Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2967: Take the initiative to protect Bashu

When Yao Xing said this, he laughed: "As for Huanqian, you don't have to count on it. The widow originally wanted to keep him, but when it is critical, he will be released back to Jingzhou and summon the old ministry loyal to the Huan family to resist Liu Yu, but he is He wanted to go to the middle of Shu without being near and far, probably he still couldn't believe me, thinking that here in Da Qin, the subordinates he had summoned would be annexed, or he didn't want to bear the reputation of taking refuge in the Huren."

"But that slander, is it a fuel-efficient lamp? This king of Shu must be vigilant even with my reinforcements. He is even more of an enemy to him, a foreign king of Jingzhou. The country was destroyed by Huan Wen. When Huan Qian went to Shu, he made friends with local clans everywhere, segregated a place to stand on his own, set up his old Jingzhou Ministry, and prepared to form an army. Qiao Zong felt that he had become the first one to be wiped out by the climate. It was not Liu Yu, but himself, so he took Huan Qian directly. If it were not for me to save face, I’m afraid he would have been killed. The current Huan Qian has been in prison for more than a year, and his subordinates have long been or How can it be possible to disperse, or to confess to a merger? Mr. Tao, your idea is very beautiful, but it is almost impossible to achieve."

   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "I have considered the things your Majesty is worried about. Actually, you don't need to care too much about them. Please listen to my analysis one by one."

   Yao Xing said softly "Oh": "Sir, please speak frankly."

Tao Yuanming cleared his throat: "Let’s talk about Qiao Zong first. The reason why he refused to send troops is really because the Shu people are greedy for peace and enjoyment. They only want to protect themselves and do not want to expedition. If it’s not for life and death, he doesn’t have the heart to open up and expand the territory. This is why he has repeatedly refused His Majesty’s request to send troops."

"But the Qiao family rebelled from the Eastern Jin Dynasty after all. During the rebellion, they killed almost hundreds of people from the Mao family, the famous Eastern Jin sect. Now the Eastern Jin is different from before. Liu Yu and these martial artists are in power. They are ambitious. In the battle, he maintained his position with his military merits. After exterminating Huan, Liu Yu, in order to allow Liu Jingxuan to establish his merits, allowed him to conquer Xishu. If his Majesty had not sent troops to rescue him, I am afraid that Xishu would have been destroyed at that time."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  " In this battle, Liu Jingxuan was defeated and lost more than 3,000 elite Beifu veterans. As a result, the entire Beifu army and the Kingdom of Shu have If it weren’t for the fact that Jingzhou had just been calmed down, the people’s hearts were unstable, and Lingnan was occupied by the mortal enemy Tianshidao. I’m afraid Liu Yu would soon conquer the land of Shu, but Murong Chao made a big death and took the initiative to provoke Liu Yu. In a sense, he has become a substitute for the death of Qiao Zong. Now Liu Yu has beaten Nan Yan and there is only one lone city left. Whether he can destroy Nan Yan or not, the next target must be Xishu. Qiao Zong will not take advantage of this. At that time, Liu Yu's army was out for war, and when the country was empty, he would only sit and wait for death. This truth is not difficult for him to understand."

Yao Xing shook his head: "Shu soldiers have always been weak in combat effectiveness. If they go out to fight a battle that has no chance of winning, they are unwilling to die or die. Although Liu Yu is out of war, he has left elite soldiers in Jingzhou and Yongzhou. Liu Daogui is his younger brother. , Is also a famous general in Beifu. Lu Zongzhi of Yongzhou was a famous Titan in Huanchu before. The soldiers and horses of Yongzhou were also brave champions in the previous Jingzhou Army. People deliver food."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Just as your Majesty said, the Shu people don’t want to go to the war at all. They just resist it because they think they can’t fight, and there is no return to going on the war. If they are given the hope of victory, they are not unwilling to fight. Just like last time, Qiao Daofu also led the army. Taking advantage of Jingzhou's change of ownership and the chaos, he defeated Sima Rongqi's crusade army and almost defeated Baidi City. Since ancient times, the guarding of Shu must guard Ba, if Ba Once the county Baidi City is lost, it can attack the Shuzhong Plain from the inner water, the middle water, and the outer water. The defense is very difficult. Last time Liu Jingxuan almost destroyed Shu, if it weren’t for your majesty’s Qiuchi reinforcements, Qiaoshu died a long time ago. Besides, Badi has always been rich, and Baidi City is a major gateway. You can go down the river to take Jiangling and seize Jingzhou. If you retreat, you can protect yourself as the gateway to Shu. For this place, Qiao Zong I will fight if I have the opportunity."

Yao Xing smiled and said: "Now Baidi City has thousands of elite soldiers who stayed behind after Liu Jing declared the defeat of Shu. It is guarded by generals Wen Zuo, Wen Chumao, Shi Yanzu and others. The Jin Dynasty's Yizhou governor Baolu, too The Shifu stationed in Baidi City is not so easy to fight. Besides, there is Liu Daogui guarding Jiangling. There are 20,000 elite soldiers who can support at any time. How can it be possible to fight with the strength of Shu?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "The Baidi City is only a few thousand soldiers and horses, and most of them are descendants of Sima Rongqi's troops, and their combat effectiveness is not strong. Wen Zuo is Huan Chu’s surrender, and Shi Yanzu and Wen Chumao were former members of the Mao family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are not excellent generals, defense is barely possible, and it is a dream to attack Shuzhong. As for that benefit. Zhou Shi Baolu, formerly a Haiyan county magistrate and a literary official, did not understand military affairs. He was given this post purely because of his old friendship with Liu Yu. Once these people left Liu Daogui’s Jingzhou soldiers and horses. Support, then Baidi City can be captured within three months at most. For Qiao Shu, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If Liu Yu finishes fighting Nanyan and his class returns to China, then send a 20,000 soldiers and horses, from Baidi City sets out to attack Shu, how can they resist?"

   Yao Xing sighed: "The Shu Army may be able to capture Baidi City, but once Liu Daogui's Jingzhou soldiers and horses are dispatched, they are not what they can resist. Qiao Zong is really worried about this."

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "This requires Huanqian's help. As long as the Qiao indulgence returns to Huanqian, so that he can return to Jingzhou to convene the old Huan clan and make waves, then Liu Daogui may not be able to support Baidi City. "

Yao Xing frowned: "Huan Qian? He had thousands of troops when he fled to me. Now he has been imprisoned for two years. All of these people have scattered and left. A bare general is considered alive to return to Jingzhou. How can he summon the old ministry if he is lucky? In the past two years, he has sent people to me many times and asked me to plead with Qiao Zun, and let him go back. Monks can do it. Can such a person be counted on?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Let Huan Qian return to Jingzhou alone now to send the sheep to the tiger's mouth, but if your Majesty can draw out an army of 10,000 or 20,000 to **** Huan Qian back to Jingzhou, it will be different. Your defenders in the Central Plains , And the Qianghu tribes of the vassal states of Liangzhou, you can move."


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