Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2986: The insect pill is actually a sugar-coated fly

   Xu Xianzhi's brows lightly raised: "Xile, do you doubt me, what will it have to do with the Dao League that day?"

Liu Yi said blankly: "There won't be such a coincidence in this world. I think that bright moon eats the same thing you gave me, so after death, a strange bug will fly out of my mind. To grow up, this kind of monster, if it hadn't been seen by tens of thousands of soldiers, I wouldn't believe it if you killed it. Therefore, I need you to give me a comprehensive explanation today."

Xu Xianzhi sighed softly, and put his hand into his right sleeve. When he pulled out his hand, he saw a small yellow ball in his hand, and in that ball, there was also a half-finger-sized ball. The insects, cilia are fully visible, and even look lifelike, bursting out of pill at any time.

   Liu Yi's face changed drastically, and he took a step back unconsciously, and the big sword that had been standing there was also placed across his chest, almost pulling the sword out of its sheath: "You, what are you doing?"

   Xu Xianzhi pinched the yellow insect pill with two fingers, and said calmly: "Xile, take a closer look. Is this exactly the same as the one I gave you?"

Liu Yi's expression was a little slower, but the sword was still in front of his chest, blocking himself. This was the rhythm that he could use his sword to counterattack at any time. As a warrior, a general, he would protect himself very much anyway. Well, he slowly moved forward two steps like this, and stopped about three steps away from Xu Xianzhi. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the insect pill carefully. After a long time, he nodded: "Yes, this It is almost exactly the same ball as the one I gave Liu Tingyun back then, you are..."

Before he finished his words, Xu Xianzhi suddenly threw the yellow insect pill into his mouth. With a movement of his apple, accompanied by the sound of swallowing under his mouth, this insect pill was actually swallowed like this for him. !

Liu Yi tried to rush forward to stop him, but he was still a step slower. Liu Yi's hand stopped less than half a foot away from his mouth, and the outstretched five fingers were like eagle claws. He touched Xu Xianzhi’s face and through the gaps between his five fingers, he could clearly see that Xu Xianzhi’s expression was calm and there was nothing unusual. Then he withdrew his hand and looked at the opposite Xu Xianzhi carefully, while shaking his head: "You, Are you crazy?"

   Xu Xianzhi said calmly: "Do you think I will be crazy enough to eat a worm pill and let the worm come out of my head?"

   Liu Yi's brows frowned: "Isn't this the kind of Gu worm pill that Mingyue eats?"

Xu Xianzhi shook his head: "I don't know why a gu worm flew out of the female killer Mingyue's mind, but I only know that the insect pellets in my hand and the worms in them are all dead, just ordinary mosquitoes and flies. , It’s not a gu, and the yellow rind of the bread is nothing more than a layer of sugar syrup, which melts in the abdomen. If you are lucky, you can pass it out with your feces at night."

   Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "So, in this ball, there are just the corpses of ordinary flies. The so-called brain-eating guts are used to deceive and scare people?"

   Xu Xianzhi said calmly: "That's it, otherwise you think it is. I have hundreds of these pills, and I know how to make them. If you like, I can give you hundreds of them at a time."

   Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "Who is it that gave you this thing?"

Xu Xianzhi sighed softly: "My Xu family is from generation to generation, from ancestors to generals from the left. Our family has been good at private soldiers, dead men, and spies throughout the generations. The one who taught me this method is mine who has been dead for many years. Father!"

   Liu Yi widened his eyes in surprise: "What, actually, is it your father?"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "As of this day, I also know that you are suspicious of me. In order to clarify this matter to you, this secret of the Xu family for many years, I also revealed to you that our family has trained dead men for generations to maintain its integrity. Loyalty will force them to take this pill. You have never dealt with these murderous Jiang Yang thieves before. These people are not afraid of dying by swords, but the horror of eating their hearts and brains, they will Let their souls stay away from home, so we lied to them. If there is a wrong heart, then they won't get the antidote. The gu worm will start and eat their internal organs clean, and let them die for seven to seventy-nine days. So, you should understand now why my subordinates are so loyal."

   Liu Yi sighed: "Unexpectedly, this kind of swindle can control and deceive so many people, but it is impossible that no one has ever suspected it. This lie is always false and will always be exposed!"

Xu Xianzhi said indifferently: "Of course we have taken precautions against this. After each training, we will pick one or two people who are greedy for life and fear of death, and are destined to be incapable of doing things, and then secretly punish him, from eating or while he is asleep. , Put Gu eggs in the ears and nose, then set up a situation to let this person fail the mission, go to betray his companions, and then send someone to eradicate them. When the killers who eradicated him came to him, it happened that the poisonous insects in his body broke out. When his stomach is broken and his death is extremely miserable, so those assassins will be so scared to believe that when he sees his tragic end~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will come back later, everyone is convinced, rely on this , The secret guards of my Xu family would rather die than surrender, and this secret can only be known by the children of the Xu family’s intelligence director, or even the head of the family.”

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "You aristocrats, the way to control people is really incredible. However, that day I also asked you about the way to control Liu Tingyun, why did you take out this insect pill all at once? "

Xu Xianzhi smiled slightly: "Because I may subdue one or two dead men at any time, especially the enemy spies who come to assassinate me. In order to ensure their loyalty, I will feed them a pill of this kind, which is comparable to a chronic poison. Control is much more powerful. You asked me that day, and I happened to give you one, so why is it so difficult?"

   Liu Yi's brows stretched out: "But why didn't you tell me directly that day?"

Xu Xianzhi shook his head: "This is the secret secret that our Xu family has controlled the spies under for hundreds of years. No matter how good our relationship is, we won't be able to talk about this secret. Let me tell you the truth. If it wasn't because of your suspicion. I even wanted to kill me, so how could I tell you these things?"

Liu Yi smiled awkwardly: "Xianzhi, you are overwhelmed. Even if you are from the Heavenly Alliance, I will not really be against you. Maybe, I still want to cooperate with this mysterious organization through you. , For this organization, how many have you found?"


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