Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2994: Secretly Adjusting Military Resources

Liu Yi smiled at each other with Meng Chang on his side. Meng Chang looked at Yu Yue and said calmly: "Master Qinglong, are you going to take office alone, or take your nephew from the Yu family, and the children of other families in the city that you have good friends with? You have to think about it."

Yu Yue gritted her teeth: "This defense against Sima Xiuzhi is not a matter of my Yu family. The family in Beijing must have someone out there, and they must work hard. In addition to me, Xie Hun, Xi Sengshi, and Wang Hong also have to Let’s go together. There are thousands of guards from his Xie’s and Xi’s families. There are quite a few manor houses in the eight counties of Wudi. Every manor is in charge of the house, and this rule has long existed."

Liu Yi said calmly: "Wang Hong is with He Wuji in Jiangzhou now, I'm afraid he won't make it, but his clan brother Wang Hua, the son of Wang Dao's grandson, Wang Qin, who died in the Wang Gongzhi chaos, is still there. Staying at home, this time you go to Wudi, you can just let him out. Since the death of Wang Ning, the Langya royal family has been withered, and it is not a bad thing to give them a chance."

Yu Yue's brow furrowed: "This Wang Qin, when he used Wang Gong to attack Wang Guobao, took the opportunity to raise troops in Wudi and attempted to stand on his own. He was a recognized anti-thief in the world. Mie, find the son of such a person as the representative of the Langya Wang family? Is there no one else in the Wang family?"

Liu Yi sighed: "If there are any other talents, I won't find the son of the criminal minister, Master Qinglong, the betrayal and gaining power between this family are all things on the back of the palms of the hands. Didn't your Yu family also give Huan Wen a treat back then? Do you have to almost kill the door? Isn't it also taking the opportunity to become the four guardians? To stay a line is to leave a chance for yourself. You should understand this truth."

Yu Yue laughed and said, "I just tried to test you just now. Why don't we, a century-old family, know this truth? Then my predecessor, Wang Hua, thank you. But you can't fool around, six thousand veterans of the Beifu, one less I will never go to Wudi."

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "Master Qinglong, since Master Baihu promised you this way, he won't go back. Besides, Zhao Lunzhi was originally guarding the capital, and Tang Xing's department has been guarding against demons and thieves in Wuxing by the way. The role of Sima Xiuzhi, this place of Wu was the place where Sun En's rebellion occurred in the past, and we have never lessened our vigilance here. But then again, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, including private soldiers from many families in Jiankang City. They all set off to Wudi. The defense in the capital is really weak. There is almost no defense at Jingkou, and there are no more than 10,000 soldiers in the capital. Is it really okay?"

Liu Yi twitched the corner of his mouth: "My underground forces in the capital can be assembled temporarily and incorporated into the defense of the city. They are all veterans for many years. , Enough to withstand tens of thousands of elite soldiers. With your own strengths, Master Xuanwu and Master Suzaku, even if there are people in the city, you will be able to cope with it. Besides, don’t Meng Huaiyu’s 10,000 Yuzhou soldiers and horses come to change defense? He is real. Famous players, with him, there is no worries in the capital."

Meng Chang sighed: "It seems that these things have been considered for you, but have you ever thought that if you really lead the troops northward, then almost all the mobile forces of the Jin Dynasty will be transferred, including the grain and grass reserves, in the capital. He Wudi may be able to defend, but Jiangzhou and Jingzhou are weak, and you said that the Northern Expedition will use Lu Zongzhi’s Yongzhou soldiers and horses. If this happens, the demon in Lingnan and the rebels in Xishu will attack at the same time. Jingzhou, how do you defend?"

Liu Yi hooked his mouth: "Well, the soldiers and horses in Jiangzhou and Jingzhou have always been guarding against these two gangsters. It shouldn't be a worry. If even their 30,000 troops in the local area can't deal with the tens of thousands of elders in Lingnan. Thieves, and those mountain monkeys who can't fight in Shu, then He Wuji and Liu Daogui should commit suicide altogether."

Meng Chang frowned: "Master Baihu, you can't say that. For the Northern Expedition to send slaves, we transferred the 20,000 elites who were supposed to be sent to Jiangzhou and Jingzhou, as well as 1.5 million stone army rations. You know these on the Nanyan front line. Now He Wuji has only 15,000 troops in Jiangzhou, and Liu Daogui is less than 20,000 horses in Jingzhou, and most of them have to be scattered in various prefectures and counties to guard against the Huan of these two states. Chu Yu’s party has been in trouble. In the past six months, there have been no major wars, and small rebellion and public security operations have continued. What’s more, they have not concentrated their grain and grass, especially in Jiangzhou. The 1.5 million stone army ration that should be allocated to He Wuji was given to Liu Yu. If there is an enemy attack, I'm afraid it will cause big trouble."

Liu Yi waved his hand confidently: "Where did a large number of enemy troops come? Wuji's subordinates have been elites for many years. There are 5,000 people around Yuzhang alone, and more than 10,000 people are still scattered all over the country. They want to gather. It’s only a matter of ten days to get up. Now it’s because of the need to collect grain and requisition, and the counties are scattered. Jiangzhou is an inner county after all, and it is very safe. If the demon thief in Lingnan wants to move out on a large scale, they can only climb Wuling. It will take more than half a month, and it will take at least one or two months to explore the counties in southern Hunan before entering the Yangtze River. Dao Gui teamed up against the enemy, besides, don’t this Jiankang City still have reinforcements? Yuzhou also has left-behind troops, which can be supported at any time and cannot turn the sky over."

Speaking of this, Liu Yi paused: "What's more, Wuji has always had the heart to smooth Lingnan. Don't say I want to expedite the northern expedition. Originally, before the northern expedition, he was the most active person who wanted to lead troops out to smooth the Lingnan demons. One, after all, Ji Nu and I are both people who have made great contributions as coaches. Even Ah Shou has once attacked Xishu, but as one of the Big Three, he has never led the army or made merits. Regarding Nanyan, it is reasonable to say that he should have been on the road to crusade against the Lingnan monsters. Therefore, he has always been most concerned about the movements of the monsters. Even if the offense is temporarily not strong, he will defend and control the opponent There is still no problem with intelligence trends, so don't underestimate him."

Yu Yue nodded: "Yes, He Wuji is a famous general in Beifu after all. With Liu Daogui's help, the demon thief can't stir up trouble, but I think Sima Xiuzhi of Kuaiji may have problems. After all, Sima Guo Fan has already turned back, and I don't know if the Heavenly Dao League will collude with him."

Liu Yi said with satisfaction: "Look at what Master Qinglong said, then the matter is settled, but Master Xuanwu and Master Suzaku are also worthy of consideration."


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