Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2972: Ask what love in the world is

Cloak said coldly: "This is a good thing you did. You obviously only need to send a message, why do you decide privately that Mingyue should return to the battle?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Why should I miss the opportunity to hijack Wang Miaoyin while in chaos? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The queen is with the army and is away from the usual guards. Liu Yu had to deal with the black robe with all his strength at the time, and he would always be divided. Xin, if I can win Wang Miaoyin, it can at least be used to blackmail the family and force them to cooperate with the League of Gods. Isn't this what you have always dreamed of?"

Cloak gritted his teeth: "These things can't be done by kidnapping a Wang Miaoyin. How can Xie Daoyun, such a powerful person, decide the future of the family for a daughter? If she really pays attention to family affection, how can she marry her daughter? Give a martial artist like Liu Yu, and let her be the queen twice in order to avoid trouble for the family?"

A cold light flashed in Tao Yuanming's eyes: "The Wang Miaoyin back then didn't have much power or status, but after so many years, she has already become the spy leader of the Xie family, and as a queen, she can organize and contact major families. If I take her down, I will not use her to blackmail her family, but will seek cooperation from her."

   Dou Peng said coldly: "Innocent, what can you do to force Wang Miaoyin to submit?"

   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "If you really want to get this woman in your hands, you can just deal with it in the same way as Liu Tingyun. Presumably, the lord will not be willing to get a brain pill then."

Cloak gritted his teeth: "Taking Naogu Pills means joining our organization. They belong to those who either become one of us or must be eliminated. I'm not sure to let Wang Miaoyin join us. You dare to do this. The decision? We give you a certain degree of autonomy, but it is not for you to decide who will be the apostle!"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "Then why don't you think about it, why should I make an apostle, a strong opponent who is above me and whose ability is not inferior to me, to compete with myself for the position of the future god? The loyalty of the alliance is not for your sake. Why should I do such a thing?"

   Dou Peng sneered: "After doing it for a long time, you are planning for the Shenmeng. This is not like you at all, my dear boy, you have always done everything for yourself."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "It is precisely because I desperately want to live and want to spare everything for myself, so I can only make the alliance more and more Strong, only if the organization is strong and I can control the general trend of the world, can I realize my ambition. Otherwise, if I am like a black robe, I am trapped in a lonely city and precarious, even if I am a god, what can I do? Turning into a corpse, all ambitions will be wiped out. It’s not difficult to understand this truth."

The cloak's expression was a little slow, and his eyes squinted: "You have some truth in what you said. The organization is strong, and you have a future. I hope you can always understand this relationship and act accordingly, rather than verbally. However, I still want to know. If Wang Miaoyin swears to death even after swallowing the brain gu pill, how can you deal with her? She is not Liu Tingyun, Liu Tingyun desperately wants to live, and Wang Miaoyin can do everything for Liu Yu! Even death."

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "It is precisely because Wang Miaoyin can do everything for Liu Yu, so she still has a place that can be used by us, and that is love. If appropriate, maybe she can talk to her without brain pill. We cooperate."

Dou Peng frowned: "You are too simple. Murong Lan did not appear today. The two of them have been fighting for Liu Yu for decades, and now Liu Yu has sent troops to attack Nan Yan and Murong Lan really saw each other with swords and soldiers. It seems that you are dead and alive. If Guanggu falls, Murong Lando will be half martyred to the country, Wang Miaoyin will become the final winner, do you think she will still worry about losing in this love competition?"

Tao Yuanming sighed softly: "If she is really so confident, she won't follow it this time. It's because she is afraid of losing, and because she almost believes that she will lose, she will risk the world as a queen. Following the Northern Expedition, the general who used to be married, even ignored other people's criticisms."

   A strange color flashed in Dou Peng's eyes: "What do you mean by this?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Maybe the gods have no such experience and don’t know what love in the world is, but I know very well that love is a wonderful thing. It doesn’t look at the final result. Some people even become married and have children and grandchildren. I don’t have any love with each other, it’s purely because of the arrangement of my father’s generations, to force them to live together, but true love can make people abandon everything and give up everything."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Dou Peng sneered: "The old man once had love. What you said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just the kind of fantasy that young people are willing to believe. No matter, how can there be any love that lasts until death, abandoning all love? It is always the impulse of young people, marriage is always just the order of parents, the matchmaker’s words are just like you, maybe you want to say you love It’s Mingyue, but are you willing to exchange your life for her? If you are willing and willing to live and die with her, then you will rush to save her in the battle. You can’t even do the love yourself, and How can you assert that others can?"

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Because I know that even if I rush up, Mingyue will not be saved. If you live well, there may be a chance for her to cultivate and reincarnate. Of course, I am a person who is afraid of death and puts myself first. People, you’re right, I can’t do it if you want me to give up my life and live with her. But if Liu Yu can do this, so can Murong Lan, and even Wang Miaoyin should be too!"

Dou Peng said coldly: "But their positions are hostile. Liu Yu and Murong Lan are not at odds with Han and Hu, and Wang Miaoyin is at odds with the cold. If you want to realize his ridiculous ideals, you have to follow These two women are enemies, and as a man, he always has to be sorry for one of them. But now it seems that at least Wang Miaoyin is by his side, and Muronglan is opposite him. This battle for love will obviously end up It was Wang Miaoyin who won. You are weird, why do you think she will lose?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "The lord, think about it, now my wife is the Zhai clan. She is a virtuous woman. She manages the family business for me and raises the five sons of my ex-wife. Ordinarily, I have nothing to blame. The place, but there is no love between men and women for her. At most it is just respecting each other as a guest. This in itself shows that the distance between me and her is no love."

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