Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2992: Xi Le talked and laughed at the Central Plains

Yu Yue screamed, "What? Are you crazy? At this time, you are going to expedition to the north again? Liu Yu's army is still..."

Liu Yi coldly interrupted Yu Yue's words: "I don't need Master Qinglong to remind me about this. It is precisely because Liu Yu is still fighting Guanggu, this is our opportunity for the Northern Expedition, and it can even be said that it is the only opportunity. ."

Having said that, he looked at Meng Chang and smiled slightly: "Master Xuanwu agrees with this?"

Meng Chang sighed: "I know, you are worried that Liu Yu will attack Nanyan this time, and his prestige will be as high as the sky. You may take advantage of the situation to attack the Central Plains. This will cut off your chances of the Northern Expedition, but there is no absolute thing in the world. I think Liu Yu After gaining power, they will pay more attention to unity within, and will not be overwhelmed and cause internal divisions. Moreover, after the war, the troops will be suspended for one or two years to restore the people's strength and consolidate the post-war order. How could it be possible to go out again so soon? "

Liu Yi shook his head: "This time it is different. Later Qin was directly and openly adversary with me. Fang Huanqian confiscated the Ganliang tribe and went back to Jingzhou for rebellion, took in the rebel clan Sima Guofan, and attracted Huaibei Yubei. The rebels in Yuzhou and Qiaoshu in the west are also conscripts to save food. They are ready to move, plotting my Baidi City. These three groups will attack together, and there may be direct soldiers to rescue Nanyan. If they don’t face the headache, they will only let He is getting more and more arrogant. I want the Northern Expedition, not entirely to fight for power and meritorious service with Liu Yu, but to protect my great advancement, understand?"

Meng Chang frowned: "But Da Jin did not have the national power to support the two wars, especially the two wars at the same time. This time Liu Yu's Northern Expedition has consumed a large amount of food reserves, and most of the elite soldiers have also been taken away by him. If it’s the Northern Expedition, it’s okay to fight Sima Guofan and drive him out of Dajin, but if you regain the Central Plains like you said, this is impossible."

Liu Yi shook his head: "Hit a punch to avoid a hundred punches, fend off the enemy outside the country, or even take the initiative to attack the enemy's territory. This can minimize our losses. Understand? If we just fight Sima Fan, it's very likely that the soldiers didn't arrive, so he fled back to Houqin first. At this time, the question arises, shall we chase or not?"

Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "For anti-thief like Sima Guofan, I support the resolute elimination. If he enters the Hou Qin, if Hou Qin protects him, then he will fight with Hou Qin, but don't lead to a follow-up. Qin's all-out war and conflict are not worth it."

Liu Yi sneered: "Then if he runs to Luoyang, Luoyang still can't fight? If Post-Qin sends tens of thousands of troops to meet him, is it still going to fight with these Post-Qin reinforcements?"

Yu Yue rolled her eyelids and was speechless

Meng Chang sighed: "I don't expect Qin to raise troops to protect Sima Guofan. As long as he defeats and disperses his tribe, he can press the army on the border and send envoys to Hou Qin to ask for Sima Guofan. Fan, if Hou Qin sees this person useless at this time, he will surely let him come back. It's the best."

Liu Yi shook his head: "We can think of such a result, and Yao Xing can also think of it at the beginning. He dares to attack us three ways, and he has figured out a countermeasure. We fight Sima Guofan, and he will take the opportunity to let Huan Qian He Qiao Zong launched and attacked Jingzhou and Baidi City, so we can only care about one and the other, and always lead him by the nose. Instead of this, we should just take the initiative to attack the Central Plains, so that we can hurt the Qin and let him perform a series of actions. Disappear invisible."

Meng Chang twitched the corner of his mouth: "However, our national strength is not enough to support the army's Northern Expedition, I'm afraid..."

Liu Yi smiled and said, “Isn’t Liu Yu’s military supply suspended on the front line. Only the local people’s power and grain and grass in Qingzhou were expropriated. Originally, Pengcheng was planning to support Liu Yu with a million stones, grain and grass, and 10,000 people who transported grain. I It can be used for this northern expedition to Luoyang. As for the army, I can return to defense with the Yuzhou army anyway, plus the local soldiers and horses and the mobile units left behind in Yanzhou. The mobilization of 20,000 people and 50,000 soldiers and horses is enough to attack the Central Plains of Hou Qin. They now have no more than 30,000 people in the Central Plains, and they have to divide their troops to defend many places. We are fast enough and we move fast enough. That is a complete chance of success."

Speaking of this, Liu Yi paused: "Moreover, I can send troops together with Lu Zongzhi of Yongzhou. First, he attacked and attracted the main force of the Qin army to the Funiu Mountain area. Then I suddenly attacked, blitzed Sima Guofan, and pursued. Entering Liang County, Qiao County, Yingchuan and other places, before the post-Qin reacted, conquered these eastern prefectures and counties, and the soldiers pointed directly at Hulaoguan area."

"At this time, Post-Qin can only transfer troops or horses from Guanzhong or Huan Qian to attack Jingzhou to help the Central Plains. At this time, we can even let Liu Daogui from Jingzhou send troops, or go north to attack the Central Plains and merge with Lu Zong. Break through Funiu, Yijue and other barriers, or enter from Wuguan to directly threaten Chang'an~www.wuxiaspot.com~. In this way, you can break the Qin's power in one fell swoop, and to no avail, you can also seize the Central Plains area outside Luoyang. , To completely eliminate the threat of Sima Guofan and Huan Qian to us by the anti-thief, and draw the flames of war into the territory of Post Qin, why not do it?"

Xu Xianzhi laughed: "Good fellow, you are trying to make the northwestern Henan and even the Central Plains chaos into a pot of porridge. A small crusade against Sima Guofan, a battle of thousands of people, has become a full-scale battle to determine who belongs to the Central Plains. It’s just that, relying on the existing grain, grass and army alone, I’m afraid it’s impossible to complete it. If you can fight the Qin army in the Central Plains as you wish, it’s not enough for 50,000 horses. You need a big promotion. The power of the country will work, even Liu Yu's army of conquering Nanyan has to come and cooperate."

Liu Yi laughed and said, "Is this bad? He said every day that he would expedite the Central Plains to the north and expel the Hulu. I did it for him. What can't he do to help him? I came this way and helped him block the reinforcements of Hou Qin, too. Help him take down Guanggu City earlier, Nanyan was wiped out, and his army came with me to regain Luoyang, and even went straight to Guanzhong. Isn’t this his always ideal? It’s just that I sent troops first this time. When he comes, he can only listen to my command. In this way, the power of the world and the prestige in the military are in our hands again."

Having said that, he looked at Yu Yue: "Master Qinglong, you don't want to go to the battlefield again to make contributions to the country and win the title for yourself. You see, this time I will help you recover your Yu's ancestor, Ju Yingshang. , This is Guangzong Yaozu, regaining the homeland, shouldn't you go with the army?"

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