Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2975: Destroy the black robe by Liu's hand

   A look of disappointment flashed across Tao Yuanming's face: "Could it be that this time with so many arrangements, so many arrangements, can't defeat Liu Yu?"

   Dou Peng smiled slightly: "My primary goal this time is to defeat Heipao, not Liu Yu, understand?"

   Tao Yuanming's eyes widened in surprise: "Master, you, you actually want to eliminate the black robe? Have you really decided to do this?"

The cloak said coldly: "That's not a good thing you did? In order to grab Wang Miaoyin, you got Mingyue out of the black robe's control and accepted your order. Regardless of whether this happened or not, the black robe would just think It was I who instructed you, plus I asked you to ask him if he wanted me to help in the south, which made him believe this. He rushed back to Guanggu City to defend instead of meeting with me, which means he was settled. He wanted to break with me. This time he wanted to defeat Liu Yu and annex his army, in order to rejuvenate his reputation in the north and fight against me. Therefore, I had to change my goal. It was more important to destroy the black robe than to defeat Liu Yu. Important things. Understand?"

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "If I cause a misunderstanding between the two great gods because of my own actions, then I will not be able to atone for this sin. I can go and explain to him now. Even if I fight for this life,... …"

Cloak waved his hand: "No, this kind of thing will only get darker and darker. Even if I killed you directly and gave your body to him, he would think it was a murder. Anyway, I cooperated with Heipao. For so many years, at this stage, it is indeed time to see the poor, no one wants the other party to take advantage of the completion of the Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan alone. This is the fundamental contradiction between me and him."

   Tao Yuanming was a little confused: "But, this Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan, isn't it something you have worked together for many years and spent your life's efforts to accomplish? How could it be at this time..."

Cloak said coldly: "From the beginning, he and I had no real cooperation. There was a curse on Black Robe, and even his family. He wanted to break this curse before he would cooperate with me. His motive was not simple from the beginning. Now at the last step, I expect him to be the biggest obstacle to my completion of the Ten Thousand Years Plan of Peace. Therefore, I have to take this opportunity to eliminate him and replace him with a desire to cultivate immortality and become a god. Apostle of God, ascended to the position of god."

   Tao Yuanming's eyes flashed with joy, and he quickly said: "The subordinates must do their best to do their best for the master!"

Dou Peng nodded: "Yuanming, work hard, continue to work with the old monk here, and you can also chat with him about Buddhist scriptures and the like. If you want to fight for a long time with Liu Yu in the future, you can still use your strengths. Control his shortcomings, do you understand what I mean?"

   Tao Yuanming thoughtfully muttered to himself: "Yes, don't compare Liu Yu's ability to fight wars, but compare his thinking, culture, and governance. Does the lord mean that?"

Doupeng's eyes flashed coldly: "Yes, the metaphysics of the aristocratic family talks about being good at one's own body, the way of the old and the old. What is required is the rule of inaction. The court cannot interfere with the people. In fact, it can't touch them. It’s okay for the puppet emperor of the Sima family, but it’s not easy to deal with powerful officials like Liu Yu. He is just like the Emperor of Han Wu and Qin. It is a great achievement, and what you want is a military meritorious service. It is necessary to concentrate all the resources of the country so that the family members can use their benefits to contribute to his great cause of the Northern Expedition. This is a righteous name, and no one can refuse."

   Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "We can use Sima Guofan to make an article. If even the Emperor Sima takes the lead against Liu Yu, how much is left of his Northern Expedition?"

Dou Peng sighed: "Yuanming, what you think is too simple. Do you think that the Emperor Sima, or the clan, represents the righteous name? If their emperor status is really so effective, they will be given to the family. The big clans have been standing up for a hundred years, are they imaginary kings and real power? They can't even fight against the big clans. To put it hard, the chief culprit that caused the Eight Kings Rebellion and the fall of the North was their Sima Family. They dared to say nothing about the Northern Expedition. Words, they don’t need to sit on the throne anymore. Liu Yu can directly stand on his own as emperor, understand?"

  Tao Yuanming sneered: "In this way, Liu Yu has become the rebel who once called the world to crusade, has become a usurper like Huan Xuan, and no longer has a righteous reputation!"

Dou Peng shook his head: "Didn't the Sima succeed in usurping Wei through expeditions and meritorious services? This world is not surnamed Sima. Since Qin, it has been Liu's Han family. If Liu Yu tried to expel Hulu In name, it is much more righteous than the royal lineage of the Sima clan. Even if it is a large family, he dare not openly oppose him. Besides, Wang Miaoyin is now the queen and has the control of the harem. Sima Dezong is under her control, as long as Sima Dezong couldn't directly stand up against Liu Yu. He just relied on a few clans to raise troops, that is, to play a banner, and no one would follow him."

   Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "But the lord just asked me to tell Yao Xing that those aristocratic families would put their power in northern Henan and the Huai River into the name of the Sima clan to form a rebel army, could it be..."

Dou Peng sneered: "That's just for Yao Xing to believe and cooperate with us. If the aristocratic families really still have these powers, they would have used them long ago when Wu Di was full of teeth for the Tianshi Dao~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you still have to wait until now? Those refugees in Lianghuai, bandits and the like, have always only recognized money but not people. If you really want to say they can mobilize them, Liu Jingxuan can even order them, Liu What a character Yi is, he will let the existence of these brave men in Yuzhou and not collect it by himself? Sima Guofan can only gather a few thousand mobs at most, and individual generals of Liu Yu faction can beat him all over. "

   A trace of disappointment flashed in Tao Yuanming's eyes: "So, we are deceiving ourselves? Why do you want Yao Xing to do these things?"

The cloak hooked his mouth: "It is for Yao Xing to take out some food, grass, and weapons, and let Sima Guofan and the others toss. Anyway, Sima Guofan doesn't need to fight Liu Yu head-on, just set up the flag, and it's okay to win over some mobs. I need Qiao Shu and Huan Qian to be able to move. They can still do something in Jingzhou. But these will not affect Liu Yu’s Guanggu battle. What I really want is that Liu Yi can take the opportunity to expand his power. Ability to compete with Liu Yu."

Tao Yuanming sighed: "If this is the case, what do I still stay here for? Yao Xing can't count on it anyway, so what can I talk about with this old monk? Qing Xuan Huang Lao has always been what I believe in. Theory, I'm not interested."

   Dou Peng said coldly: "You'd better be interested from now, because in the future you have to rely on this Buddhist theory if you want to defeat Liu Yu!"


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