Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2990: I was a fellow with a thief

   Yuyue's brows furrowed: "Find the answer from the heavenly master? Is it possible that you still have contact with the demon thief in Lingnan?"

Liu Yi said coldly: "I am the Northern Army. I have fought life and death with the demon thieves for more than ten years. Numerous comrades in arms died at his hands. I also killed them. I don’t know how many of them. Could there be any connections?"

   Xu Xianzhi shook his head: "The monster thief is indeed a mortal enemy with us, and I have not had any contact with them, I believe..."

  Speaking of this, Meng Chang suddenly looked at Liu Yi: "Master Baihu, is there really no contact? Liu Laozhi..."

   Liu Yi smiled slightly: "You are talking about the time when Liu Laozhi asked me to assassinate Liu Yu with Tianshidao. That's not a lot of cooperation and friendship."

   Yuyue’s eyes lit up: "What, did you assassinate Liu Yu? My God, aren’t you brothers and fellow soldiers overwhelmed by the righteousness of your Beifu Army? How can you..."

A cold light flashed in Liu Yi's eyes, and it pierced Yu Yue, causing him to close his mouth, not daring to speak any more, only to hear Liu Yi's voice coldly resounding: "Master Xuanwu said something many years ago. Maybe Qinglong-sama doesn’t understand too much. I’m here to explain. In fact, many years ago, when the Beifu Army was first established, we and the three demon heads of Tianshidao, Sun En, Lu Xun, and Xu Daofu, were old acquaintances, even They are all Jingkou people. We have been playmates since we were young. Before the Battle of Feishui, the Beifu Army had accepted more than 2,000 celestial teachers and Taoists to join the army. Strictly speaking, we were also comrades for a while."

  Yue Yue opened his eyes wide: "There is such a thing, why do I know nothing about it?"

Liu Yi said coldly: "Because these monsters were able to join the army in the past, it was due to the relationship between Sima Daozi and Wang Guobao. As the leader, Sun Tai used to be very close to them, and Sima Yao and the Sima Daozi brothers were fighting for the battle. The imperial power weakened the aristocratic family, and also deliberately wooed and used the power of the Tianshi Dao, which had great influence among the people, to dig out the tenant farmers in Wudi Manor to join the army to be formed by taking advantage of the opportunity of the Feishui Battle. , They stuffed more than two thousand monsters into the army. The easiest name is to go to the country together. In fact, it is for these people to learn the organization and management of the army, as well as the art of marching warfare. Because the enemy is currently, and again Powerful and valuable support. At that time, the generals of the Beifu Army could not find a reason to oppose, so they could only be organized into a single army."

"These celestial teachers and Taoists fought bravely, not afraid of death, especially good at light combat. They are very powerful in reconnaissance, pursuit and close hand-to-hand combat. We have worked together to win many battles, all the way to the five bridges. During the war, the Tianshi Taoist army had already expanded to four or five thousand people. Almost all the elite disciples in Wudi joined the army. However, during this war, they suddenly did not rush to the fighting position according to the agreed time. I thought they were unfamiliar with the road conditions and lost their way. Later I found out that they were probably instructed by the Tiandao League or Qinglong Xi Chao, who cooperated with the Tiandao League, and deliberately did not go to the battlefield, because they already knew that Murong Chui would clothe black. Demon Fire's trap ambush."

"After the Battle of Wuqiaoze, most of the main force of the Beifu Army was damaged, and the Xie family and the former Xuanwu Master Xie An, and the commander of the Beifu Army Xie Xuan also died. Home, and these celestial teachers and Dao demon thieves, after learning a lot of warfare and military discipline, they sneaked back to Wudi to prepare for the next large-scale uprising."

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "Yes, after Liu Yu came back from the grassland, he organized more than a thousand old Beifu brothers from Beijing to assist Luoyang and help Zhu Xu defend the city. Coincidentally, at that time, the Tianshi Dao was also active in the Central Plains. These three disciples I also led some believers in the Central Plains to join the battle of Luoyang Defending the City. It seems that this time is probably the last official cooperation with the Tianshidao as the old Beifu army."

Liu Yi sighed: "Although we were not convinced with each other at the time, no one thought that we would become mortal enemies in the future. Although we have always known that the Tianshidao has ambitions, we did not expect that such a big disturbance could be caused behind them, Sun En Luxun. When Xu Daofu was in the Central Plains, they had long thought of sending the believers in the Central Plains and the northern believers to the south, but we thought they were just going to preach and preach, and they stupidly guarded Luoyang to fight for them to go south. Now it seems, How stupid!"

Meng Chang said coldly: "You are not to blame. At that time, no one wanted to lose the land of the Central Plains that was finally defeated, and didn't want to fall into the hands of Hu Lu. Liu Yu was right, you were right, and Sima was wrong. Daozi and Sima Yuanxian, father and son, actually had the heart to usurp power and want to form their own army. For this reason, they took up the idea of ​​believers controlled by the Dao of Heaven and clashed with that Sun Tai. In the end, they even designed Sun Tai and his son. The family killed and forced the tenant farmers from Wudi Manor to join the army. This gave the Sun Ens the opportunity to instigate revenge, and finally caused the super chaos that has harmed the world and continued to this day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The country is also badly injured."

Yu Yue sighed: "This monster is making trouble, but our Dajin family, and our Black Hand Universe's biggest disaster since its establishment, even surpassed the damage done to us by the Yongjia Rebellion. What kind of heroes the former guards have also caused this chaos. Killing, I used to be weird. It’s where the Celestial Master Dao has such a great ability, and now I know that it turned out to be the support and manipulation of the Celestial Alliance in the back, so it’s not surprising, and this Heavenly Dao Alliance is now surpassed. Everyone is the number one enemy against us. This new hatred and old hatred must be reported together. Therefore, I don't think we should cooperate with this Heavenly Dao League and Heavenly Master Dao. What they want is Our life!"

Xu Xianzhi said indifferently: "There are no eternal friends, nor eternal enemies. Is the difference between strength and weakness in this world destined? Just like the Beifu army and the demon thief, they have fought side by side before, and our top priority is now. To understand the Heavenly Alliance through the Heavenly Master Tao, at least, even if you want to be an enemy, you have to understand the enemy’s strength. In the war, you should also have an understanding of these art of war."

Yu Yue's face reddened again, and she gave a dry smile and looked at Liu Yi: "Well, that, Lord Baihu, you still continue to talk about what happened between you and the Tianshidao, why Liu Laozhi Will you be sent to assassinate Liu Yu? What was your relationship with Sun En and the others?"


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