Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2977: Purdue all living beings without a homeland

Tao Yuanming sighed: "The Buddhist theory says that all beings are equal and reincarnated. In fact, isn't it a matter of competing with the country for profit and robbing the emperor for manpower and land? To put it bluntly, they are just a group of shaved heads and robes. It’s just a family, what's the difference from Huang Laozhi?"

   Dou Peng smiled slightly: "There are two biggest differences, one is that it does not kill, and the other is that it does not pay taxes."

Tao Yuanming's face changed slightly, and he muttered to himself: "No killing, no tax. The first one is easy to understand. Buddhism says that there is no conflict in the world. Killing is a karma. After death, he must go to **** and suffer atonement. Of course , These can only deceive the foolish village women, after all, no one can tell what happened after death."

Cloak shook his head: "You only see this kind of hypocrisy in Buddhism, but don't think about why so many people would believe this, even if it is the emperor, the general, or even the great devil like Shihu or Yao Xing. Such a hypocrite also openly believes in the Buddha and the Buddha. These Huren monarchs are all horse **** kings, and every one of them kills without blinking. Why do they believe this most?"

   Tao Yuanming nodded thoughtfully: "Maybe, they killed too much and **** hands, so I want to ask for peace of mind."

Dou Peng sighed: "It would be great if it was that simple, Shihu, Yao Chang, and others, kill people like hemp, and massacre countless cities. No matter how you worship Buddha, you still have to enter the eighteenth hell. It is impossible to believe this in your heart. But they believe in Buddhism, which is another kind of benevolence and righteousness. They do not kill, which naturally also includes not killing. They are a foreign race, not from the Central Plains. Our set of Confucian rituals cannot be fully accepted for a while, otherwise It may make the people of the race centrifugal."

"Because the people of this tribe would say, if these Han people are better than us, if the set they believe is effective, how can they defeat and conquer us? Why should we learn from the losers? But accept this set of Buddhist ideas from Tianzhu , Then it can realize the kindness and justice in disguise, and can stabilize the people of their own tribe and the Han people at the same time. After all, the Hu people have not fought against the Tianzhu people, and they have not distinguished themselves."

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Isn't that hypocritical? All religions in the world, no matter how many schools of thought, all want to persuade people to do good, don't kill or rob, there is no difference in essence, but as emperors and generals, there are also Which can do it?"

Cloak shook his head: "So, if you use the thunderbolt method, there is a bodhisattva's heart. The purpose of fighting and destroying the country is to calm the world, save the people from water and fire, and turn the long pain into short pain, but the heart cannot bear the matter of killing, so there is a Buddha in his heart. , I hope I can atone for sins. This is for my own people. To put it bluntly, it is to make the people believe that their monarch is a good man. Conquering enemy countries, ending wars, calming the world, temporarily conscripting troops and increasing taxes, is also tolerable. This is why these Buddhist disciples will quickly become one with the Hu emperors, and even all of them have become great teachers of the country. ."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "So, it really makes sense. In troubled times, all beings are suffering. If the emperor does not make himself a reincarnation of gods and Buddhas and has the heart of a bodhisattva, I am afraid that many people will rise up long ago to resist. It is a good way to soothe people’s minds by accumulating virtue and doing good in this life. It is a good way to soothe people’s hearts after death. It’s the same thing as the noble family."

Dou Peng smiled slightly: "Yes, the Buddhists helped the emperors to calm the people's hearts, persuade the people to accumulate virtue and goodness, and convince the people that the hardships in this life are to eliminate karma for the past life and accumulate blessings for the future generations, so they have encountered injustices. Don’t resist, but accept it. Only in this way can you practice eliminating karma and enjoy happiness in your next life. Just like what you said just now, no one knows about the afterlife or the afterlife. You can deceive yourself for a vain dream."

Tao Yuanming said disdainfully: "But I was deceived and deceived. In the end, I was still deceiving myself. Even Kumarajiva was just wearing a robes, but it was actually for himself. Of course, he was deceiving too many people and deceiving himself. If he believes, he will become a Buddha, so he hates Lu Guang and Yao Xing, who he practiced most. He even went to collude with Liu Bobo to help him get revenge. If the world knows the true face of this holy monk, I am afraid that ideals will collapse."

Dou Peng said indifferently: "But there are still many true ascetic monks in this world, and there are still a lot of people who truly believe in the Buddha. A very small number of people are truly firm in their beliefs, and more of them are for the benefit of reality. Just like Kumarajiva. What's more, he is now a holy monk, a great teacher respected by everyone in the world. He enjoys a higher honor than the king of the world, and he does not have to bear any secular responsibilities. He does not need to be responsible for the life and death of his people. Good, good reputation, and good deeds that don’t have to offend others. Where can I find them?"

"However, Kumarajiva is still the same as the children of the aristocratic family. He can't help but eat fireworks. He still needs food, clothing, shelter, food, and Lazara. He still needs people to serve him. To serve yourself, you can accept disciples and let the little monks in the temple do these things. You say, what is the difference between these little monks and the tenant farmers in the family manor?"

   Tao Yuanming laughed: “They don’t have to pay taxes~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they don’t need to pay taxes, except they can’t marry wives and have children, they actually live much more comfortably than ordinary people!”

   Dou Peng nodded in satisfaction: "Then why do these little monks live comfortably? Compared with Liu Yu's model of teaching fields, what are the advantages and disadvantages?"

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "Although Liu Yu's set of land is divided among the people, the people still have to pay taxes. According to the current tax law, each person pays five stone grains a year, and each family pays four pieces of cloth a year. In addition, Ding Nan has to serve the country for 20 days. But as a monk, you don’t need these. The monastery takes care of your food and clothing. You don’t need to pay a grain of rice. You just need to work as instructed, and you don’t need to go to war. There is a risk of death. Although you cannot marry a wife and have children, eat meat and drink, but honestly speaking, it is much better than an ordinary person. After all, the country needs the people to pay taxes to support the officials, and the people need to protect their homes and the country from the army. Being a monk doesn’t need these."

A cold light flashed in Dou Peng’s eyes: “Yes, that’s what happened. Liu Yu divides the land among the people because he still wants to make the country strong and let the people fulfill their obligations to the country, so he still has to Those who collect taxes, in return for distributing the land to the people, have to break Liu Yu's rhetoric, only from launching wars, killing lives and creating businesses, and increasing taxes and levies for fighting, and drawing up the army to expand the army. The Buddhist theory of writing articles without fighting against the world, doing good to help others, is the best weapon against him!"


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