Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2983: Who is the enemy of the black hand?

Xu Xianzhi's long beard was fluttering in the wind, and his brows were lightly raised, and he said calmly: "To be precise, Ji slave did it. I only hate that we didn't join him in the Northern Expedition this time. Now I can only stay here, feeling that he stood up. His great achievements. In the future history, I don’t know if you and I will be famous."

   Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Then if we also go to drink the Yellow River, expedition to the Central Plains, rejuvenate the Jin Dynasty, and still live in the old capital, can we overtake the slaves and surpass General Zuti?"

Xu Xianzhi's face changed slightly and looked at Liu Yi: "Xile, don't joke about this kind of thing. At this time, we are unable to launch a new Northern Expedition, let alone challenge the entire post-Qin period with the soldiers of Yuzhou. Empire."

Liu Yi smiled and turned the hilt of the big sword that was standing on the ground, making the scabbard rotate along the axis, bringing up bursts of wind, and his voice followed, straight into Xu Xianzhi’s In the ear: "The slave can destroy the country and break the army with his own army, and it is about to destroy Nanyan who has hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Why can't I follow the story of Zuti and regain the Central Plains? Jiang Shi only had 3,000 followers, but I had 30,000 elite soldiers under my hand, and I only fought one Sima Guofan. Isn’t that too aggrieved?"

Xu Xianzhi's brows frowned: "Sima Guofan is really nothing to worry about. He is no more than a mob. As long as Liu Cui is sent to bring five thousand soldiers and horses, it will be enough to defeat him. By the way, he can also wipe out these long-running fish and dragons in northern Yuzhou. Regardless of the region, Xile, Yuzhou and Yanzhou are your basics. This is your business. You just need to manage it. Don’t go to the Northern Expedition impulsively. Dajin does not have the national power to support the two wars at the same time. Not to mention, apart from Sima Guofan, Jingzhou is not at peace either."

Liu Yi sneered, "Isn’t it just Huanqian who is about to move again? I heard that after he was released, Queen Qin recruited troops and bought horses in Ganlong area, and wanted to fight back to Jingzhou, while Qiaoshu was also recruiting troops to collect food. The city’s attempts, these things seem to be done by the anti-thieves who are against us alone, but each way is inseparable from the post-Qin. We only fight one way, fearing that it is not enough. We simply do nothing. He kept taking the opportunity to take down all the land of the Central Plains of the Hou Qin, and this would never cause trouble. Huan Qian lost the Central Plains, afraid he would not dare to go out of Wuguan to Nanyang again. But Huan Qian did not move, those shrimp soldiers and crabs in Xishu, I didn't dare to go east if I borrowed his ten courage!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yi smiled and patted Xu Xianzhi on the shoulder: "Xianzhi, I'm talking about national affairs with you now. Look, I didn't even look for Yanda, so I will discuss this with you first, because I can trust it. You."

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "I'm still saying what I said before. The current Dajin does not have the national power to support two wars at the same time. If you only attack Sima Guofan, and an army of thousands of people fights for about ten months, then the food and grass in Yuzhou will be enough. However, if it is the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, you must be prepared to fight against the Qin Dynasty and even the Northern Wei Dynasty. Once the end of the battle begins, no one can say how far it will be, and it may even affect Ji slave's battle against swallows. At this time, we must ensure that everything is eliminated. For other things, at least we have to wait for the slave to return to the teacher before making a decision."

Liu Yi's face sank, and he said coldly: "Send slaves and slaves, and also send slaves. Is he a god, is he the Jade Emperor? I need to listen to his orders? He is in front of him to gain merit and cause trouble. , Yan Jun defeated him, Sima Guofan caused him a disaster. I will show him the guard house for a while, and then I will extinguish the fire he caused. I am envious, even his subordinates. Let's do it like this. He can decide the Northern Expedition for himself, why can't I?"

Xu Xianzhi smiled and shook his head: "Xile, it's not that you can't decide on the Northern Expedition, but at this time, the Northern Expedition is not appropriate. Dajin does not have the national power to fight two wars at the same time, let alone you know, Huan. Qian and Qiaoshu are not at ease. Even the demon in Lingnan may not sit back and watch. Recently, under the influence of Sima Guofan, there have been more than a dozen gangsters who have responded to the banner in various places. The country is not peaceful, although Send slaves don’t need us to deliver a large amount of supplies to the front line for the time being, but after all, the army is still on the expedition, and the battle of Guanggu is not known for how long. At this time, a country is not destroyed, and there will be another army. If there is a mistake, I am afraid that it will come out. Great trouble, Xi Le, I can understand your feelings of making contributions, but at this time, it is not a time of arrogance, only the interests of Dajin are guaranteed, and each of us will benefit."

Liu Yi turned his head, looked at the surging river again, and said coldly: "You are now shooting from the right side of Shang Shu, and Xu Xianzhi, the son of the aristocratic family, tell me this, or tell me as the guardian of the Suzaku. What about these words?"

Xu Xianzhi's brow furrowed: "Now here, I am not wearing a mask, not in the general altar, naturally speaking as your old friend Xu Xianzhi for many years, but having said that, even if I am now Suzaku, the same thing is true. Because now The interests of Black Hand Universe are the same as those of Da Jin. We no longer have the conditions to continue losing strength due to internal fighting."

Liu Yi said coldly: "If you tell me this as the vice minister of Dajin, I can understand, but if you are the guard of the Mafia, then I ask you, who is the enemy of our Mafia Universe now? Is it Sima Guofan, Nanyan's Murongchao, or is it someone else?!"

   Xu Xianzhi's eyes opened wide: "Xile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What do you mean, you are going to treat the slave as an enemy?"

   Liu Yi hooked up the corner of his mouth: "Then let me ask you first, what kind of organization is the Mafia and whose interests are it defending?"

   Xu Xianzhi sighed: "It is an organization of aristocratic families, and it protects the interests of the world's aristocratic families, but Xi Le, Ji Slave does not have..."

Liu Yi waved his hand and interrupted Xu Xianzhi's words: "Didn't you have a big fight with Ji Nu over this when Liu Huaisu died? You almost said that the black hand still existed and gave us all. Said it out, didn't you?"

Xu Xianzhi's eyes were shining, and she gritted her teeth: "I'm advising the slaves not to be too aggressive, and not to fight against the world's nobles because of his ideals of being close to the people. After all, to run the country requires talents, these talents. , Only in the family."

Liu Yi sneered and said, "Really? Who said that? His method of building books with modules, I heard that it is called printing, has been able to produce thousands of Analects, you really think that there will only be Scholars know how to read and calligraphy? Think about when we were a teenager, you could have a collection of books at home to read, but I could only follow the fat guys and take a wooden stick to learn calligraphy on the muddy ground, so you have always been more educated than me, but in the future With this typography, everyone has the same book, do you dare to say that it has an advantage over me?"


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