Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2973: Life and death promises to be true love

Tao Yuanming paused, and continued: "On the other hand, to Mingyue, although I have a wife and she is married, there is true love between us. I will die for her, and I will not want to live day and night. I will always think about the past with her. This is true love. It doesn’t depend on who you live with and who sleeps next to your pillow, but who is in your heart."

   Dou Peng's expression slowed down, and he nodded: "Maybe it's just as you said, Yuanming, are you still resenting us for not letting you and Mingyue become a husband and wife?"

Tao Yuanming closed his eyes, and a line of tears flowed from his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he was already laughing: "Nothing, this is the test of the Shenmeng for me. I can only cut off love and abandon everything that is useless. Human feelings can be an excellent apostle. Otherwise, if you are trapped by love, you can only harm others in the end, just like Murong Lan."

Cloak nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, this is not only me, but also the trials that the apostles of the past must go through in order to become gods. Not only the love of husband and wife, but also the love of brotherhood and the righteousness of father and son. Need. You and Mingyue are both apostles, so they should understand the meaning of doing this. And Heipao and I have gone through this kind of trial back then. We had to break our love and abandon our children. Only in this way can we throw them away. Only by discarding those useless human affection and love can we get rid of all selfish thoughts and achieve the great cause of ten thousand years of peace!"

Tao Yuanming nodded: "I and Mingyue depended on each other since childhood and grew up together. We are not only love, but also an inseparable affection. In fact, I have no feelings for my wife and son, because of those It’s just a family that I had to make in order to conceal people’s eyes and ears. Even in order to meet the test of the League of Gods, I never taught my sons, let them be stubborn and lazy since childhood, and even took the initiative to fool the two boys. This is what the Shenmeng asked me to do, but to be honest, Mingyue’s death will still make me sad. Although I have separated from her, it will still be difficult to accept these days when I think about it."

Cloak sighed, "Fine, it's not easy for you to do this. Maybe, letting you, who depended on each other since childhood, become apostles at the same time was a mistake from the beginning, but now she has become a Flying Gu Mingyue. You are no longer of your kind. Don’t think that she is the previous Mingyue. Flying Gu and the gods can only be the relationship of slaves. There must be no feelings at all, otherwise there will be illegal techniques, whether it is you or her, The city will be destroyed in form and spirit, and will never be supernatural!"

   When he said these few sentences, the eyes of Cloak shone with cold, and his tone was murderous, Tao Yuanming's expression changed: "Could it be that she can't undergo further training to transform into a god?"

The cloak twitched his mouth: "It's impossible. Between the world and the earth, all creatures have their own natural ways. Only talents can cultivate into immortals and gods. It is impossible to be like human beings. You will become a goddess and you will know the true secrets of the Dao League that day. Today I see you still can’t pass this relationship in your heart. I can’t bear to see you wasting so many years of cultivation and hard work. I told you one or two that Mingyue has died forever and no longer exists in this world. Although the current Flying Gu has her memory, it will never become a creature like you. You and her have no future! "

Tao Yuanming's body shook slightly, and smiled reluctantly: "No matter what she becomes, as long as she can be with her for a long time, even if it is to become my mount, I have no objection. As long as I can serve the God League, I and She is willing, and I believe in the vastness of the world, if you can really get the eternal secret technique of the alliance and reach a higher level, then maybe everything is possible."

Cloak smiled slightly: "Then you have to work hard to become a deity. Now at least I know that it is also your current idea to let Mingyue change back to the way it was before. The gods of the past are often to cultivate immortals and gain Taoism or pursue nobleness. You are an exception to the strength of the power to cultivate, but this is not bad, I can also reveal a secret to you, most of the gods, are unable to cultivate immortality and cross the catastrophe, at the last moment or the life of the dead cannot continue, or Transcendence is not formed, and the gods are all destroyed. There are few and few that can succeed. If you still have distracting thoughts in your heart, I am afraid that it will affect your future practice. You are a wise person. Know the difference between your own cultivation and useless emotions. How to choose!"

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Follow the Lord’s teachings, but let’s go back to the topic just now. After all, Wang Miaoyin is not a member of the League of Gods. I don’t know these rules. However, she should be a woman who can give everything for love. We What can be used is also her love for Liu Yu, because if you don’t love it, you may hate it because of love."

Cloak made a soft "Oh": "You mean to say that although Liu Yu and Murong Lan will become enemies or even separate for various reasons, Liu Yu still loves Murong Lan in his heart? Even if Wang Miaoyin became Liu Yu His wife, but can't get his heart?"

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "Yes, now Liu Yu may actually love Wang Miaoyin more. Although he and Muronglan became relatives and gave birth to a daughter, he was ashamed of Wang Miaoyin. , And Wang Miaoyin showed such generosity in Muronglan’s affairs, did not care about them, and even willing to rescue Muronglan, it was nothing more than to make Liu Yu’s guilt deeper and deeper. Liu Yu is a serious one. People who love the righteous do not look for female sex. Those two women who make him feel that he owes him more, he will love the more."

Cloak nodded thoughtfully and said: "So Wang Miaoyin followed the army this time, not to take the opportunity to be with Liu Yu. The captives even killed Murong Lan, but to save Murong Lan and even make her and Liu Yu. Yu, can I get Liu Yu's love in this way?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "That's right. I think Wang Miaoyin's wishful thinking is to destroy Nan Yan and then she rescues Murong Lan. In this way, Murong Lan has the hatred of the country and the family, and it is impossible to become with Liu Yu again. The husband and wife were saved by Wang Miaoyin and owed her great favor, so they had to leave Liu Yu. In order to consider the righteousness of his family and country, Liu Yu could not restore Muronglan, but he was not ashamed of her. Will be sad, but after a while, with Wang Miaoyin's company, I will gradually lean towards this beautiful lady, and even finally, in order not to owe her to her, she will stand on her own and establish a new dynasty, because only in this way can we be justified. To marry this big Jin empress."

   Doupeng let out a long sigh of relief: "It sounds reasonable, but you said that Wang Miaoyin will probably lose. Why?"


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