Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2989: Fake black suspicion in private dating

   Meng Chang shook his head: "Master Qinglong, you probably never need to go to these boxes in person to conduct transactions in the darkroom. Do you know what these places are for?"

Yu Yue was surprised: "Isn’t it engaged in the kind of private transactions, such as secretly controlled industries, illegally bought and sold land leases, and, as if soliciting bribes and bribery, transactions of officials are all discussed in these places, so as not to be noticed. After all, there may be eavesdropping at home, but it’s relatively safe outside. Of course, these things are usually left to the trustees instead of going to them.”

Meng Chang sighed, "In addition to these shady transactions, there are two other things that are inseparable from these places. One is intelligence, and the other is five stones. These things that are inconvenient to talk about at home will also be in these places. It’s done in the outer boxes, because it’s not even the major families who control these boxes, but the seller.”

Yu Yue thoughtfully said, “Master Xuanwu’s words are true. The intelligence director of our Yu family has always been the head of the family. I didn’t know this until it was passed to me. The previous head of the family was Yu Kai, and he died. Later, because the handover was unclear, it was still interrupted for a few months. Later, the old housekeeper of his family came to me and explained to me the location of many joints. This allowed me to truly grasp the resources of the Yu family. Those underground joints Point, I’ve been to a few, they all use our Yu family’s internal warehouse income to charter for a long time. The store only collects the money and checks with a secret code. It doesn’t matter who owns it. If something goes wrong, it’s discarded. If a box is three years old If no one renews the lease, it will automatically belong to the store. This is also an unwritten rule in Beijing."

Meng Chang nodded: "Yes, so the secrets that are not on the stage or visible are carried out in these dark places, and those who master these secret transactions, except for the owners of each family, have been trained for many years. Your loyal servant, Master Qinglong, I’m afraid you also have a list of secret trading points that you know."

Yu Yue's eyes narrowed slightly: "Of course, as the head of the family, you must master this list. This is also the core secret of each family. Before I die, even my son will not tell. This kind of transaction point list, The secret fields of each family, and the Dark Guardian, are the core secrets. As long as these things are there, they will be exiled to the ransackers, and there will be a chance to make a comeback!"

   Yuyue said this, and looked at Liu Yi, who had been silent for a long time: "Master Baihu, these things, you have been in the city for a few years now, are you ready?"

Liu Yi said coldly: "Before Jianyi, I became the former Master Baihu, Wang Xun, a disciple of the great family for many years. Most of the secret underground trade in the capital is dominated by me. You ask me about this. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous?"

  Yue Yue laughed: "Oh, I almost forgot, although you are not a family member, but you are the underworld elder brother of the capital for many years, I am afraid that many of those secret boxes are also controlled by you."

Liu Yi shook his head: "We country folks can't afford to rent so many luxurious boxes. We talk about things in those underground markets that you don't like, shoppers' footsteps, or in the outskirts of the mountain god's land temple. Of course, that kind of private confession. You may have heard of the fight."

   Yuyue gritted his teeth: "So, you should have dealt with this heavenly alliance before?"

Liu Yi sighed: "I want to talk about collecting monthly payments from those shops, smashing some shops, protecting some shops, and picking up darts to **** goods. I took a lot of these businesses, and even pretended to be robbers to attack some manors. I have done the task twice, but I have never touched the five-stone transaction. It is said that this thing is the most profitable and riskiest. For many years, I wanted to inquire about the five in Jiankang City. Who made the stone powder, who sold it, and even bought it through the stewards of several houses. I wanted to follow the joints during the transaction, but without exception, at most I only saw the stone powder left by the empty house, and it was with us. The cooperating housekeepers, without exception, disappeared or died within half a month. Obviously, this is a warning given to us by some people."

   "Before, I thought it was the patriarchs of those aristocratic families who discovered these stewards, but now I understand, I'm afraid it's the Heavenly Dao League who does this."

   Xu Xianzhi said in a deep voice: "If the five stone powder in the capital were provided by them, then the trouble would be great, the sons of the family, nine out of ten people who take the scattered, even Master Qinglong, you seem to be taking it."

Yu Yue's forehead began to sweat, and her voice was trembling: "I, I have been more than two months, ah, no, I took it once when I first came back ten days ago, but this time I have been in the army for half a year. Me, I really only took it once."

Xu Xianzhi sighed, "These are not important anymore, Master Qinglong, it seems that with the help of Liu Muzhi, you are gradually replacing the pleasure of the Wushisan with other drugs. This will take a few months without inhaling it. ."

Yu Yue's face reddened slightly: "Well, you know this. To be honest, if it's not for women, I don't have to use this, but after I get used to it, I don't smoke for three days, but I just use it all over my body. It’s sour and soft, I can’t move on the road. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "Yes, so if Master Qinglong as the head of the great family cannot be avoided, the children of the other aristocratic families are even more indispensable. Mastering these five stone powders is also controlling the lifeblood of the aristocratic family. , If we really do a comprehensive search, then those who do these five-stone transactions, or organizations, only need to stop providing them from now on, it will be enough to make thousands of aristocratic nephews and nephews dead. Master Qinglong, You said, can this be the same as you just said, searching the whole city with great fanfare?"

Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "Then, according to what you said, we have to sit and wait for death, and any secret organization, provide five stones to manipulate us? What if they put some Gu eggs, larvae and the like in that powder. Things, can we also conjure that monster out of our brains, and eat our brains in the future."

   Having said that, he saw the pile of vomit in front of him at a glance, and almost vomited again.

Meng Chang sighed: "So this kind of investigation can only be carried out in secret. So far, who provided these five stone powders is only our guess. Whether the Tiandao League really exists or not, maybe it's just black robe's words to get away. And I always thought that Wu Shi San should be inseparable from the Heavenly Master Tao. Back then, Sun Tai could directly donate a lot of Wu Shi San to Sima Daozi of Kuaiji and Minister Wang Guobao. Maybe, let’s change our thinking. It is more feasible to find the answer in the heavenly master!"


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