Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2969: The thief's nest of Huaihe Mountain in northern Henan

Yao Xing still had some disbelief: "Is it really possible to pass through Lu Zongzhi's defense zone without being blocked?"

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "Of course, as long as your Majesty allows the Central Plains garrison to do something, such as garrisoning troops in Luoyang and acting as an aid to Nanyan, then Lu Zongzhi has a reason to adjust the main defense in Xiangyang. At this time, let Huan Qian The Qiang and Hu troops led by cavalry swiftly passed Wuguan, crossed Nanyang, and headed straight for Jiangling. Lu Zongzhi could not stop it. It is also forgivable, and he can have an explanation for both up and down."

Yao Xing frowned: "But Lu Zongzhi is also a famous general. It is impossible for Wuguan to be unguarded. If tens of thousands of troops pass through Wuguan, he must think that we are going to seize his Yongzhou first, instead of thinking about it. Just crossing the border, then he will definitely lead the army in Xiangyang back to fight, and the army of the Qianghu people has always been undisciplined to restrain, even in the territory of Daqin, it is possible to take captives, let alone in Yongzhou, and they are not fortified. They will definitely grab the city before talking about it."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Your Majesty does not have to worry about this. I and Lu Zongzhi are old acquaintances. I used to cooperate with Huanxuan's men and asked him to support his soldiers to protect himself, and to hold on to Yongzhou and not accept any Liu Yu. The advice given to the official position of the Korean Central Committee was also what I did to him. He should still have some trust in me. If I tell him this plan in advance to show his sincerity, then Lu Zongzhi will inevitably stand still and do whatever he wants. The Qiang and Hu who looted behind and robbed them out."

   Yao Xing said with a smile: "Your relationship with Lu Zongzhi is so good? Can he believe you in this kind of military affairs?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "When I was under Yin Zhongkan, I switched to Huanxuan to inform Lu Zongzhi in advance and let him make a great achievement in capturing Yin Zhongkan. He also regarded me as a close friend. To betray me is to trust me enough. This time I will help him again, so that he has the opportunity to use Huan Qian to return to Jingzhou and achieve self-reliance. How can he oppose me?"

Yao Xing nodded with satisfaction: "If it is Mr. You's promise, then there is something to do. It will take some time for Qiao Zun to return to Huanqian, and it will take at least three to organize the army of Qiang and Hu from Longyou to go to Jingzhou. More than a month, these three months, can Guanggu still be able to hold it? If Liu Yu returns to the division in advance, or sends elite troops to rescue Jingzhou, is this plan feasible? You know, He Wuji from Jiangzhou, from Yuzhou There are tens of thousands of elite Meng Long Fu."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Tao Yuanming said sternly: "The problem is not big. This involves the third key person I mentioned, Sima Guopan. As long as he can go back. Organize the rebels and raise the banner of anti-Liu Yu for the first time. In Jiangzhou and Yuzhou, there must be strong rebel forces."

   Yao Xing was a little surprised: "Why are there forces supporting Sima in these places? Why don't Jingzhou and Yangzhou have such forces?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Because Yuzhou has always been on the border with the north, and the personnel are complicated. Many people who can't get along in Jin have fled to Yuzhou. They are at the border with Qin, Northern Wei and Nanyan, just like Huan. The clan now has some remnants of the party, and some old thieves of the celestial Taoism, and they are now lurking on the border between the Huaihe River and the Huai River in the north of Yuzhou. Sima Guofan sneaked back to Jin, and it was here in the north of Henan that he set up the banner of anti-Liu Qin king. To recruit these forces, they and Liu Yu are vowing not to be at odds with each other. Once there is a co-owner, they will immediately come to take refuge."

Yao Xing laughed: "Just rely on Sima Guofan? How can he let the rebels, bandits, and even a lot of Huren in the Lianghuai area of ​​northern Henan be brought back? You know, these people are on the border of the four countries. Desperados who can be mixed up, even Liu Yu will not buy it, and will listen to him when a Sima has defected from the clan?"

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "It is because these people are tough and difficult to control and are not convinced by each other. Therefore, the fire and attack between themselves is often more fierce than the fight against Liu Yu. Although they all know that this is not a long-term solution, it is realistic. In order to grab the ground and grab the tribe, they still have to fight, so what they need is a big flag, a righteous name, so that everyone is willing to work for it. These rebels all have enemies with Liu Yu, so It is necessary for people like Sima Guofan to give them a name, and besides the name, there are practical benefits. It is nothing more than ordnance, food and grass. These majesty can also be given together, but only the equipment of 10,000 or 20,000 people. There is something in Luoyang’s arsenal, and giving these rebels is enough to make them work for you with peace of mind."

Yao Xing sighed: "There is a 20,000 Qianghu on the left and tens of thousands of rebels on the right. I want to sell the food, grass and weapons, but they have to be in the name of others. Is this really worth it for me? Let's talk about Sima Guo. Fan is just a traitor. Those bandits and bandits in northern Henan are really willing to defect to him? He is not Liu Jingxuan, even in the name of bravery."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Tao Yuanming’s eyes flashed with a meaningful look: "As long as he is willing to raise the flag, there must be other forces~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will With the help of his banner, some desperadoes under his hand secretly joined his men. The chaos in northern Henan has never been the only thing about these bandits. There have always been shadows of aristocratic families behind them. I'm afraid. Your Majesty still doesn't know."

   Yao Xing was a little surprised: "Is there anything else? Where does this start?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "In Dajin, aristocratic families have always appeared in two faces, ostensibly controlling the power of the country, they must abide by the law, and strictly abide by their own regulations. The number of their fields and servants is also determined by the titles of officials. Yes, these people are in the court's register, and they may be checked at any time, unless they are hiding in their own manor."

Yao Xing smiled and said: "If the Jin Dynasty’s aristocratic families follow the rules you said, most of the country’s resources will not be in their hands. I understand what you mean. You mean these aristocratic families, In addition to the conditions stipulated by the law, there are also many hidden households, even Jiangyang thieves who have lives in their hands. These people dare not really put them in their own manors. Many of them are in the north of Henan and Lianghuai. , I usually give some money and food to replenish, and when I need to use it, I will recall it, right?"

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "That's the case. In fact, Liu Laozhi and others back then were like this. On the surface, they were handsome refugees. They had their own cottages and subordinates in places like Huaibei, but when they really wanted to form an army, they would do so. When the Zhaitou army or to do some dirty work such as assassinations, they will also find desperadoes from these places to participate. For many years, the Jin family has always been like this. The Wudi Manor is levied!"

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