Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2965: 2 All losers, the rear changes

Yao Xing's eyes lit up, and he blurted out: "There is such a good thing, how is this possible?"

   A meaningful look flashed in Tao Yuanming’s eyes: “There is a cloud of warfare, and the best strategy is to defeat the soldiers without fighting! What your majesty has to do is just bluffing.”

A look of disappointment flashed in Yao Xing's eyes: "I thought how powerful the husband was. Do you think Liu Yu would still eat this set after he fought for a lifetime? He is now besieging an isolated city in Guanggu. Although powerful, but isolated and helpless, it will be sooner or later that you are finished. To save Nan Yan, you must have an army of one hundred thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand. You can save Yan by saying that you are bluffing. Are you talking nonsense!"

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "The so-called bluff, it’s not that no one has done it before. When Murong De took advantage of Liu Yu's army to destroy Huanxuan, he had also intentionally attacked for promotion. Although he did not make a trip in the end, he still showed more than forty. Wan Buqi's huge formation forced Liu Yu to make an alliance with him under the city. This is a typical soldier who has fallen without a fight!"

Yao Xing's brows frowned: "It would have been difficult to take a 300,000 to 400,000 soldiers and horses in the heyday of Daqin. After all, I am not like Murong De, who can use military forces and abuse the people's power. What's more, now, my main force is used It’s hard to deal with Liu Bobo, so how can it be possible to raise troops to deal with Liu Yu? I haven’t discussed the possibility of sending troops here before, but all the generals said that with the current strength of Daqin, they will take out 100,000 troops and cross the Central Plains. It is almost impossible to rescue Yan from Qilu."

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "It's impossible now, and it's unnecessary. Liu Yu has just won a big victory in Linqu and his momentum is flourishing. Please note that he is only afraid that Zhang Gang will come to ask for help. Although this person is a skilled craftsman, he is only a Shang Shulang in Nanyan. He is not even the minister of the six departments. Sending someone of this level to the rescue proves one thing. That is, Black Robe doesn't want to really ask for help now."

Yao Xing laughed: "You have noticed this. At the Inner Korea meeting yesterday, many important officials said that Nan Yan had no sincerity to ask for help. Back then, they even sent Han to welcome Murongchao's mother and wife. Zhuo, Shang Shu Zuo Pu, came forward, and this time he actually made a Shang Shulang want to come to the soldiers of the country for help, I am afraid he was dizzy."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Tao Yuanming nodded: "Now the black robe still has illusions. I hope that Guanggu's strong city defense and his military method can defeat Liu Yu alone. , After all, it’s easy to ask God to send it to God, and it’s hard to ask for help. Once foreign troops actually come and stay in the territory of Yan, it will not be easy to drive them away. His Majesty sent back Murongchao’s mother and wife last time. , But I asked Nan Yan to be his servants, and returned to the royal band. This time, if I help him protect the country, the asking price will only be higher."

   Yao Xing sneered: "If he can defend Guanggu himself, why should I send troops?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "Guanggu is a strong city in the world, and the black robe has a deep understanding of the art of war. It should be able to defend it, but now in Nanyan, the whole country has fallen, and there is only one Guanggu city left. Even if Liu Yu doesn't If the method is taken, it will be besieged for a long time. Now Liu Yu has stopped transporting grain, grass and luggage from the rear, but recruited from Nanyan on the spot, and the Qingzhou Han people, who have been oppressed by Xianbei and other Hus for many years, have taken the initiative to join the army. In order not to miss this opportunity for revenge, the black robe may be able to hold on for three months, half a year, but if Liu Yu besieged on the spot for one or two years, would he still be able to hold it?"

Yao Xing thoughtfully said: "So, you want me to be unable to attack the city in Liu Yu. When the veterans of the division are tired, let Liu Yu take the initiative to retreat and use this as the price of sending troops to Nanyan. Seeking benefits?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Yes, that's why I brought Sima Guofan this time. Now Liu Yu, with great prestige, not only restored the Jin emperor and defeated Huanchu, but also succeeded in the northern expedition and defeated the world. The invincible Murong clan’s armor and riding outfits. At this time, no one in the Eastern Jin Dynasty dared to rebel against him openly. God-given opportunity, he gave us Sima Guofan at this time. Although this person looks incompetent and weak, maybe , Is the first key person to shake Liu Yu."

Yao Xing nodded with satisfaction: "At this time, there was a Sima clan that dared to rebel against Liu Yu in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. If Liu Yujiu attacked Guanggu and failed, then the aristocratic family who secretly dissatisfied with Liu Yu would instigate more and more. Many Sima clan families rose up to resist, and even the Heavenly Dao League where the black robe was located might also make waves. Does that mean?"

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Yes, the black robe dared to defend Guanggu City alone. Obviously there are accomplices outside. They may not dare to start when Liu Yu is all going well, but if Liu Yu's veterans are tired, there may be changes within Jin. , With the Sima clan raising the banner of righteousness first, and the family’s secret support behind, Liu Yu’s rear may be unstable. If the soldiers have been fighting for many years, they will also complain. At this time, they can really challenge Liu Yu. The power of the world may appear."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing's heart moved: "You are referring to Liu Yi?"

Tao Yuanming smiled and nodded and said, "Your Majesty is really watching the fire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, Liu Yu’s biggest threat in Jin is not actually the Sima clan, or even the noble family who is no longer in control of the military. The biggest opponent is Liu Yi, a long-time comrade-in-arms, and the discord between the two has long been an open secret. This time Liu Yu rejected Liu Yi’s request for the Northern Expedition, and led his troops on the expedition, but let Liu Yi Guarding the rear, on the surface, is a foundation and trust in Liu Yi. In fact, it is just to let Liu Yi look after the house and prevent him from doing meritorious deeds. Liu Yi was not sure about cutting Yan, so he could not agree with him. Liu Yu cares about him and even likes to see him defeated, but now that Liu Yu has beaten Linqu and entered Guanggu, can Liu Yi still laugh?"

   Yao Xing stroked his beard with satisfaction: "Could it be possible that Mr. Tao and Liu Yi can speak, or can they evoke the determination of Liu Yi and Liu Yu to compete?"

A sly light flashed in Tao Yuanming’s eyes: “Of course, Liu Yi’s wife, Liu Tingyun, the former queen of Huanxuan, was saved by me personally and arranged to become Liu Yi’s woman. At that time, I just wanted Liu Yi to do This woman who has a deep hatred with Liu Yu is grudges, but I did not expect that Liu Yi actually married her as his wife. In the past few years, I have used this woman to provoke his relationship with Liu Yu by his side. , I’m pretty sure now, Liu Yi is actually waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity that can make Liu Yu completely defeated and can no longer rely on military exploits to suppress him. Once Liu Yu can’t win on the battlefield, then this opportunity will come, because, I am fully confident that the Jin family will openly turn to support Liu Yi at this time, even the Xie family!"

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