Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2966: Raise the bandits and respect Xi Lemou

Yao Xing laughed: "Your plan is very good, but if Liu Yu captures Guanggu ahead of time, or withdraws ahead of time, then I send troops or pretend to send troops, won’t it be useless? Another, I’ll even be. If you want to bluff, you have to mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Where do you ask the widows to mobilize these forces?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "With Sima Guofan here, there will be troubles in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Liu Tingyun and other clans who are dissatisfied with Liu Yu will be your Majesty's allies within the Jin country, and Huanqian and Qiao Zong can be requested by your Majesty. As long as there is chaos in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Sima clan raises the flag of uprising, these family members will secretly provide ordnance and manpower support. If Liu Yu is in chaos in the country, it is impossible to receive continuous reinforcements and supplies, and rely solely on Qingzhou. I am afraid that the Han Chinese will not be able to win Guanggu City."

"Liu Yi guards the country, but he will definitely not go all out as he did when Jianyi and the Huan clan. At most, he just managed to deal with things, and even cooperated with these aristocratic families to act in the name of destroying the rebels. As a result of his own strength, the thieves will only suppress more and more, and Liu Yi's strength will become stronger and stronger."

Yao Xing nodded: "It's true. That's why you can't let someone with dissidents be in charge of the army, even if he is strong. If Liu Yi is even your wife, it will be sooner or later to cooperate with your husband. After going back, did your husband simply join Liu Yi's shogunate?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "It's not right now. Liu Yu has already focused on me, and Liu Muzhi, a fat man, sent someone to follow me for thousands of miles. This time I can see your Majesty, but I have made enough arrangements. I have tried my best, and now I even shave my beard, and within the past two years, I will not be able to return to the Jin country, otherwise it would be trolled by myself."

Speaking of this, Tao Yuanming paused: "What's more, so far, Liu Yi doesn't know the relationship between Liu Tingyun and I. He is also a very shrewd person. If he knew that I had been manipulating his wife to talk to Liu Yu. Yes, my arrangement for many years before, there is a risk of abandoning all previous efforts. After all, it is only natural for aristocrats to oppose Liu Yu, and it is understandable, but an ordinary gentry like me is so resolutely opposed to Liu Yu, he would not believe it. Yes, if my thoughts on defending the gentry were made known to him, it would be hard to say whether his martial artist would help me or would stand by Liu Yu's side."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing laughed: "But isn't this Liu Yi also both civil and military, and he is also regarded as his own by the family? Your idea of ​​defending the gentry, It should be more to his appetite."

Tao Yuanming sighed: "That's just an article written by Liu Yi on the surface, or just his own thoughts. In the final analysis, he is still a military leader. Brothers, why didn’t the gentry like him when he was the big brother of Jianghu in Jingkou? Now he is regarded as a literati when he is holding a heavy soldier? It is not that he suddenly became educated, but that he became powerful His strength still comes from those martial artists. Liu Yu helped him do what he didn’t dare to do. From the bottom of his heart, he wouldn’t resist too much. After all, he himself benefited from this set of rules. With today’s position, how dare you cut off the hope that your subordinates also rely on this higher position."

   Yao Xing sighed: "A person's origin cannot be changed. This is very correct. So, Liu Yi and the family are just in harmony with each other and won't cooperate sincerely?"

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Even Liu Tingyun looked down on Liu Yi as a hillbilly in his heart. Only to save his life could he only commit himself to him. Now that Liu Yi wants to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of Liu Yu's power, he needs to have merit. Liu Yu was able to be promoted to the leading eldest brother in the Beifu Army. To put it bluntly, it was due to his military merits when he put down Sun En’s rebellion. What we have to do is to give Liu Yi such a chance to make military merits. Liu Yu will not give him. The opportunity for the Northern Expedition or the Western Expedition to make meritorious deeds is also to prevent Liu Yi from going through his old path. So Liu Yu is really worried, or that it is Liu Yi who can really threaten Liu Yu in Jin."

Yao Xing laughed: "I understand what you mean. You are in Jinan. First let Sima Guofan seduce the first wave of rebel forces, and then you go to unite with Liu Tingyun, and let her secretly tie the family behind. Support these rebels, and I will then instruct Qiao Zong and Huan Qian to send troops from Jingzhou and Yizhou. In this way, Liu Yi and others will lead the troops outside to counter the rebellion, but he will not really destroy the rebels. It is to support the bandits and strengthen their own strength in the process of countering the rebellion. If Liu Yu is besieging the fortified city in the front, if he fails to win, the rear supplies will be cut off, and even the strength of the old opponent will continue to grow. At that time, as long as I release the news that I will send out an army to rescue Yan, Liu Yu will probably be forced to retreat. This is your entire plan, right?"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Tao Yuanming's eyes flashed a light: "Yes, that's it. The last two steps of the family and Liu Yi, I can arrange in Jin, but the most important thing is first. Step, which means to provoke a rebellion, must be your Majesty. Huanqian, Qiao Zong and Sima Guofan, the three heads of rebellion, are worth 200,000 troops in Jin Guozu. And your Majesty may support them or have them. Only you can do it if you want to let them go back and make trouble."

Yao Xing shook his head: "I'm afraid Mr. Sister still takes it for granted. These three people are not as important as you think, and they are even less likely to take the initiative to raise troops. Sima Guofan is now fleeing alone, and has violated military discipline. He is not like Sima. Xiuzhi was forced to flee because Huan Xuan usurped and killed the clan. I’m afraid that no one would sympathize with him, and he fled to me. He belonged to a country thief who defected to a foreign country. I’m afraid that even if he goes back, no one will follow him. Even if it is not done well, his former subordinates will tie him up to receive his work."

"As for Qiao Zong and Huan Qian, I am afraid that hope is even slimmer. The Shu people have always wanted to be comfortable and unwilling to expedition out of Sichuan. Qiao Zong was able to build the country at the top because the Mao Clan wanted to send Shu soldiers to fight for Huan Xuan. The soldiers who did not want to leave Sichuan to mutiny. In the past few years, I have repeatedly asked Qiao Zong to send troops to Jingzhou and cooperate with my Daqin Central Plains army to attack Jingzhou. I don’t want to go out to fight in Sichuan. It’s impossible for me to send troops to destroy the Qiao Zong first, and then force the Sichuanese to march eastward."

  :. :

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