Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2991: The Northern Expedition can break the conspiracy

Liu Yi raised his brows lightly, and said calmly, "Master Qinglong may not know our previous events, but Suzaku and Master Xuanwu are very clear about these. Well, since I mentioned it today, then I might as well talk about what happened back then. However, as a top family member, Master Qinglong, if there are things that are related to our organization and are not known to us in the future, it is best to know everything."

Yu Yue laughed and said, "I don't have such a rich life experience as Master Baihu. I went out to fight a battle this time. I really think the previous thirty years have been in vain. Listening to these past events is pretty good, you can tell. ."

Liu Yi hooked his mouth and said calmly: "That's because after Liu Yu returned from the grassland, he exposed Xi Chao on the fighting arena. Since then, he has gained a lot of military energy and made Liu Laozhi, the commander of the northern palace, feel threatened. In particular, even his son Liu Jingxuan also supported Liu Yu one-sidedly. He was willing to serve as his pawn, which made Liu Laozhi unbearable. Therefore, in the rebellion of Sun En, Liu Yu was unable to protect Sima Yao and joined the army because of his inability to protect Sima Yao. He is Sun Wuzhu’s subordinate, but Liu Laozhi specially transferred him to his own army to join the army, just to find a chance to kill people on the battlefield by borrowing the sword and hacking Liu Yu!"

Yu Yue's expression changed: "One of Liu Lao's Wufu, actually has such a scheming?"

Liu Yi sneered: "Our Marshal Liu, but Shen Yi has a plan and a city government. In his life, he has repeatedly turned and betrayed. Was it the work of a martial artist? Later I learned that it was Wang Xun of the Mafia. He promised that as long as Liu Yu was removed, he would join the Mafia and become a guard. This condition was full of temptation for him, so he directly agreed and sent Liu Yu to Wuzhuang, and Wang Xun didn't know what method he would use to contact the demon thief of the Heavenly Master Tao to ambush here, but Liu Laozhi was afraid that he would be unsafe, so he even ordered me to go to Wuzhuang to perform the task of ambushing Liu Yu."

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "Lord Baihu, I still don’t understand, how did you agree to something like this? If you really kill Liu Yu, would Liu Laozhi be good for you? He will only kill you. Quit your mouth!"

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "I was just a small military commander at the time. If I didn't agree, I would just kill him. There won't be any in the future. What else can I do?"

Meng Chang frowned: "If Liu Yu knows about this, I'm afraid your life..."

Liu Yi said calmly: "Don't worry, he already knew it!"

All three people were so startled that they almost jumped up: "What, he already knew it, then he..."

Liu Yi shook his head: "He probably also knew that I was acting on orders, and that was what happened before I was going to fight against Huan. When we broke the demon thief at Suan Mountain, after the war, he and I were on the top of the mountain after the war, where we competed countless times when we were young. The dialogue between the man and the warriors is probably because he hit my arrow in Wuzhuang, knowing that I did it, because in this world, there are no more than three people who can hurt him with an arrow. !"

Xu Xianzhi sighed, "Hu Fan, Tan Pingzhi, and you, too. Your arrows are too powerful to be recognized, and you can't hide them."

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "Actually, even though I shot him an arrow in Wuzhuang, I hesitated when I shot it, otherwise the arrow would be enough to kill him and it would not be left to him. Handle, in that battle, he was like a **** descending to the world. Lu Xun and Xu Daofu’s thousands of soldiers could not kill him. They killed hundreds of people alone. To be honest, I have been in the army for many years and have experienced hundreds of battles. I have never seen the scene, but only once, I was almost shocked to walk." At this point, his voice was also a little trembling, thinking of the scene of the year, he couldn't help himself, holding the water glass in front of him, and drinking vigorously. stand up.

Meng Chang laughed and said, "After talking about it for a long time, it wasn't that you were merciful, but that you were scared at the time."

Liu Yi's face turned red. Fortunately, it was hidden by a mask. He couldn't see it. He said angrily: "At that time, Liu Yu was like a demon and a ghost. He didn't look like a person at all. If you change you, he will probably give it to you directly. It’s the same as the fixation method, you won’t hide until you kill it. However, strictly speaking, it’s not my cooperation with Lu Xun and Xu Daofu. It’s just that we all acted according to orders, even I didn’t know. Who told them to come there, it’s just that we all came for Liu Yu’s life. After that time, I haven’t seen the three fellows of the Heavenly Master Dao again, they are also very trustworthy, even if they kill with us. Eyes, I didn’t announce to the public that I ambushed Liu Yu in Wuzhuang, causing us to mess up ourselves."

Xu Xianzhi thoughtfully said: "They do not say that it is definitely not that they do not want to say it, but that the person who instructed them not to say it. That is to say, this person feels that if you keep you, it will be better than letting you talk to Liu Yu at the time. Turning your face is more useful."

Liu Yi frowned: "You mean, this person must be the Heavenly Alliance?"

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "Wang Xun should have no such ability and structure. If there is, he will not get rid of Yin Zhongkan. Moreover, for him, it will provoke civil unrest in the Beifu army and let you and Liu Yu both It's good for him that the rising star publicly becomes a hostile confession. Therefore, I want to instruct Liu Laozhi to assassinate Liu Yu. It will never be Wang Xun, but the Tiandao League behind him. The Tiandao League can seduce a Xi. Super~www.wuxiaspot.com~ naturally can convince Wang Xun."

Yu Yue slapped her thigh bitterly: "I knew it was the bad thing this bunch of **** did! Then do we still have to contact them now? Are we afraid to let them use it again?"

Meng Chang said coldly: "But the Heavenly Master Dao was defeated by us after all. Now I have fled to Lingnan and want to make a comeback. I’m afraid it’s not easy. Now Dajin is in chaos everywhere, Sima’s clan, Huanqian, even Even Qiao Shu is about to move, but it is the demon of Lingnan, the power that hates us the most, but it is surprisingly quiet, don't you think it is strange?"

Liu Yi's expression changed: "Master Xuanwu, do you mean that the thief might take the opportunity to make trouble? This is unlikely, right? He Wuji guards Jiangzhou, Liu Daogui guards Jingzhou, and Tan Daoji, Tan Yi, and Da Yanzhi The generals guarding Xiangzhou is to guard against them. If the heavenly master wants to go north, he has to make a large-scale enlistment and cross the Five Ridges. It is absolutely impossible to hide from our eyes and ears. I don't think they dare to move."

Yu Yue twitched the corner of her mouth: "Then what should we do? It seems that these bad guys are going around and they are all manipulated by the Heavenly Dao League. How are we going to deal with it?"

Liu Yi sneered and said: "The Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, first destroy Sima Guofan, then destroy Huanqian, and finally seize the Central Plains and return to Luoyang. So, no conspiracy and tricks will be destroyed!"

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