Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2982: Da Jiangdong Goes to Youth History

Liu Yi nodded with satisfaction: "I didn't think so much at the time. I just felt that the Sima clan, one by one, lacked the skills and abilities. They were very active when they came out to grab credit. Rough people, you have to be a bit taller."

Liu Tingyun smiled slightly: "I hope your husband will always understand that your opponent is not the nobles and nobles of the family, but Liu Yu. If you are more popular in the army and supported in the martial arts, now you are probably not an opponent. It is also difficult to come back. After all, your advantage is both civil and military. Among the martial arts, you are the most literate, and you are naturally close to the family, and you will become one of them. Therefore, there is no need to fight against them like Liu Yu, Liu Yuyue If you want to get close to the villain and please the grass-minded people, the more you have to go against him and go to the upper level, because it is always the powerful people, the nobles, and the nobles, not those who rise up against the people, who determine the general trend of the world."

The corner of Liu Yi's mouth twitched: "Of course I want to make friends with aristocratic families, but brothers in the army cannot be deviated. The loss of military spirit and control of the army is the cause of their decline. The aristocratic family and gentry flatter me because I am the only person in the army who can help them fight against Liu Yu. This fundamental priority must be clearly distinguished. Even if I overthrow Liu Yu and become the number one minister in the future, I cannot lose my position. The foundation. Madam, this must be clear."

Liu Tingyun said sternly: "Thank you for your husband’s reminder. I can help you win the support of aristocratic families, especially those of the small and medium-sized families. Wang Xieyu and these top-notch families. You can speak your own words now, but the small and medium-sized families, I’m afraid now. I can’t stand next to you. I’ll help you get in touch with these things. As for the military affairs, I can’t talk about it at all, so the husband can do it for himself.”

Speaking of this, Liu Tingyun paused: "You said earlier that you want to expedite the Central Plains to the North. It requires 500,000 stones, grains and grass and tens of thousands of people. The surnamed family members contacted. Maybe the family members would not be willing to contribute any more, but these small and medium-sized families used to excuse their lack of strength and did not contribute much during Liu Yu’s Northern Expedition. It’s good, as long as I take the lead, I should still be able to come up with the resources you want."

Liu Yi's brows wrinkled slightly: "Don't worry about this. I have to contact a few people, especially Xu Xianzhi, Meng Chang and the others, to explore their mouths, and Xie Hun, Xi Sengshi and the children of big families. , Including Yu Yue and others who came back, I also have to contact me. Now I have the final say in the capital. If everyone can unite and contribute to Qin after the Northern Expedition, then Liu Yu can’t control me. After all, I’m here. At the same time, I can use an excuse to crusade Sima Guofan, chase into the Houqin, and send troops together with Lu Zongzhi. After the big deal, Luoyang will be assigned to him. I will only take the Liangjun and Chenjun sites."

   Liu Tingyun's eyes widened: "You don't even want Luoyang?"

Liu Yi said coldly: "It's not that I've never been to Luoyang. I'm a big old capital of Shanxi. The population is not full of a thousand households, and it's dilapidated. The Jinyong Fortress is defended. The land of the Central Plains is indeed sparsely populated and unrecoverable after more than ten years of operation. So I don’t expect Hou Qin to fully defend. If we can find a way to let Liu Bobo send troops to attack Qin and make Hou Qin’s Guanzhong soldiers Ma couldn’t rescue the Central Plains. Then there was a 70% chance of success in this matter. Liu Yu spent a long time and only got a place in Qilu Qingzhou, but I could regain the Central Plains. Comparing the two, on the contrary, I would overwhelm. On his side, it doesn't matter who Luoyang belongs to after the war."

   Liu Tingyun laughed: "I am a woman who is not very clear about this kind of military affairs, but if you want these resources from the Northern Expedition, you can't make people use them in vain. Those rewards and benefits..."

   At this point, she smiled without saying a word, and cast a wink at Liu Yi.

Liu Yi laughed, and picked up Liu Tingyun's bare hands: "You tell those families and local tyrants who are willing to invest, Liu Yu is 30 times the return this time, and I will give it a hundred times, three times more than Liu Yu. , Of course, I can’t get cash in cash, but the original is the land. When I lay down Luoyang and the surrounding areas, I will count the tax on the food and grass as much as they donate. The three-year tax for a hundred times of the land will return them, absolutely It won't make them suffer."

   Liu Tingyun smiled slightly, and there were a lot of charms: "Then, if you do not succeed in taking down the Central Plains, and you have no work, how can I explain to them?"

Liu Yi smiled and hugged Liu Tingyun into his arms: "You just can't trust your husband, can you not even defeat the Central Plains defenders of the Qin Dynasty? Don't worry, if the training is unfavorable, I will take the opportunity to show up at that time. To dismiss Lu Zongzhi and repay the debts to them with the Yongzhou site. Wasn't Huanwen what he did back then. The Northern Expedition failed to use Yuzhou governor Yuan Zhen to vent his anger, and finally annexed Yuzhou, which is called the East's loss and the West's compensation."

Liu Tingyun snorted and got into Liu Yi's arms. The head was buried deep in his chest. There was endless temptation in his voice: "I knew, you won't lose~www.wuxiaspot.com~forever. No. Master, I would rather be your slave forever."

   Liu Yi couldn't wait to hug Liu Tingyun and roll to the ground. His voice became rush, mixed with gasping and tearing voices: "Don't wear this tight next time, it's not easy to tear!"

   The next day, early in the morning, the Shogunate Mountain.

Liu Yi wears a military uniform with his hair tied behind his head. It is completely opposite to the celebrity dress of yesterday's Eguan Bo belt. He is now standing on the top of the mountain, standing on the top of the mountain, standing on the top of the mountain. The general's style is in sharp contrast with Xu Xianzhi, who is dressed as a scribe and is dressed in a Confucian robe.

Liu Yi looked at the surging river in front of the mountain, facing the howling wind, and sighed: "I think that General Zuti was in the midst of the Northern Expedition and when he crossed the river. Clarifying the Central Plains and restoring the myth is like this surging river, never returning, how heroic and heroic this is. Envy, you and I grew up listening to the rhetoric and heroic deeds of these great predecessors in Jingkou since childhood. What do you think?"

   Xu Xianzhi smiled slightly: "I hate that I will not be born a few decades earlier, and I will be a small official for the ancestor general, lead a horse and whip for him, and do my part."

   Liu Yi shook his head: "Back then, we were so fascinated by the ancients, but have we ever thought that one day, it is possible for us to do what they did not do?"


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