Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2971: Dao League Master and Servant Chengtouhui

Tao Yuanming spoke faster and faster. In his eyes, the light was shining, and his tone of voice was getting higher and higher. Even the candlelight in the hall was shaking slightly: "But Liu Yu is still advancing step by step, defending with a chariot. Two wings, this style of play requires no merit, but no demerits. As long as you guard the two wings and behind, you can retreat at any time even if the frontal battle is unfavorable. As long as Daxian Mountain’s mountain road is controlled by him, it will still be withdrawn to the south. It can be guaranteed that you don't have to worry too much about chasing the cavalry, and the situation will happen for a thousand miles."

"So, Liu Yu's attack on Yan, it can be said to find a soft persimmon to pinch it. It seems dangerous, but in fact, he has long been sure of victory. Even a small defeat will not affect the outcome. He is only aimed at regaining the achievements of Shannanzhou County. , You can stand in a position of victory and invincibility!"

Yao Xing laughed: "It's still Mr. Tao's thorough analysis. Everyone thinks that your husband is just a celebrity in the world, and you have a unique poetry, but you don't know that your military strategy is still above these literary talents. , The widow really hopes that you can become my Wang Meng."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "These are all due to the art of war left by my grandfather. He was an old man from a county clerk, and he spent his whole life fighting. Many of the art of warfare have been recorded and passed into my hands. The reason why I wanted to oppose Liu Yu was According to his set, there will be no more books in the family collection. All the wisdom of the predecessors will be given to him as a gift. I am afraid that the descendants of our Tao family will never rely on this kind of unique family. There is a chance to excel in learning. However, if one day I fail against Liu Yu and have no place in Dajin, I hope that your Majesty can take me in at that time, and don’t turn me away because of my desperation."

Yao Xing laughed and said, "We are now looking for a talent like Mr., but we can't ask for it. This time we form an alliance. I hope you don't let me down. I will take in Sima Guofan, but I will not disclose the identity of Mr., but as for How to prevent Sima Guofan from falling into Liu Yu's hands and betraying you again, it depends on you."

  Tao Yuanming smiled and stood up, and gave a salute to Yao Xingshen: "I wish your majesty every success in his great cause, and the great Qin Kingdom will continue for generations to come, and we can be an alliance for generations to make peace forever."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Yao Xing's eyes flashed a meaningful look: "This is what I expected."

   Three hours later, Chang'an, Dongmen.

Wearing a human skin mask, he looks like a yellow and thin middle-aged man in his forties, but still a black cloak, standing side by side with Tao Yuanming, who is still dressed as a servant, with a caged hand, watching the next car. The horse-drawn carriage, guarded by twenty Qin army knights, went all the way along the official road to the east. An envoy with Xianbei characters was hung on the handlebar in front of the carriage, marking the owner of the carriage. The identity is Zhang Gang, Nanyan's envoy.

Tao Yuanming sighed softly: "How can this guide look like an envoy of a great country? The light car is simple, and even the escorts are left at the post station on the border. When we come back to Qin State, a minister of the Ministry of Etiquette meets at the post house even if it is passed away. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if the twenty escorts were hacked halfway. Although Qin and Yan didn’t have any deep friendships, they were also vassal states in name. Such treatment is too rude."

No expression could be seen on Dou Peng’s face: “Why did Hei Pao only send a Shang Shulang Zhang Gang to ask for help? It’s just that Yao Xing didn’t know that Zhang Gang had the ability to make this mechanism and couldn’t understand the fact that Hei Pao sent this person. The good intentions that came here are really sad and lamentable."

   Tao Yuanming's heart moved: "The lord meant that the black robe sent Zhang Gang to come, and he wanted to borrow the power of the post-Qin to build a wooden armoured army to rescue Nanyan?"

Dou Peng nodded: "That's right, Qin's military power will be much worse than Nan Yan's in the future. Even if one hundred thousand reinforcements are sent, it is impossible to beat Liu Yu on the battlefield, but after all, Qin has a large territory. The large population and the use of manpower and material resources can cause a lot of trouble for Liu Yu. Unfortunately, Yao Xing’s intelligence is too backward, and he doesn’t even understand Zhang Gang’s real intentions. Being thousands of miles away, I can only say that he deserves to beat Liu Bobo."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Judging from the several contacts I have with this person, it is indeed a great joy. I also like to be benevolent and conceited. I don’t have any upright and capable talents around me. Because of the rules of the Qiang tribe, most of the leaders are generals. The Yao clan suppressed the room for the Han people in Guanlong, who are really capable, to ascend, and their failure is sooner or later. Now it is just because they have to deal with Liu Yu and use him temporarily. I see this place in the pass, but in the end it will If it falls into Liu Bobo's hands, it is better for the lord to prepare early."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Cloak sighed softly: "Although Yao Xing is hypocritical~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he can just use his point for our use. , But Liu Bobo is a real jackal, unable to control it. The biggest mistake of the black robe that year was to support Tuobagui on the grassland, so that he lost control and disrupted his entire plan. I don’t want to commit the same again. My mistake, Yuanming, are you thinking about setting up for the north to replace the black robe gods?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "I'm just your loyal servant, your eyes, ears, and the executor who walks outside. I dare not ask for the position of the deity. No matter who you decide to take over, I will accept it. This result, and fully assist this new god!"

Cloak said softly "Oh": "Your master's black robe is still insisting on Guanggu, and according to your plan, Hou Qin will send troops to rescue him. If he gets out of trouble, he will still be a god. If you listen If you are so rebellious, the first one will destroy you!"

   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "He is going to be destroyed, I am afraid it is not a disciple, but you, Lord."

   Dou Peng's brow furrowed, and a terrible light flashed in his eyes: "What do you mean by this, are you trying to provoke the relationship between our two gods?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "Since the lord sent me to contact Black Robe on the battlefield and asked him if he would like to support him in the south, he has already been brought to the army. With his arrogance, he will never ask you for support. In this way, it is tantamount to forcing him to use all his strength and fight Liu Yu to death. Now your goal has been achieved. The black robe is defeated and guards Guanggu, but you did not raise an incident in the south to save him. If Qin sent troops, It's just the result of his own plea for help. He won't be grateful to you. He will only further believe that you want to get rid of him by Liu Yu's hand."

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