Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2995: Strictly suspend the clearing portal

Having said this, Liu Yi pondered for a moment, and his eyes lightly swept across the masks of everyone: "Well, the Northern Expedition will take about half a month to prepare anyway. I will change the agreed defense Yuzhou first, and bring 20,000 soldiers and horses there. , And then declared that he was seriously ill to confuse the enemy and let Liu Cui take thousands of weak soldiers to fight Sima Guofan, but I secretly transferred the troops and food, and when everything was ready, it suddenly broke out and joined Lu Zongzhi to attack the Central Plains. Major events can be determined! Who approves of this proposal and who opposes it?" He said, raising his right hand first to show his approval.

Everyone nodded with satisfaction, and raised their right hands one after another.

Xu Xianzhi said: "Since everyone is sure that this plan is feasible, then we will split up. Master Baihu, you should set off first and go to Yuzhou. However, you have to make a handover with Meng Huaiyu as soon as possible."

Liu Yi said solemnly: "Of course, after I leave, the defense in the capital will be handed over to Meng Huaiyu, and Tang Xing and Zhao Lunzhi's subordinates will follow Master Qinglong to Wudi, and the defense at Jingkou will be handed over. Give Liu Daolian, leave him a thousand people, Zhenjingkoucheng."

Xu Xianzhi's brow furrowed: "Is the one thousand people missing a little, just in case..."

Liu Yi waved his hand: "It's nothing in case. Everyone in Jingkou learns martial arts. Everyone is a fighter. If you really want to encounter an invasion of foreign enemies, the villages will protect themselves and the township will be linked. Come in, the last time Liu Yu ran back from Wudi, didn't he just rely on the villagers to defeat Sun En's army."

Xu Xianzhi shook his head: "But, then Liu Daolian..."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Although Liu Daolian is weak and incompetent, his current deputy, Liu Jianzhi, is a wise and brave man. He wanted Liu Yu to rise up. These three brothers, Liu Jianzhi, Liu Qianzhi, and Liu Qianzhi, have led the whole village. Ding Zhuang joined the army and made a lot of credit. In terms of seniority, among the old brothers of Jianyi in Jingkou, he is considered to be the senior old Beifu. This time Liu Yu sent Liu Daolian back and placed their three brothers together. By Liu Daolian's side, they wanted them to mobilize the folks in Jingkou to help guard in times of crisis."

Xu Xianzhi smiled and said, "The three brothers of the Liu family, their nephews are very fierce, but they are now fighting on the front line, leaving behind three uncles and uncles, you can also stay at home with peace of mind. Master Qinglong, for your affairs, we are but You have transferred a lot of soldiers and horses out, but you have to guard Wu Di, Master Baihu also needs your rations!"

Yu Yue laughed: "Actually, I was thinking, if Sima Xiuzhi was transferred from Kuaiji and asked him to leave Wudi in the name of supporting the front line, wouldn't we be able to save tens of thousands of horses?"

Liu Yi laughed: "Will he be willing to lead troops north at this time?"

Yu Yue confidently said: "This time it was Sima Guo who caused the chaos. It was their Sima clan who had come out of the anti-thief. If we let Sima Xiuzhi be able to take the initiative to clean up the door for Sima, it will not only relieve him of his presence. The risk of chaos in Wudi is even more so that the two armies of the Sima clan can consume each other. Anyway, Sima Xiuzhi’s son and his family are in Jiankang, while his subordinates’ family members stay in Kuaiji. I can control them. I am worried that Sima Xiuzhi's subordinates will rebel with him."

Meng Chang's brow furrowed: "You mean to let Sima Xiuzhi go north, you will take over Wudi and enter Kuaiji?"

Yu Yue laughed and said, "Of course, I wanted him to support the front line, crusade against the anti-thief Sima Guofan, and **** the army to supply military supplies. He has no reason to refuse. Don't these Sima clan say that they want to contribute to the country all day long? Now, it’s a matter of course to cleanse their Sima’s own rebels."

Xu Xianzhi smiled and said: "Don't say, Master Qinglong's idea is really good, but if Sima Xiuzhi said, then why don't your Master Qinglong's soldiers go to support, but you want him to go northward from the army in Kuaiji?"

Yu Yue twitched the corner of her mouth: "Because Sima Guofan was the one who rebelled, and there are several other Sima clan families, such as Sima Chuzhi, Huan Shihan and others. Give him a chance to clear the door and let him The people of the world look at Sima’s loyalty and ability. Besides, I won’t say that I went to Wudi to guard against him. I would only say that these were soldiers who had returned from the Northern Expedition and returned due to injuries. Wu Di, fill the vacancy after his army left, and collect this year's autumn grain by the way. Only then did he arrive in Wu Di. The change of defense between the troops is a matter of reason, and he should have no reason to oppose it."

Meng Chang said suddenly: "Wait, what if Sima Xiuzhi disagrees with this order. The chief ruling of the DPRK is Liu Yu, and he is far from Guanggu now. If Sima Xiuzhi asked who issued this order, we How to respond?"

Liu Yi said coldly: "It's said that it was a decision made after I jointly discussed with you. Liu Yuyuan is in Guanggu, and He Wuji is in Jiangzhou. It is too late to gather for discussion. Moreover, Liu Yu didn't order Meng Huaiyu to lead troops to **** Meng Long Fu. Returning to Jiankang, will I be replaced by Sima Guofan? This proves that he also wants to flatten this anti-thief. I am the general of this expedition and the minister who stayed in Jiankang before and dealt with the political, military, and political affairs. Of course, he is qualified to order him to lead his troops to help, and he must also bring one million stones, grains and grasses stored in Kuaiji."

Yu Yue laughed and said, "It's so good, so it's seamless. Does this matter still need a vote?"

The other three shook their heads ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Meng Chang said, "But then, there will be only one soldier in the land of Wu, so don’t take it lightly. If the Heavenly Alliance is still in the land of Wu, then It is possible to cause chaos, and you must be extremely vigorous, and you must not have any trouble."

Yu Yue smiled and said: "The capital of Sima Xiu is gone, who else can pose a threat?"

Liu Yi said sternly, "Don’t be careless, the last time the Tianshi Dao was in chaos, the eight counties were in chaos overnight, and within ten months, the whole land of Wu changed to heaven. You must not commit Xie Yan and Wang Ningzhi. Mistakes, carelessly underestimating the enemy, without precautions, and in the end the harm has gone to the country."

Yu Yue frowned: "Then what should I do according to your opinion?"

Liu Yi said coldly: "Remember, the levy is just a slogan. Don't really take the opportunity to search for a fortune. I know you want to do this, but don't think about it this time. There will be opportunities for you to make a profit in the future. But this time, you will concentrate all your forces in the big city, especially in Kuaiji County and Wu County. You need to keep more than 5,000 elite soldiers in each of these two places. You must be prepared for the city defense and be prepared for an attack at any time. Also, don’t stay in the city. Heavenly teachers and Taoists, within this month, it is strictly forbidden to engage in activities such as temple fairs and temple fairs in any name. Violators will be killed without mercy!"

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