Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2978: Buddhism Theory

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Wonderful, the lord's move is really high. It turned Liu Yu's righteous Northern Expedition into an unjust act of arrogant swordsmen and provoking war, and then it became an injustice imposed on ordinary people. With a heavy burden, ordinary people don’t think of things like family, country, world, etc., they only think about whether they have to pay more taxes, whether they need to be more exploited, and attack Liu with slogans such as laboring the people and hurting the wealth, and military militants. Yu, it's so much easier than defeating him on the battlefield!"

Cloak nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, so this kind of thing can only be propagated among the common people, and even among the high-ranking families, these words can't be mentioned. Now what kind of meritorious service is Liu Yu's practice is not meritorious. No nobleman, no nobleman, no official. After this set, even princes like Yuyue will have to go to the battlefield. Moreover, before the Northern Expedition, the family in the south received no benefits and naturally did not have enthusiasm."

"But this time Liu Yu proved that he can defeat Hulu and even attack the enemy country. The newly occupied land will have a lot of benefits, especially land and population. These are all the family members want, and they are willing to join the army. Going out is not only for the politician, but also for the practical interests of the post-war period. It was Liu Yu's business after the defeat. It was Liu Yu's business to win the victory. It was nothing more than taking a risk. For Yu Yue's coming. Said that it is worth the bet. After all, when the family members started their homes, their ancestors also fought."

"If Liu Yu can destroy Nanyan this time, then the aristocratic family members will be able to get practical benefits. Don't expect that they will all realize Liu Yu's true ideas and rallied against them. If these people have such a long-term vision, It won’t be where it is today. But ordinary people may not benefit from the war, especially those ordinary people who can only increase taxes or become civil servants, unable to make merits, and can’t get nobles. After all, they need to be genuine. To benefit from the war, you have to make a great contribution and get a prince."

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "Yes, just like this post-Qin, although it is said that it can be taken captive in the war, and it can even be made fortune by meritorious officials, but over the years, the soldiers have been defeated repeatedly, lost their teachers and lost ground, and died in battle. It is difficult even to get a pension, not to mention the benefits. This is the reason why many Ding Zhuang men would rather self-mutilate or escape into Buddhism than be a citizen of Qin. So, as long as we promote effectively, we will find a way. Let Liu Yu fail several times, so that the Eastern Jin Dynasty will become the same as that of the Post-Qin Dynasty. Buddhism is popular. Everyone wants to be a monk and nun?"

Dou Peng laughed and said: "So, you have to change your mind. The Peach Blossom Spring you wrote, it says that there is no court, no government, and a nihil world where everyone is autonomous, but it is not realistic, but Buddhism can help you. To make up for this regret, because in reality, they can indeed not pay taxes, no levies, and cultivate their moral character, accumulate morality and eliminate karma, so that they can enjoy bliss after death. No one can deny this kind of post-mortem thing. People are always good. He has both fear of death and laziness. If there are not enough benefits, he does not want to go into battle and risk his life to fight. For his own ideals, Liu Yu wants to restore the Central Plains and regain lost land, but ordinary people may not be able to. To follow, to them, living a stable life is more important than expelling Hulu."

"But if Liu Yu is only competing with aristocratic families to win the hearts of the people, then he must have the advantage. He can only divide the land and give the people the opportunity to perform meritorious service, and he can defeat all the elites of the aristocratic family, even if not. The people on the battlefield, who have made friends with Liu Yu, the country and the court, are far fewer than those previously handed over to aristocratic families and clans, and they can also own their own land. Compared with them, they even risk their lives to fight. It is also acceptable."

Tao Yuanming let out a long sigh of relief: "Yes, only the Peach Blossom Spring I wrote, this kind of nihil world, no war, no court, and everyone meeting to rule together, can do better than Liu Yu, but those in reality Impossible, only the Buddhist theory you talked about is to persuade people to be good and not to fight against the world, but to escape into the empty door. There is no need to pay taxes to the court or the country. This is the appetite for those who are struggling, but... ..."

Having said this, he hooked his mouth: "It's just that if everyone becomes a monk, who will farm? It is impossible for any country to allow this kind of thing to happen in large numbers. In order to show his benevolence, the king established a few temples. It’s okay to raise thousands of monks and nuns, but if tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people make a monk, I’m afraid no one will allow it.”

Doupeng's eyes flashed coldly: "This is even more a good thing. It is the emperor, the court, and the government that have the final say. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty now and in the future, that is, Liu Yu has the final say. The people who wanted to evade human taxes were led by us to want to become a monk. As a result, Liu Yu refused to allow them to continue to pay taxes. The benefits given before, and the distribution of land to the jue, will all turn into hatred, the so-called rice promotion. En Dou Mi Chou, it has always been like this."

Tao Yuanming smiled and said, "But monks and monks also have to live and cultivate land. People become monks and enter the temple without paying taxes. On the other hand, they cannot marry wives and have children, drink alcohol, eat meat, and work. Everything about the property should also be handed over to the temple. I was thinking about this issue just now. Compared to having my own land, after the output is handed over to the country, I can keep more than half of it. Is it really that attractive to be a monk?"

The cloak smiled slightly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and patted Tao Yuanming on the shoulder: "So I ask you to stay and learn more about Buddhism from the old monk. The saying goes that the evil is rewarded. In fact, even though the martial artist fights a war, he will feel guilty and a little scared in his heart. After all, it is murder. Let’s start with this aspect and look for examples of those who have made meritorious deeds but failed to end well, such as Bai Qi, Li Guang, Huo Qubing. Oh, yes, those Liu Laozhi, Sun Wuzhong and other veterans from Beifu who died of unfavorable lives, also An excellent example. As long as the people of Dajin can believe that although fighting and killing people can be awarded as officials, it is a matter of creating karma, which requires retribution. If you are rich for a while, you will eventually pay for your life. How many people are willing to go to the battlefield again."

   Tao Yuanming let out a long sigh of relief: "Then, if the enemy comes over, instead of defending the home and defending the country, just saying that the enemy is building industry, do you still expect a thunder from the sky to smash the enemy to death?"

   Dou Peng shook his head: "You can ask the old monk more about these. He should have a good reason to explain. I have to go elsewhere. After that, Qin will trouble you."

   As he said, he turned around and walked down the city. Soon, he disappeared into the streets and alleys under the city. Tao Yuanming hooked the corner of his mouth and sighed, "Liu Yu, see how I go back to clean up you!"


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