Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2979: Xi Le is consciously fooled

   Jiankang City, Nanping County Government House.

Liu Yi wears a golden silk satin gown, Eguan belt, and a celebrity dress. With his hands behind his back, he paces back and forth in a secret room, sometimes sighing, shaking his head and frowning. Obviously, this person is second only to Liu Yu in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The second most powerful minister, the current Fujun general, the actual master of Jiankang City, is in trouble.

   Liu Cui, dressed in a uniform, stood indoors, looking at Liu Yi's appearance, and couldn't help but say: "Brother, what are you waiting for? There is nothing wrong with sending this order from Brother Nu."

Liu Yi suddenly stopped, looked at Liu Cui, and sternly said: "Is it true that Liu Yu divided your three thousand military merits, which is comparable to my elder brother who has been with you for more than 20 years? The third child, where is your **** crooked now? I'm not dead yet, so I want to take refuge in my new eldest brother?"

Liu Cui hurriedly said: "Big brother, you are my real brother. I am a sea of ​​swords and blazes. As long as you give an order, I will go in person. No matter how good Liu Yu is to me, he is also an outsider. How can he compare with you? "

Liu Yi said angrily: "Then why are you talking to him. If he wants me to look after the house, I have to help him look after the house. If I want to go to Yuzhou, I have to go to Yuzhou. Is he my boss or who? I want to listen to him. Order?"

Liu Cui sighed: "This is not because the situation in Yuzhou is tight. Hou Qin may have changed. And the anti-thief Sima Guofan also defected to Hou Qin, mingling with Sima Shufan, Huan Shisui and other rebels. Thousands of rebels have been recruited in Yubei, but Meng Huaiyu is afraid that he can't deal with it."

Liu Yi sneered and said: "Can't deal with it? Then let him separate the troops that attacked Guanggu. Thousands of rebels can't deal with it, so what are you talking about. There are tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Qingzhou who have come to join him now. Alright, it’s not difficult to send 10,000 people out. This is obviously his excuse, Liu Yu, who wants to transfer me away from Jiankang. Now it seems that I have fallen in love with him again. , I will arrange government affairs, but in reality? I am one of his watchdogs. I will come when I call it, and I will go when I call it. To watch the house, I have to take care of his frontline supplies for food and drink for tens of thousands of troops. This is good for me. What are the benefits?"

   Liu Cui's expression changed: "Brother, this is for national affairs. You are the minister of the country, general. At this time, working for the country is to give yourself the greatest benefit?"

Liu Tingyun's voice sounded coldly from behind the screen in the secret room, accompanied by the sound of a wall turning: "Is it? Whose country is this, whose home? If the country doesn't have the final say, then what are the benefits? What?"

   Liu Cui hurriedly bowed to Liu Tingyun, who was dressed in jewels, dangled in a long skirt, and smelled of precious spices: "I have seen my sister-in-law."

Liu Tingyun leaned slightly, and a fortune was considered a gift: "The third uncle came from a long distance, so it was a lot of hard work. Your eldest brother has been worrying about national and military affairs day and night in the past few months. He is also not in good health and a little irritable. You should go to rest first. I've already packed it up for you. Your eldest brother and I have some small things to discuss. Let's talk about other things tomorrow."

   Liu Cui's brow furrowed. He wanted to say it again, but Liu Tingyun walked directly to the door of the secret room and said to the outside: "Chun'er, Xianger, why don't you take Sanye back to the east courtyard for a rest?"

   Liu Cui sighed, and he could only bow out. The door of the secret room opened and reunited. Soon, only the couple were left in the house, and the beating candlelight reflected on Liu Yi's face.

Liu Tingyun smiled slightly: "Master, these are all expected things, why bother about it? I said at the time that Liu Yu was just using you to keep your eyes on you. You still don't believe it. Finally understand it."

Liu Yi gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "I thought Liu Yu would be in a bitter battle, a fierce battle, and even a big defeat in Nan Yan's battle, but I didn't expect that he would actually be able to defeat Nan Yan's main force in one battle. With such confidence, how dare he violate the original promise, dare to point fingers at me like this, and treat his subordinates completely!"

Liu Tingyun said calmly: "If you can't stand this anger, you don't need to listen to him. Now that Jiankang is guarded by you, Sima Guofan has defected again. You can use the excuse to say that you want to discriminate or guard against Sima Clan. There are people like Sima Guofan who have caused the chaos and cannot leave the capital for the time being. After all, Sima Yi used to pretend to be sick and lie in bed for decades. In the end, three thousand dead men started the Gao Pingling chaos. For this reason, Liu Yu also couldn't blame. Something went wrong."

Liu Yi shook his head: "This time Liu Yu asked Meng Huaiyu to bring the soldiers and horses of Yuzhou directly back. If I don't leave, Yuzhou will be empty. It happened that Sima Guofan was making trouble in northern Henan. Ten letters, if I don’t go, it’s just playing duty. With this charge, Liu Yu can dismiss me directly."

   Liu Tingyun frowned: "Then you can't let Meng Huaiyu lead the soldiers back directly?"

Liu Yi sighed: "Meng Huaiyu came back with his brother's coffin, and he was in a period of filial piety. It would not be appropriate to let him return to Yuzhou. Second, Yuzhou is my territory after all. I am Yuzhou provincial governor. UU reading wwwww .Uukanshu.com really drove Meng Huaiyu back and let him put down the rebellion. I am afraid that Yuzhou will no longer be my territory in the future. This move is high, mostly because of the idea given by Fatty Liu. Now Liu Yu is leading the soldiers outside. In the battle, I gave me great power in name, but in fact it was all the responsibility on me. Now I know that he had just thought about it at the beginning and this battle will be won. With Murong Lan in, he How can you lose?!"

   Liu Tingyun shook his head: "He won this battle by himself. Murong Lan was imprisoned in Guanggu throughout the entire process. He didn't participate in this battle. Master, my information has been given to you all the time, and never stopped every day."

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "Those of your spies can only inquire about the fur. They don't even know who Sima Guofan rescued. If I count on their intelligence, I might as well just go to the war report. By the way, last time. What did you find about the Heavenly Dao League? What did you find?"

   Liu Tingyun's eyes flashed a bit of resentment, and his face was filled with frost: "I should ask you about this matter. You really don't know what organization this Heavenly Dao League is?"

   A trace of confusion flashed in Liu Yi's eyes: "How do I know the heavenly alliance? It's weird."

Liu Tingyun said coldly: "If you don't know this heavenly alliance, what are you feeding me, do you want me to become the kind of flying monster like that female killer Mingyue? Can fly to the sky and escape, do everything?!"


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