Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2985: Who did the Gu Pills come from?

Xu Xianzhi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly: "Xile, your idea is really clever. Use the policy of sending slaves to follow suit. In the end, the national strength cannot meet the burden, so you can only raise the standard. In this way, ordinary soldiers want I'm afraid it will be very difficult to win the title. In the end, the generals will be rewarded for their overall military merits. In this way, the aristocratic family is still a family, the noble family is still a noble family, and the common people want to ascend to the sky in one step, it is almost as difficult as going directly to the blue sky. The order of the world can be stable and will not change drastically."

Liu Yi nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, even military martial arts fighters have historically only been in Jingkou and Jiangbei. People from other places need to be conscripted into the army, but we Jingkou people are not aware of it. The war is happy, why? It’s because our military capabilities are far stronger than the people in other places. The people are all practising wars, and there are fighting competitions every year. Our children are proud to be in the army. These advantages of the Jingkou warriors no longer exist. Not only are the scholars damaged, but even our old brothers in Jingkou will slowly wipe out everyone. This point, our brothers in the military will not agree. "

Xu Xianzhi said sternly: "Yes, the folk customs are extremely important for the warriors. The reason why the Qin and Han Dynasties are strong is because they only use the Guanzhong Liangjiazi as the source of troops. The rule of the world arranged by the ancestors for thousands of years, this is that everyone is equal, and it has never appeared before. It has always been superior at the feet of the emperor. Otherwise, why do people from other places want to enter Beijing? The closer the better, the more it is impossible for the army to send troops everywhere in the world. It can only be concentrated in the capital area, so that long-term stability can be achieved. Therefore, the land and industry must be owned by the powerful and powerful in the capital, even if it is owned outside the city. Industry, it should be."

Liu Yi laughed: "Yes, Jinu said that he would give meritorious service to the nobleman and grant the land by the nobleman. But in fact, there is not so much distribution near the hometown of the meritorious soldiers, just like this time, even if I don't send troops, There are also tens of thousands of soldiers who have made meritorious service in Jinu. According to his standards this time, the ten Jingkou land is not enough. In the end, it is not from the newly attached areas of Qingzhou and Jiangbei or the uncultivated wasteland. Soldiers. It’s impossible for everyone to move to another place. In the end, it can only be an industry in another place. The fields are farmed by people, and people are hired to manage them. Then, won’t they become a new family, noble family?"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "It is true. If the industrial field is in a different place, it is impossible to take care of it by yourself. Either hire someone or relocate. Most people will only choose the former, but the Jingkou brothers, most of the family are even servants. No, how can you hire people in other places? In the end, in all likelihood, the land can only be sold to aristocratic families or big gentry, or it is transferred to local tyrants to take the money by yourself. Then, within a few years, the power of this world, the land, will return to the family again."

Liu Yi sneered: "So the slavery system is destined to be unworkable. Maybe he can't think of this level himself, but Fatty Liu is so smart, how can he not think of it? But they did it in the end. To explain one thing, they did it deliberately, under the slogan that everyone is equal and replace the noble family. In fact, they are just to please the people, inciting and deceiving them to take the initiative to join the army, and contribute to their Northern Expedition, and at the same time in the process Weed out most of the existing families and replaced them by these upstarts, and used the newly acquired land and population from foreign conquests to appease some of the existing families and ease internal conflicts. I have to say that this trick is really high. ."

Xu Xianzhi also smiled and said: "So you have to come with him. If he fights Qingzhou, you have to fight the Central Plains, and then let the families and gentry who support them also benefit. After all, the land of Qilu is not as rich as the land of Central Plains. If Luoyang can recover in the future, it will be a huge city, and the rich and the rich will obviously prefer it. In this way, you will not only be able to build up your army, but you can also win the family's heart, right?"

Liu Yi patted Xu Xianzhi's shoulder with satisfaction: "Those who know me are envious. Now you and I know the situation of Dajin. It is not without national power, whether it is the money and food saved by the family in the past few years, or the suffering. We all have no shortage of people who are willing to join the army after the enlightenment of the Northern Expedition, and the ordnance and armor that Jiankang City and I left in Yuzhou and Yanzhou arsenal also totaled 60,000 to 70,000 sets. Supporting the Northern Expedition, armed with a 100,000 army with private soldiers and equipment, is not a problem, not to mention that if the Northern Expedition progresses smoothly and the Central Plains counties of the post-Qin are captured, a large number of enemy equipment can be captured. , Don’t I have five thousand troops? Back then, when I fought to the west, there were only three thousand troops, and after the battle, there would be one hundred thousand troops. How to win battles and fight more and more troops, I know this easily."

   Xu Xianzhi nodded: "Very well, then what do you need me to do, contact some senior families for you, and are willing to invest in the Northern Expedition? Small and medium families, Mrs. Zun should be enough to solve it."

   A meaningful look flashed in Liu Yi's eyes: "Xianzhi, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I will ask you again, today I specially invited you to come here, do you know why?"

   Xu Xianzhi's face changed slightly, and he returned to his usual calmness. He stroked his beard and said calmly, "It's because of the thing I gave you Liu Tingyun to eat last time, isn't it?"

   The smile on Liu Yi's face gradually faded: "I didn't know what it was before. Now I think we should all know. You want to turn Liu Tingyun into a monster like Mingyue and eat me in the middle of the night?"

   Xu Xianzhi's brow furrowed: "Do you think if I knew it was that thing, I would dare to give it to you? The person who gave it to me only said that this thing can control people, and people don't dare to resist. How did I know that it was so cruel?"

   Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "You don’t know what you don’t know, just swallow it for my wife? Besides, do you really know it or not? It’s just such a worm that can be seen with the naked eye. Would you dare to swallow it if you change it?"

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "The person who gave me this thing said that it was a lie, but it was just a corpse with a bug in a candy pill. After swallowing it, it will be excreted with feces, but it can be used to scare people. I did experiments with several servants, and I did pull it out later. Liu Tingyun is a woman, and she is naturally afraid of such bugs and snakes, so I wanted to scare her with you, but I didn’t expect..."

   Liu Yi said coldly: "Who gave it to you?!"


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