Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2987: Major Doubts Ji Yuanming

Xu Xianzhi said calmly: "To be honest, I was shocked when I heard about the existence of the Heavenly Dao League, because our black hand universe and our relationship with them are too deep. You know, we are looking for it when the black hand universe is gone. I tried to cover us for the dead ghosts. What I am really worried about now is, does the Heavenly Dao League know our existence?"

Liu Yi frowned: "Betraying the Mafia was planned by you and me, and I became the guardian of the white tiger. It was the result of Tao Yuanming surrendering the position of the white tiger left by Yin Zhongkan to me, and you I brought you in for the post of Vermilion Bird. Apart from us, only Tao Yuanming knows about the existence of the Mafia. Do you think this surname Tao is someone from the Heavenly Dao League?"

Xu Xianzhi said indifferently: "I entered the black hand universe. You brought in as a white tiger. At that time, only Sima Shangzhi, the Xuanwu, was there, and Qinglong was vacant. Later, we hacked Sima Shangzhi and gave Sima Yuanxian and Yu Kai to You got in, plus Yin Zhongkan, who died before, used these four heads to hide Huan Xuan. However, from the very beginning, you and Tao Yuanming decided on the position of the white tiger. How much do you know?"

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "At the beginning, I only thought he was a conspiracy man who wanted to play a ghost in secret. He didn't want the position of the white tiger, but instead traded with me, asking me to help him seize the position of the blue dragon. , I know that this person’s scheming is extremely deep. At that time, Wang Xunxin died and Huan’s profound potential was great. This black-handed universe was obviously no longer good. He didn’t want to guard the position at this time, but gave it to me. I thought he wanted to see if I could He supported this organization and waited for the situation to calm down before he would find a chance to join the group. But later, although he and I cooperated, he never mentioned that he was in the wrong hands. He only said that he was outside the organization and he was free and convenient. In doing things, I thought at first that he was not strong enough or wanted to continue to wait and see, but when you remind me, I feel that this person is by no means simple, maybe, he really is a member of the Heavenly Dao League!"

Xu Xianzhi's expression became extremely serious: "The purpose of this Heavenly Alliance and Hei Shou Qiankun are completely opposed. Although they still can't see their true intentions, it seems that they are interested in disturbing the world and fishing in troubled waters. No peace is what the black robe has been doing. The Mafia is an underground organization that represents the interests of aristocratic families. It doesn't want chaos, but from Xi Chao to Wang Ningzhi, they are all seduced by this black robe to split the organization first. Even if Wang Xun was killed by Yin Zhongkan, and then provoked the Huanxuan Rebellion, and then killed Yin Zhongkan, it seemed that he was controlled by an invisible hand. That is Tao Yuanming, he has been provoking the position of the white tiger. Fighting, and then causing internal strife in Jingzhou, Yin Huan turned against each other, now that you sit in the seat of the white tiger, you are not instigating the relationship between you and Ji slave all the time. Do you think this is normal?"

Liu Yi nodded thoughtfully and said: "I do feel this way too. Even Liu Tingyun, who Tao Yuanming rescued at the time, gave me a gift. Although it can help me contact the small and medium-sized families, it also allows me to follow the slaves. The relationship is getting worse and worse, so that over the years, I and Ji Nu have become like this, probably because of this person. You have been persuading me to reconcile and cooperate with Ji Nu, but he found a chance Just tell me to turn against the slaves!"

Xu Xianzhi said sternly: "Now this Tao is missing. He has never been a simple scribe, but an extremely powerful intelligence chief. My people can't keep up with him. I think we need to urgently transfer all the mafia. The clubhouse, the site, the joint location, in case Tao Yuanming is really a member of the Heavenly Dao League, then our Mafia, in front of him, there is no secret at all!"

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "But, if he is a member of the Tiandao League, why hasn't the Tiandao League attacked us for so many years? The Mafia before, but because of the suspicion that the Tiandao League, they have eliminated the two guards. But we have secretly reorganized Black Hand Universe for so long, but it is still good."

   Xu Xianzhi gritted his teeth: "Perhaps, because of this heavenly alliance, we still need to deal with the slaves."

Liu Yi frowned: "If this is the reason, why not force me to do it while guarding the rear, holding heavy soldiers, and controlling the families of the soldiers in front of me? What's more, the black robe said that he was in the south and was in the south. Dajin still has a companion. Even if he is trapped in the lonely city and cannot come, at least his companion should be activated."

Xu Xianzhi laughed: "I'm afraid, it's because you won't be under the control of this Heavenly Dao League, and they don't dare to openly come to your door at this time. In the previous Mafia fighting, they used Xi Chao's ambition to make Xi Chao rebelled, and then let Wang Ningzhi and Xi Chao kill each other, and finally used the Tianshi Dao chaos to wipe out all the Mafia’s food and weapons. For us, they do not have this condition. The army in your hand is not what they can say. Destroyed, although this organization is evil and weird, after all, there is no power that can be used. The black robe may also have hundreds of thousands of Nanyan army, but in the south, in Dajin, there is no such power to contend with you. "

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "Then we still can't take it lightly. On the one hand, we must step up the investigation of Tao Yuanming's whereabouts. On the other hand, we must move to our previous club as soon as possible, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com will re-arrange a new connection location. , I need to hold a guard meeting right away to discuss the next major issues with Meng Chang and Yu Yue."

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "This is indeed necessary, but I advise you to think about the Northern Expedition. Now we are not necessarily peaceful here. Maybe Hei Pao deliberately said this to intimidate us and want to deceive the slaves to return. The army, but I don’t think there is a fake, he is in the south, in Dajin, it is impossible to have no strength, if you lead troops out, the rear is empty, in case they really start the second Sun En uprising like this. It’s a disaster for all of us."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "So now I need the four major guards to collegiate. This is indeed a big matter. It is not something I can decide and can do. However, we have to serve the interests of the organization and the interests of the world's families. Because this is the foundation of my body. Envy..."

   When he said this, he took a step forward, held Xu Xianzhi's hand, and smiled slightly: "It is good to know that you are not from the Dao League that day. Now, I can also sleep in peace."

He smiled and turned and walked away, while Xu Xianzhi quietly watched his figure disappear at the foot of the mountain, with a mouth, the body of the fly, accompanied by a mouthful of thick phlegm, heavy spit, fell on the ground, and then did not look. Taking a look, striding forward, behind him, among the yellow phlegm, the wings of the fly shook slightly, but it flew away.


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