Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2976: Benefit the people

Tao Yuanming frowned: "To defeat Liu Yu, even culturally, theoretically, it is not the turn of the Buddhism. Liu Yu's opponents are aristocratic families and gentry groups. They have always believed in the way of Huang Lao. This Buddhism itself was introduced from Tianzhu from the West, and it was mostly believed by Hulu from the Uttar Pradesh. It was not a dominant thought in the Dajin Dynasty. To deal with Liu Yu with this, it is better to find the Taoist classics of Tianshi Tao."

Dou Peng sighed: "Yuanming, Yuanming, how can you be such a smart person that you can't even think of this? I just talked about it for a long time, just to tell you that Liu Yu's strength does not lie in his pure military talent. , And because he can win the hearts of the people and the hearts of the people, not only by the loyalty of the brother who is willing to sacrifice himself to save his brothers, but also by the way we look at it ridiculous to buy the hearts of the people and get close to the untouchables. He offends the family and the whole family. The gentry group is to distribute the interests of the family and gentry to ordinary common people. You find it ridiculous. Even as a gentry, how much you hate him, the low-level common people will support him!"

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "His idea is unrealistic. The reason why the untouchables can't do things is that they have no culture and knowledge. But it is clear that after the land is divided, it is to sow seeds, loosen the soil, and then be lazy or lazy, and wait for the harvest in the autumn harvest. If there is no harvest, it is hoped that the government will provide relief, or simply owe a debt. Later, I sold my land and became a tenant farmer. The landless tenant farmers in those family estates in Wudi came from this way? I was poor since I was a child, and I have dealt with these villains the most. I know what the saints say, only women and It's hard to raise a villain, what's the matter."

Dou Peng smiled slightly: "Do you think that the spread of those rumors in the six counties of Jiangbei at the beginning was disturbing, and many of the housekeepers who moved to the past were opposed to Liu Yu, which proves that what Liu Yu did was thankless. Thing?"

Tao Yuanming nodded confidently: "Of course, Liu Yu distributed the land to these tenants, gave them seeds, farm tools, and exempted them from taxes for a few years. It is said that he will do his best, but as long as I instigate a little bit, it will be fine. It would make them believe that from then on, the imperial court will directly collect taxes from them. In the past, the kind family members paid taxes for them and provided them with food and drink. Later, they would have to accept the imperial exploitation. Those things Liu Yu did in Jiangbei It’s a matter of fact, just a few words of mine can make those petty people hate Liu Yu in turn, and even some people regard him as a person like Sima Yuanxian, who only speaks beautiful things, but wants to **** their blood. If it were not for Liu Yu to go to Jiangbei to go to many villages in person, and promised to tax exemption for three years, I am afraid that some people in Jiangbei will rebel."

Speaking of this, Tao Yuanming paused: “But it’s okay. This time Liu Yuren expedition to Nanyan, I can still live in Jiangbei through Sima Guofan. In the past few years, Pengcheng’s internal history is Liu Yilian, a corrupt official. I've gotten a lot of money, and I've caught him a lot. I just wait for the time to spread these crimes in Jiangbei, which will definitely give Liu Yu a big surprise!"

Dou Peng sighed: "Your thoughts are still two years ago, Yuan Ming, this is very dangerous. In the past two years, the people in Jiangbei have obtained Liu Yu's land, fields, seeds and farm tools. I have accumulated a lot of benefits. I have accumulated the food and wealth that I could not accumulate for ten years in the family manor in the south of the Yangtze River. I have obtained benefits that have never been before, and it is really not taxed for a few years. These are real benefits. You now imagine the instigation that you did two years ago, I'm afraid it won't work."

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "It's just three years of tax exemption, and they will start paying taxes for more than a year. Then I will contact those family members and let the village heads and village chiefs take care of them. Excessive collection will make these immigrants pay more taxes than before. They will be collected in the name of the imperial court, as Liu Yu said. When that happens, as long as someone gets into trouble again, there will be more bloodshed in the collection process. After several cases of officials forced the people to come back, I can guarantee that many people will go to various volunteer teachers represented by Sima Guofan."

Dou Peng said coldly: "You are afraid that you are too underestimating Liu Yu's local operations. Now in various villages, there are not many of the managers sent to Jiangbei by the original family, even if there are some family managers. They were assigned to the land and became a small official, so why do they need to obey their previous boss? Liu Yu gave them more generous than the family gave them. If the family can give Liu Yu the conditions, unless they don’t earn money. Stop sucking blood, do you think it's possible?"

Tao Yuanming was speechless for a while, and for a long time, he sighed: "So, Lord, what do you mean is that we are already fighting for the hearts of these people and are not Liu Yu's opponents? These people have realized that Liu Yu has brought them The benefit of the family has never been given by the family for hundreds of years?"

Dou Peng nodded: "Yes, Liu Yu is to disperse the benefits of the family, the land, and distribute it to these civilians, and this kind of talent is the most terrible, because he even has Not looking for future generations, but only thinking about realizing his ideals. I originally thought that the Northern Expedition was his wish. Now it seems that we have all misunderstood him. What he wants is to truly make everyone equal in the world and achieve that. An ideal country, and what’s even more terrifying is that it is really possible for him to achieve this. In the past, Huang Lao’s way and metaphysical theory said that although the old and the dead do not communicate, the sound of the chicken and the dog hear each other, but it is only to keep the emperor’s power. Township, so that the noble family and gentry can control the scenes of the grassroots folks, but Liu Yu, he is here for real!"

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Therefore, Huang Laozhi of the aristocratic family said that the so-called rest with the people can't compete with Liu Yu's theory? Because the aristocratic family always wants to make a profit, and it is doomed to get something for nothing. Drinking the blood and sweat of the common people is nothing more than the difference between high and low levels, and Liu Yu’s kind of world has his own land, and what he has to collect is just the most basic tax, which will definitely be lower than the amount that the family wants to collect. It will give the people more benefits. If we can't destroy the plan, then Huang Laozhi said, we must not be able to compete with him, right?"

Doupeng’s eyes flashed coldly: "That’s right, Huang Laozhi said, the style of metaphysics was originally moved out by the noble family to fight the imperial power and compete with the country for the power of the people. The so-called heaven, the ancient sage The first kings are nothing more than using dead people to suppress the living. In reality, they can’t compete with Liu Yu. Those who really want to compete with him are the foreign monks. That’s why I want you to start learning Buddhist theories. !"


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