Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2964: What do you want to take chestnuts for others

Yao Xing's brows gradually eased: "Could it be that the Mafia has not been eliminated? Or, Mr. Tao, are you intending to reorganize the Mafia organization? This time my spies also reported that they commanded Nan Yan during the Battle of Linqu. The army is a man named Heipao and Nanyan’s national teacher. This person’s identity is mysterious. There seems to be a secret organization called the Tiandao League behind him, which has manipulated and controlled the Mafia for many years. How much do you know?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "It was this time that I learned about the existence of such an organization. Originally, I have always wondered why the Mafia would end up so quickly, and almost gave Huan Xuan a pot of food. You know, I didn't guard the other few. Betrayed to Huan Xuan, now I want to come, I am afraid that the Heavenly Dao League took the initiative to throw out the Mafia in order to support Huan Xuan."

Yao Xing uttered a soft "Oh": "This Heavenly Dao League can also control the powerful Nanyan and use Xianbei's iron cavalry for his own use. Since you hate Liu Yu so much, why not cooperate with this Heavenly Dao League, but come to find What about me? Isn't this a matter of staying near and far away?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Because the black robe of the Heavenly Dao League has been defeated, the entire Nanyan is almost only one Guanggu isolated city. I go to Guanggu City at this time. Didn't I join the trap by myself? If the city breaks, I will even run away. No matter what, Black Robe has to fight Liu Yu to the end. My best choice is to come to your Majesty. Please help Black Robe to save Nan Yan and defeat Liu Yu at the same time. Only then will we have a bright future if we join hands."

Yao Xing shook his head: "Liu Yu and I do not have the deep hatred of life and death. As long as I don't accept Liu Yu's enemies and don't help the enemy country he wants to destroy, at least in the past few years, I can get along with Liu Yu and the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Yes, your current identity has not been exposed. Can I just send it back to Sima Country? to give Liu Yu a personal affection, or if you are afraid that he will betray you, I simply kill Sima Country? I pass on Liu Yu as a show of sincerity. , Your plan to break Liu Bobo presented to me through the national teacher sounds good. I can try it. If as you said, I will eliminate Liu Bobo and then calm Liangzhou. When there is no worry in the rear, I will consider Liu Yu competed against each other."

   Tao Yuanming smiled and waved his hand: "Your Majesty can hand over Sima Kingdom?, then can your Majesty hand over Huanqian? Can you hand over Qiao Zong?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing's brows frowned: "Jingzhou Huan’s relationship with my Yao family has always been good, and Huan Qian’s troubles come again. How can I just ignore it. If you refuse to come and surrender to yourself in this troubled world, how can more people come to surrender in the future?"

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "The Sima Kingdom? Isn't it the same thing? If everyone knows that your Majesty is afraid of Liu Yu, even the Sima clan will not dare to accept it. From now on, whether it is from the Eastern Jin Dynasty or the northern tribe , No one would take the initiative to surrender. Back then, your Majesty dared to take in Liu Bobo, not hesitating to offend the mighty spirit of the powerful Northern Wei Dynasty, where is it?"

Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "Don't mention Liu Bobo. The last thing I regret in my life is to accept this white-eyed wolf. Now I may even ask the Northern Wei Dynasty to send troops and join us to destroy this thief, and lose the loop for this. The grassland can only be recognized."

Tao Yuanming sighed: "Liu Bobo is just that his majesty did not control his eyes, but because of his majesty's virtue, didn't the countries of Liangzhou also come and surrender? Including the dignitaries from various countries in the past few years, most of them are If you run to you, you won't even go to the Northern Wei Dynasty. This is what the people want. If your Majesty wants to achieve hegemony, if you lose even the heart of the gentry, then I am afraid that even people like me will not come to join us in the future. "

Yao Xing said coldly: "You haven't come to me now, you are for your own sake. Now between you and me, just like I and Liu Yu back then, just facing a common enemy and cooperating temporarily. Once you really overthrow Liu Yu, you will be in power in the Jin country. At that time, will you still be my friend?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Everything takes one step and one step. Who can predict the future, but at least I don’t need the Northern Expedition to realize his unrealistic ideals like Liu Yu. Our gentry and family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, It has always been as long as it settles in the south. It has been separated from the north for a hundred years and has no feelings. In order to get the support of those untouchables, Liu Yu wanted to divide the interests of our gentry, such as fields, to these people. This is us. The root cause of the inconsistency with him!"

Yao Xing sneered: "Mr. finally tells the truth. What you really don't want to give up is not a thousand-year orthodoxy, inheritance, but still the benefits of reality. It's just that I'm very surprised, although your Tao family has also been in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The founding state of Jingzhou Governor, but the family has been in trouble for many years. You Mr. Tao once had no money to eat, and only served as a small official like some instructors. Is the survival of this gentry really so important to you? It’s not difficult for you to be a high-ranking official under Liu Yu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Our gentry, even if we lose track of our family for a while, we are still in the ranks of the gentry. This kind of benefit, the biggest point, is the collection of books handed down from the family. This guarantees that we have a huge cultural advantage over the untouchables. Although I didn’t have enough food when I was a teenager, I can learn to be rich. Come, you can fly into the sky. The vast majority of farmers can only farm for a lifetime, and apart from serving as a soldier, there is no possibility of improvement. "

"And Liu Yu's coming this way means that everyone in the world can read literacy and hyphenation. From then on, our children and grandchildren want to get ahead, but it will be difficult. No matter how poor I am, Tao Yuanming, at least everyone knows our ancestor Tao. It is the Jingzhou provincial governor at the time of the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty, and the name goes down in history. If you do this for Liu Yu, I am afraid that after a hundred years, no one in my Tao family will let anyone know the glory of our ancestors."

Yao Xing looked at Tao Yuanming motionlessly: "However, even if I intend to help you, I can't bring out the army to help Nan Yan at this time. I can tell you the truth, Nan Yan's messenger Zhang Gang has arrived two days earlier than you. Here, I also wanted to ask for help from me. I even promised to give me 30,000 sets of armors as a thank you, and I was willing to cede the south of Daxian Mountain to me. I didn’t even consider such conditions, because, For Nan Yan, who has only one lonely city left, it is really not worthwhile for me to deploy the troops to deal with Liu Bobo to save."

   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "But your Majesty can achieve the goal of rescuing Nanyan without sending a single soldier. If this is the case, will your Majesty refuse?"


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