Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2963: Forced against imperial chaos in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Tao Yuanming looked calm and calmly said: "Then my Majesty, what good will it do for you to hand over me and Sima Guofan?"

  Yao Xing said coldly: "You can repair your relationship with Liu Yu, reconcile it, avoid my current situation of being attacked by the north and south sides, and even withdraw the defenders in the Central Plains and Hedong to deal with Liu Bobo. Is this good enough?"

   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Then dare to ask your Majesty, last time you were so generous, and you gave Liu Yu Nanyang Twelfth County all of a sudden, so great benefits, in exchange for your friendly relationship with Liu Yu?"

Yao Xing hooked the corner of his mouth: "That's because I listened to the slander and went to aid the rebellion of the rebellion. In the end, I was harmed. Not only did I not get Xishu, but also Yang Sheng of Qiuchi rebelled. You gave me a great idea!"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "I'm just making an idea at best, but if your Majesty wants to accept Huan Qian and slander these people who are enemies with Liu Yu, how could this be the case? When Xi Shu asked for your reinforcements, you You could have sent troops directly to Guanzhong to help and annex Shu, but you hesitate to do things for fear of offending Liu Yu publicly, so you turn to Qiu Chi to send troops. Not only did you lose much favor, but you also fostered Yang Sheng’s ambitions. Blame it on me."

   Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "I shouldn't listen to you. I should be an enemy of Liu Yu. If I want to be an enemy of him, why should I abandon the 12th county of Nanyang? I want to come now. I regret it!"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Your Majesty has always underestimated Liu Yu. You think that abandoning the undefended Nanyang Twelfth County can make Liu Yu give up being an enemy of Daqin, but it is actually impossible. His always goal is to take back the whole Can the north fall into the territory in the hands of the Hu people, including your entire Daqin territory, also be given? Temporary cessation of land has fueled his arrogance and improved his status in the Jin country. Now he can destroy Nanyan first, and the next one The goal is to openly assist you who have been Qiaoshu."

Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "If it weren't for Liu Bobo to make trouble, I wouldn't be afraid of Liu Yu. Now it's just because of fighting on both sides and losing the other. Only by eliminating Liu Bobo first can I concentrate on dealing with Liu Yu and take you in at this time. With Sima Guofan, it is tantamount to giving Liu Yu an excuse to attack me directly. Your banner will become an excuse for Liu Yu to send troops. Don't you understand this truth?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Tao Yuanming said indifferently: "If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it. It is enough to attack you just to take in Huan Qian and wait for the remaining party of Jingzhou. It’s enough to hit you by instigating the vassal country’s enemy pool to send troops to rescue Qiaoshu. If you really want to protect Qin’s safety and buy time for yourself, you shouldn’t consider surrendering me, especially Sima Guofan. Thing!"

Yao Xing sneered: "You know Sima Guofan's true ability and influence better than me. I told him so many good things before, but I just wanted to conceal that he was a mess. All of the Sima family princes. It’s a pig, because of them, still want to challenge Liu Yu? You actually want me to take in this kind of person, can he lead the army to break the enemy, or can he respond with a hundred responses?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "Since the Jin Dynasty crossed to the south, there have been continuous civil wars, and the gentry fleeing to the north have also continued. A prince of the Sima clan has defected to the north. No matter how the family is fighting or even a civil war, they must give the Sima kings a little bit of face, so as not to kill them. Therefore, the Sima clan has not yet rallied to treason against certain People pass. And Sima Guofan will be the first!"

   Yao Xing laughed: "Sima Xiuzhi also defected before, why didn't you tell me?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Sima Xiuzhi was killed because his brother Sima Shangzhi was killed by Huan Xuan, and Nan Yan, who had nowhere to go, escaped. Huan Xuan really usurped Jin to stand on his own. Sima Guofan, the chief of the clan, was desperate. Doesn't this indicate that he is going to follow Huanxuan's old road? Before, people in Jin thought that Liu Yu was a great loyal minister and a great hero, but in this way, he became Huanxuan all the way The usurper of power, people who will oppose him in the Jin country in the future, but there will be an endless stream of people."

Yao Xing shook his head: "Sima Guofan violated military discipline and killed civilians. It is fair to say that he violated military laws and defected. Who would believe this kind of treason? I'm afraid that even the Sima Dezong brothers, too He will be expelled from the clan's hometown first."

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "Sima Guofan is just the beginning. Even if he is expelled, the other Sima clan, especially those individuals who are ambitious and want to take the opportunity to seize power, will inevitably endanger themselves. I know this family well, leave it alone. Is there any skill? The heart that wants to fight for power will never change. It is because Liu Yu knows this that he will not give the Sima family real power. Whether it is the emperor or the clan, there is only a virtual lord, Sima Guo After Fan, there will be more and more Sima clan families~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to protect themselves. If Liu Yu indulges, it will encourage their conspiracy. If Liu Yu is determined, It can be said that Liu Yu slaughtered the clan and wanted to usurp power to stand on its own feet. No matter what kind of result, it would cause huge troubles for Liu Yu and Jin."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing smiled and said: "There are not many kings of the Sima clan who can be officials and generals. They themselves rely on the title of a prince. Just wait and die, so why bother to bet on the life of the whole clan to fight for those official positions? After Sima Guofan, I am afraid that no Sima clan kings want to come out and do something. My opinion is completely contrary to yours!"

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "But don’t forget, after Liu Yu took office, he set new rules. Nothing can be done without merit, and the title is not hereditary. After death, the prince will be taken back directly. In other words, the Sima clan will no longer be able to attack the knighthoods that found the country. If you can’t fight for meritorious service or make political achievements for officials, it is inevitable for people within two or three generations to be subjugated for the people. The matter! Your Majesty, do you think Sima's clan can sit still under this kind of system?"

   Yao Xing frowned: "Liu Yu really dare to do this? Then he offended not only the Sima clan kings, but also the family."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "So, in fact, the aristocratic family is the group who hates Liu Yu the most and opposes him the most, but they have no suitable reasons or excuses to resist. If the kings of the Sima clan first openly oppose him, they will If Liu Yu can still sit in a stable position in Jin State, I will raise a big question mark."


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