Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2980: Xile wants to take the Central Plains

Liu Yi frowned, and said thoughtfully: "This brain gu pill was not given to you. Maybe, I really want to ask the person who gave me this thing. At that time, he just said that using this can make You were obedient and didn't say anything else."

Liu Tingyun gritted his teeth: "You are still not willing to reveal to me who gave you this thing. Isn't it enough that I have helped you over the years? We are now tied together by fate, and you haven't eaten this thing. , I don’t know how scary it is!"

Liu Yi said coldly: "My wife, you can still live here these years, and you can still be so powerful and powerful. It depends on my protection against Liu Yu, and I can deal with it. Liu Yu, it lies in the joint support of the people who gave me this thing. Don’t ask about these things. It’s not yet the time when I can discuss the hidden secrets with you!"

   Tears flickered in Liu Tingyun's eyes: "It turns out that for so many years, you still refuse to believe me!"

Liu Yi shook his head: "You and me are just getting what you need. I loved you and liked you when I was young, and it’s the same now, but it doesn’t mean that I will put my wealth and life in your hands and you will do things for me. I protect you. We have common enemies and similar pursuits. We are on the same road and in the same bed, but I don’t want to put all my secrets in your hands. Similarly, your connections in the family , Relationship, I won’t intervene, wouldn’t it be better if we keep this distance and have this kind of cooperative relationship for many years?"

Liu Tingyun sighed softly and turned her head: "You are despising me and have been with Huanxuan for many years, haven't you? Over the years, I can feel you. In my heart, I want to get me and hate me. That's it. Because I despised you back then, and married someone else for many years, right?"

A complicated look flashed in Liu Yi's eyes, and he shook his head: "Back then, I was just a small official in the state. It's okay to look down on me because of your background. But I keep reminding myself that I am still In the eyes of the senior family members, Liu Xile made no difference. Even though I was a high-ranking man and had a heavy hand in hand, I was still nothing more than a running dog in their eyes. It was only because they lost their military power that they could only listen temporarily. I ordered that if I relax for a moment and let them regain power and get out of my control, then my fate will be Liu Laozhi and Sun Wuzhu and the others. And you treat me the same."

Liu Tingyun was silent for a while before saying, "Finally, if you think so, I can understand. After all, we are just a relationship of mutual use and cooperation. Master, I will never ask you such silly questions in the future, but I beg you. , You must save me, you can restrain me with other prohibitions, or even make me take poison, but, but I really don’t want the bugs in that ball to eat my heart and brain one day, and then from I got out of my body and turned me into that kind of terrible monster. I would rather die than do this!"

A hint of pity flashed in Liu Yi's eyes, and he gently stretched out his hand, lifted Liu Tingyun's chin with his index finger, and said softly: "Don't worry, my baby, I can't bear you even more. I will find a way to come. The antidote that controls you, wipes out the **** gu worm, otherwise, if you suddenly become something like Mingyue one night, I'm probably the first one to die."

A smile flashed in Liu Tingyun’s eyes, and he smiled slightly: "After doing it for a long time, you are still worried about your life, but it’s okay if you think about it. You yourself, you can’t be controlled by others in this way. The person who gave you this thing is not well-intentioned. On the face of it, he controls me, but in fact, he wants to lend me to deal with you. You are a smart person, but you must keep one. Mindful."

Liu Yi hooked his mouth: "Well, let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about the battle ahead. Sima Guofan fled to Hou Qin and was protected by Yao Xing. This shows that Qin and I are going to be open in the Jin Dynasty. It's an enemy, what news about their army mobilization, including the messenger Nan Yan went to call for help?"

Liu Tingyun shook his head: "It's strange to say that the one who Nan Yan sent to Qin to ask for help was Shang Shulang Zhang Gang. Although this person has the name of a skilled craftsman, his official position is not high, and I don't understand why Nan Yan sent such a person. Asking for help, the ministers of Hou Qin said during the court meeting that they had sent such a person to ask for help, which was an insult to Hou Qin, so Yao Xing sent him away without seeing Zhang Gang, but at the same time he took Sima Guo in. Fan, gave him a battle of 5,000 people and asked him to go to the border to recruit and surrender rebels. You should also know this from the military newspaper."

   Liu Yi frowned: "Have you inquired about who rescued Sima Guopan? Who are the forces behind him?"

Liu Tingyun sighed: "I repeatedly searched, but did not find out. This Sima Guofan did not go to Chang'an, but stayed in Luoyang. It was the guard of Qin Luoyang who asked Yao Xing for instructions on how to deal with this Sima Guofan. Yao Xing drove away Zhang Gang and at the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gave Sima Guofan the official title of Yangzhou governor and champion general, and also gave five thousand soldiers and one hundred thousand stone rations. He went to recruit and set up an army by himself. In addition, Yao Xing threatened that Liu Yu attacked his country, Nanyan, and that he was an enemy of Qin Gong. Fan is just a vanguard. He will raise an army of 100,000 and attack Dajin directly."

Liu Yi sneered and said, "You are not ashamed. Now, after Qin has given Hu Xia a few big defeats, Yao Xing almost can't return to Chang'an, so he still wants to be an enemy of Dajin? I want to use the name of Sima Guofan directly. , I went to attack the Central Plains of the Qin State. With my current 30,000 elite, if I returned to Yuzhou, and then combined with Lu Zongzhi’s Yongzhou soldiers and horses, they would go out in two ways, and then they would capture the Central Plains and be no less than Liu Yu. It is not difficult to seize the great achievements of Qingzhou."

   Liu Tingyun's eyebrows frowned slightly: "Are you serious?"

Liu Yi pondered for a moment, and said, "It's a pity that the second brother's Yanzhou soldiers and horses and the 8,000 soldiers of the Yuzhou Army have followed Liu Yu to the northern expedition to the Southern Yan, and now they are also following the attack on Guanggu. I can’t ask my second brother to bring me back at this time. Now I have no more than 30,000 soldiers. It will take some time to mobilize food and grass. Can you help me figure out a way so that the family of Jiankang City can provide some food, grass and manpower? I don’t want much, half a million stone army rations, 20,000 former civilians, to lay down the Central Plains, I will give them enough in return according to the size of the output!"


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