Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2968: Qianghu Guards Returning Group

Yao Xing smiled and said: "The Liangzhou Hus, but they only submitted to me in name, not really surrendered. Otherwise, why should I send my sons and generals to lead the army to attack Liangzhou? It's just because there are away from Zhongtai. Far away, the Zhuhu tribes are fierce and difficult to control. To rule, they need to consume huge national power, which is not worth the loss. So after I defeated Houliang, I can only appoint local tribal leaders and powerful people to take charge. This is Nanliang. The reasons for the establishment of countries like Beiliang and Xiliang. I can't even control the local area, so how can I make them send troops to conquer foreign countries?"

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "Many local tribes are predatory, and most of the offensives and conquests are just triggered by these tribes fighting for living space. Even the monarchs of their countries cannot prohibit them. Your Majesty can ask these tribes. The leader promised the benefits of the Huahua World in the Central Plains and asked them to send troops voluntarily, not as soldiers and horses of Da Qin, but as mercenaries. After the battle, the benefits of the plunder belong to them."

   Yao Xing frowned: "Does this trick really work? If I can treat them as mercenaries, why not deal with Liu Bobo, but have to go to Jingzhou?"

Tao Yuanming laughed and said: "Because Liu Bobo himself is also a poor ghost, because Hetao is poor and backward, and can only be nomadic, so he must use this to inspire his troops to looting the Lingbiao cities. Now if your Majesty wants the Ganliang tribe to march, he can't. Let them grab the poorer and more backward Hetao grassland, and only the Huahua World in the Central Plains can attract their interest. The tribe where His Majesty's ancestors belonged was in the land of Longyou in Hehuang. Migrating all the way into the Guanzhong, into the Central Plains."

Yao Xing smiled and said: "This makes you right. People always want to live a better life. It's just these Ganliang barbarians, but now under the rule of Zhuliang Country, I let them send troops like this, Zhuliang Country. Will you agree?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "If you want to recruit soldiers from the Liang Kingdoms, they will definitely not agree, but these are in their country, fierce and difficult to control, and nomadic and nomadic in the border areas of the dozens of tribes, they are happy to consume these tribes. The strength, you know, these frontier tribes often do not serve and do not pay for their wealth. In turn, they will rob their prefectures and county citizens. The Liang Kingdoms are very troublesome. If your majesty can conquer from these tribes in the name of escorting Huanqian Some soldiers and horses, for Zhuliang countries, are also unforgettable things."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing hooked the corner of his mouth: "But these Qianghu tribes have always been robbers and have no discipline. Wouldn't it cause damage to Da Qin? If they took the opportunity to attack Da Qin's prefecture, wouldn't they lead the wolf into the house?"

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "This requires your Majesty to make early arrangements, plan their marching routes, set up locations for assembly and departure, and arrange food and grass supply. If they can be convinced that going to Jingzhou, it will be better than those in Guanzhong and Longyou. If there are better returns along the way, they will naturally speed up and leave without waiting, and will not cause greater losses to your Majesty."

Yao Xing frowned: "If you recruit tens of thousands of soldiers and horses from Liangzhou, and then pass thousands of miles, the loss to Daqin is not small. If you follow the proposal of the previous husband, all the soldiers and civilians in Lingbei will be withdrawn, and they will be resettled and exempted. Taxes have been paid for a few years, but my Daqin’s national strength has to be lost a lot. Is it worth it just for a Huan Qian to return to Jingzhou to make trouble?"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "Tens of thousands of months of supply of food and grass will not cause Da Qin to suffer heavy losses. If your Majesty dispatches Da Qin's soldiers and horses to fight, the consumption will only be more and more. For soldiers who died in battle, the expenditure would increase exponentially. Your Majesty has fought against Hu Xia and Liu Bobo many times over the years, so I think this account can still be calculated."

An embarrassed look flashed across Yao Xing’s face: “Actually, I think that my Daqin region is thousands of miles away, with hundreds of thousands of armors, but I will be reduced to the point where I conscript the Qianghu tribe in Liangzhou. How do you look at Da Qin, how do you look at the widows? Do you still think of Da Qin as a big country, a powerful country?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "For the sake of face, it is not a clever move. When the Beifu Army was formed in the Jin Dynasty, it was only to organize these brave and difficult refugees in the Lianghuai area to fight foreigners and kill them. They quell the internal strife, kill the enemy and quell the foreign aggression, and your Majesty now needs to save his military power to deal with Liu Bobo. This matter of escorting Huanqian will be handed over to these Qianghu tribes, even if they are all wiped out in Jingzhou, yes. Your Majesty has nothing to lose. If you can gain a foothold in Jingzhou and create a piece of land for your Majesty, wouldn’t it be a surprise? Tens of thousands of tribal sergeants have passed through the border for a month or two, and it’s only a few hundred thousand stones, food and grass. ."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing still hooked the corners of his mouth: "But this is for Huan Qian to fight back to Jingzhou. If Huan Qian is really powerful, take these mercenaries as his own Yes, it’s no good for me, right? This Huan Qian is not a grateful person. With the site, he will turn his face with me sooner or later."

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "The hometown of these mercenaries is in Ganliang, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, they will not stay in the Central Plains forever, at most they will go home after grabbing a handful of them. After Huan Qian is escorted back, he still is To conquer the world by enlisting the old part of Jingzhou, in fact, your Majesty doesn’t have to worry too much about Huan Qian’s ability to do it. With Huanxuan and Huanzhen’s ability, he can’t deal with the army of the Beifu, not to mention that Jingzhou has been ruled by Liu Daogui for several years. The original Huan clan’s old tribes also slowly faded away. Huan Qian’s going to Jingzhou was more important to contain Liu Daogui so that Liu Daogui could not rescue Baidi City with all his strength. It was still only a condition for Qizong to send troops."

Yao Xing sneered: "That Huanqian can only get Jingzhou, nothing else, just talk about Lu Zongzhi of Nanyang, Yongzhou, he will let Huanqian pass? That is the private land surnamed Lu, the Beifu Army, neither Those who are allowed to enter, I'm afraid that the Qiang and Hu army in Ganliang will not even be able to defeat Lu Zongzhi."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Although Lu Zongzhi is named Jin Jiang and Yongzhou Governor, he has been a subordinate of Huan Xuan for many years. Although Liu Yu asked him to keep his official position, he was always uneasy and worried that Liu Yu would replace him when the situation stabilized. Losing yourself, this is the general idea of ​​the old generals in Jingzhou. After all, the blood feud between Jing Yang has been attacked for a hundred years, and it is not so easy to resolve."

"So Lu Zongzhi itself is one of the largest old members of the Huan clan. As long as Huan Qian does not want to seize his Yongzhou land and can quickly pass his defense zone, then he will sit idly by and let Huan Qian’s army pass through Vietnam’s Yang, from his Deep down in my heart, I hope that Huanqian can make more noise. If Liu Daogui wins, he can send troops to attack Huan when the victory is determined to expand his territory. If Huanqian has the advantage, he can even return to Shun Huanqian. Therefore, your Majesty only needs to sit and watch the changes. You don't have to pay anything."

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