Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2981: Secret help Qiao Wang resists power ministers

Liu Tingyun laughed: "Good guy, don't you need too much? Five hundred thousand stones, grain and grass, tens of thousands of people. When Xie An formed the Beifu army, these family members only exerted these forces. These years, you are not. I don’t know, the strength of the Wudi aristocratic family has weakened a lot, and Liu Yufayan severely let them shed a lot of blood. Now that Nanyan hasn’t died, they haven’t benefited yet, so you have to give it again. They let their blood go, I'm afraid no one will follow."

Having said this, she twitched her mouth: "Also, you can really decide this kind of important event of the Northern Expedition? Although Liu Yu entrusted the rear to you, it didn't give you the one who could decide the battle alone. Great power, the army is fighting abroad, and victory is in sight. Now you are going to make another northern expedition. This is probably beyond the national power. Other governors and generals may not be willing to cooperate."

Liu Yi sneered: "So I need to unite with Lu Zongzhi to defeat Sima Guofan. I only need the local troops in Yuzhou. But if I take the opportunity to attack the Central Plains and seize Luoyang from the Qin Dynasty, I have to do a good job with the Qin Guanzhong reinforcements. The preparations for the war, and even the intervention of the Northern Wei Dynasty, must be considered. After all, the Northern Wei Dynasty and Nanyan are deadly enemies. Liu Yu does not have to worry about sending troops to rescue Yan from the Northern Wei Dynasty. It is also to shake hands to make peace and restore the old. Even Yao Xing's daughter married Tuoba Si as the queen. If the Qin fights with me and the Northern Wei sends troops to help, it may be in big trouble."

   Liu Tingyun shook his head: "If the Northern Wei Dynasty sends troops, I am afraid that Lu Zong will not be able to deal with it, and even Liu Yu's main force will be needed to help."

Liu Yi shook his head: "If Liu Yu is relieved, then this Northern Expedition to the Central Plains will be unsuccessful. He will never let me take advantage of this great achievement. He will definitely excuse me for taking the prestigious war. Ji is afraid that he will not stand on my side, and after Liu Yu extinguishes Nanyan, his prestige will reach a new level. Now, in addition to our Big Three, Jingzhou is his younger brother Liu Daogui, and Nan Yan has laid down his prestige. Later, the governor of Qingzhou will probably give it to Ah Shou. In this way, the Big Three will become the Big Five, and four of them are his people. How can I fight him?"

   Liu Tingyun's eyebrows frowned: "So, you must organize a Northern Expedition by yourself before Liu Yu defeats Nan Yan, so that you can continue to compete with him in the future?"

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "I now suspect that Sima Guofan will be punished, and then let him escape and go to Hou Qin. This is probably a plan arranged by Liu Yu to deliberately let Hou Qin accept my rebel from Dajin. Only then can there be a reason to raise troops. After fighting Nanyan, he happened to be transferred to post-Qin with the victorious division. Anyway, now Qin is overwhelmed and beats Liu Bobo's Hu Xia in embarrassment. If Liu Yu really turns to the army of destroying Yan The attack on Qin will naturally go smoothly. Even if Guanzhong cannot be attacked all at once, it is not a big problem to at least collect the land of the Central Plains."

"At that time, my Yuzhou provincial governor will be firmly encircled in the interior, and will no longer be a frontier. This is a very good thing for the children of the aristocratic family, but for me, a general who needs military merit, it is equivalent to letting me Disarm and return to the fields ahead of schedule, and enjoy a rich and honorable life!"

Liu Tingyun laughed: "Your analysis like this is quite reasonable. Sima Guofan performed poorly in the Linqu battle before. He had no military merits, but he was eager to grab merits and killed them. In fact, this was not the case in the previous Beifu army. Liu Laozhi often does big things, but Liu Yu and Wang Miaoyin, who are bitches, make a big fuss. They directly say that Sima Guofan is suspected of colluding with the enemy and take him down. If you say that if you are settled for this crime, After winning, they must be strictly guarded and interrogated day and night, but they let this Sima Guofan run away. Wang Miaoyin and Liu Muzhi are both first-class spies. If Sima Guofan can be allowed to run like this, I don’t believe it if he was killed, unless it’s what you said, deliberately letting him go!"

A fierce light flashed in Liu Yi's eyes: "This Liu Yu, I have known him since childhood. Under the appearance of majestic and majestic, the city is extremely deep, and he is very good at using people's hearts. In addition to Sima's thoughts, this time he deliberately brought Sima Guofan to make mistakes and commit crimes, and then fled to Hou Qin. This not only provided an excuse to attack Hou Qin, but it also made everyone in the Sima clan at risk, which might cause a problem. There have been a large number of defections. Now Sima Chuzhi, Sima Shufan and others have fled one after another and went to Sima Guofan. This is probably the result Liu Yu wanted!"

Liu Tingyun said sternly: "Yes, Liu Yu wants to take power and do the things of the Huanchu Dynasty, but he knows that he cannot repeat the failure of Huan Xuan. He has not completely mastered the power of the world and has not obtained the sincere obedience of the family. In the past, the Sima family’s banner had to be knocked out. Among the Sima family’s kings, most of them had nothing to do with the world. They just wanted to be rich, and the few were Sima Guofan. Sima Chuzhi’s return Those who want to make meritorious deeds, but only need to find a chance to find evidence to get rid of the outstanding ones among the princes of the clan, then the Sima clan will no longer be able to take the lead. After much deliberation, there is only one Qiao Wang Sima Xiuzhi... …"

   Speaking of this, Liu Tingyun closed his mouth, UU reading www.uukanshu. com took a look at Liu Yi.

Liu Yi thoughtfully said: "Yes, in addition to the two emperors and brothers, among the Sima clan, this Qiao Wang has the oldest qualifications and the strongest ability. After all, he has really led soldiers to fight. He had also been the governor of Dazhou, and fled with Liu Jingxuan to survive Nanyan. It turned out that after the Sima Dezong brothers came to power, they intended to support the Sima family’s clan to go out of the big states, and Sima Xiuzhi was once appointed as the governor of Jingzhou. It’s just that he has no soldiers and no generals, and he is alone in Jiangling. How can he withstand the vigorous soldiers and horses? I didn’t want Sima to ride on the heads of us generals on the west expedition, so I deliberately didn’t save him and let him lose. I went to Jiangling. Later, I relied on you to run between the clans and families, and contacted Yu Xiaofu and the Wudi clans to intercede for him, so that he could keep his official position and be transferred to Kuaiji Internal History. So, you had this aspect at the time. Your mind?"

Liu Tingyun smiled slightly: "No matter how unbearable the Sima clan is, the family members can always be pushed to the front to fight against the banners of the powers and ministers. Sima Xiuzhi is much older than Sima Guofan, and he has always liked it. I am considered half a celebrity among aristocratic families, quite like Sima Yu, Emperor Jianwen, who was last ascended to the throne of God. Sima Yu withstood the pressure of Huan Wen with the support of such great families as Wang Xie and kept Sima's throne. So that Huan Wen’s plan to usurp the throne was shattered. I just want Sima Xiuzhi to have a chance to become Sima Yu's second. Maybe you will need him when you want to deal with Liu Yu in the future."


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