Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2984: To stop the slave

Xu Xianzhi was silent for a while before he sighed: "Sending slaves like this is indeed challenging the foundation of scholars. If there is no advantage in knowledge, then all the advantages of power and wealth will be gradually lost, but this is not the case. It means that we are your life-and-death enemy relationship. Last time I talked to Ji Nu, he did not intend to destroy the family. As long as there is a country, a court, and a distribution of power, someone needs to manage and rule, and master power and wealth. People will naturally become a new family. Only by letting the decadent and uninspiring families be eliminated, and letting the new, enterprising, and contributing to the country become a new family, can the country be prosperous and strong. It is also beneficial to the entire family."

Liu Yi hooked his mouth with disdain: "Then who is the newcomer, who is the rotten, and who defines it? Many of our old brothers in Beifu were born to death, licking blood, but after getting rich, they don't want to fight and fight. If there is wealth and power, it is human nature that is unwilling to go desperately. The kind of life is endless and enterprising, except for those of us who want to make contributions and make a name for themselves, how many people are there?"

Xu Xianzhi said sternly: "So it needs to be eliminated and fresh blood is needed. Those who are not enterprising cannot let their children and grandchildren lie down on his merits. For generations to enjoy the glory and wealth, only let the bottom up and those who want to live a good life have The opportunity to make meritorious deeds will allow you to chase after me among the families and make the people above dare not slacken their efforts. Although I don’t fully agree with his idea, I really can’t find a better way to force it. The masters of the aristocratic family are working hard, so I don't think that the slave will be the enemy of the family. He just wants to keep the family's children in peace and security and keep making progress."

Liu Yi said coldly: "You are too naive. If you change the whole family to a group of people, it will be no different from changing the dynasty. If you say it is still the original family, do you believe it? Just leave the name of the family. He Liu Ji A slave can have no offspring or offspring. Anyway, he has only a daughter. I guess he doesn’t even have the idea of ​​marrying a wife and having children. He just thinks that he can be named in history and will last for generations. If he is such a selfish person, do you think he will be a friend of the family? I don’t need a family, but everyone in the world does not want a family or inheritance like him. If he succeeds in this set, there will be no family in the future."

Xu Xianzhi's eyes narrowed slightly. Obviously, Liu Yi's words moved him and made him fall into deep thought. Liu Yi saw Xu Xianzhi's appearance, and his expression was a little slow: "If you still treat Ji Nu as a brother and don't want to go with him At this stage of the final break, we must stop him now. This is not to harm him, but to help him. He has the power to do whatever he wants. Yesterday he can decide the Northern Expedition privately. Today, he can break the rules of the Big Three of the Beifu brothers. Without a vote by the Beijing Eight Brothers, we decided to fight the big plan. Tomorrow, we can spread this set of printing methods to the world, so that everyone can read and read, and everyone no longer has to work and farm the fields. If you don’t produce, who is willing to farm and fish honestly, and who is willing to be at the mercy of others to enlist in the army? Farmers and sergeants of the past generations are not all because they have no culture and literacy, so they are controlled by others? This rule has changed, so who wants to sweat and shed the soil?"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "This is indeed a big problem. It has always been the laborer who governs others, and the laborer governs others. If everyone is unwilling to work, the order will be in chaos. The illusory ideal of equality, but I don’t want to establish a new and perfect system. In order to establish my own authority, I am unprincipled and without a bottom line to please the grass-roots people. I can’t tell. After listening to your analysis, I understand what’s wrong. This printing technique must not be popularized in the world, at least not now."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "You have finally turned this corner, not bad, and now we can discuss future major events as before. Ji slave has also expanded greatly in recent years, and as his power grows stronger and stronger, Doing things more and more without considering the consequences, doing whatever he wants, the fat man will only do what he likes, which will further increase his arrogance, and if this goes on, he will go farther and farther on the road to be alone, and leave us old men. What can he do with the support of the brothers? Therefore, the top priority is to find a way to stop him. At least he can't do what he wants to do like he does now, without being restricted in any way."

   Xu Xianzhi's brow furrowed: "So, you said that you want to expedite the Central Plains to the north to fight for power with Ji slave, so that you can contain him in the future?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "It's just so, not for myself, but for the great Jin, for the future of our black hands. The Eight Groups, in essence, still recognize meritorious titles and respect the nobles. This is also the inheritance of our Han Chinese for thousands of years. Therefore, we still have to go back to the old way. It’s necessary, but it can’t be said to infinitely promote those grass-minded people on an equal footing with aristocratic families. Just like this time, fight a Nanyan, make some military merits, and come back one by one to ascend to heaven~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Almost everyone can get one. Lord, isn’t the title that we have worked so hard for before, is not counted in a disguised form? Everyone has a title, that is equal to everyone without a title, this is unfair to the predecessors."

"But the slaves are very good at buying people's hearts. This Northern Expedition has won a battle, but it has allowed tens of thousands of people to gain nobility. Now the grassroots of Dajin are even more encouraged. Those who want to join the Northern Expedition are unfamiliar. Even many farmers don’t want to farm the land well, they just want to get rich overnight, but they don’t know that soldiers are fierce and dangerous. Even our veterans for many years may not be able to retreat on the battlefield. Is it a good thing for the family to leave a family behind once there are three long and two short?"

   Xu Xianzhi hooked the corner of his mouth: "Then what do you mean by the Northern Expedition? Isn't this contradictory to what you said?"

Liu Yi laughed: "I mean, the reason why Liu Yu dared to confuse these conditions is that he only fought in Qingzhou, and only brought tens of thousands of soldiers. In addition, the previous Jiangbei land had more land and fewer people, so He can fulfill these promises. But if I also expedition to the Northern Expedition and enlist an army of 100,000 and 50,000 civilians, those who have done meritorious service will be several times as many as this time. The good deeds that everyone has won, can they still be honored? If Luoyang is regained, but a greater victory than Nanyan, shouldn’t it deserve more rewards? In the end, everyone can only raise the standard of awarding and return to the original right path, so as to eliminate the impracticality of civilians. Fantasy, return to normal!"


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