are dozens of dark guards and a few strongholds, these are almost impossible to achieve."

   Yao Xing shook his head: "But with this little strength, isn't it possible for your husband to be able to rob the country of Sima, who is guilty of crime? Even with my national teacher!"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "It was a good relationship with the national teacher last time I was on an envoy. I don’t have any acquaintances in the Qin country. When is the time to meet your Majesty, as for Sima Guo?, when I was determined to defeat Liu Yu, at the same time, I began to feature partners in the Sima clan that I could cooperate with. Of course, if Liu Yu didn't force Sima Guo? With nowhere to go, he can't give up his glory and wealth, and come to Daqin with me!"

Yao Xing looked at Tao Yuanming, and the smile on his face gradually dissipated: "Well, Mr. Tao, I already know about the things I want to know. Now I want to ask you, Sima Guo? Even you, can you give me something? What are the benefits? If you are me and take in both of you, if it will bring Liu Yu's revenge, shouldn't you be handed over?!"


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