Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2996: Announce the Northern Expedition of the Fans

Yu Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then wondered: "This, is this a fuss? After Sima Xiuzhi left, this place of Wu..."

Liu Yi sighed: "When the Celestial Master Dao raised troops, there was no Sima Xiuzhi. It was because of the gatherings of those Celestial Master Dao that he suddenly launched troubles. All of the eight counties turned against him overnight. The lesson is still there. Dao has been hit, but we still can’t take it lightly. There are still many people in Wudi who believe in religion. If you don’t keep the balance, you will suddenly take advantage of this kind of ritual to cause chaos. Your subordinate is the only army in the eight counties of Wudi. If you defeat it , Then the anti-thief can drive straight into Jiankang, no one can stop it."

Yu Yue frowned, "However, there are still quite a few of the aristocratic families and wealthy families in Wudi who believe in the Tao of Heavenly Masters. If you encounter this kind of ritual, many leading figures in the dojo will participate in person, which is directly prohibited. Will it..."

A fierce light flashed in Liu Yi's eyes: "Temporarily offend a few big families, and really want to fight against the thieves, chop their whole family into meat sauce and eat them into their stomachs, whichever they want to let them choose, just say it is my military order. Within half a year, Wudi is not allowed to hold any gatherings of more than ten people. Violators will be punished for chaos and murder without mercy!"

Yu Yue gritted her teeth: "Well, this is a bit too much, it's never before in Wudi..."

Liu Yi said coldly: "Master Qinglong, the aristocratic family has never lost military and political power, but now it is the Qiu Bajun Han who have the final say? We can't take this risk!"

Yu Yue was speechless for a long time, and then she sighed: "This matter, I am afraid that it is not enough to rely on forced orders. It is best to find the leaders of the family, such as Mrs. Xie, including your Mrs. Liu, and go out with these. Explain to the great family of Wudi and the middle and small gentry."

Liu Yi hooked his mouth: "This is your business, Master Qinglong. I can directly impose a ban on how to be gentle and explain. It is what you, the head of a big family, do. In short, I only need results, and that is this. Within half a year, Wu Di can't make any mistakes. If something really happens, all of us will be finished. You can decide which one is more serious."

Yu Yue shook her head and sighed, "It seems that this errand is not as easy as imagined, nothing more, just do as you say, but Sima Xiuzhi has to keep an eye on you, so that I won’t make mistakes here. , Don’t give him the opportunity to take advantage of you."

Meng Chang smiled and said, "Master Qinglong doesn't have to worry about this. Master Baihu has experienced many battles and is fully prepared for this kind of thing. By the way, should we tell Liu Yu about our plans and actions? He Wuji and He Wuji Liu Daogui? Let them also have a preparation."

Xu Xianzhi's brows frowned slightly: "I don't think this is necessary. Didn't Mr. Baihu just say that he still pretends to be ill to defraud the enemy? In case the wind leaks in those places, even Liu Yu doesn't agree to send someone back to stop him. Isn't that..."

Meng Chang raised his eyebrows: "It shouldn't be. We also informed them secretly, and clearly explained these plans, because I don't think it can be hidden from others. After all, according to Lord Baihu's plan, we will contact Lu Zongzhi to send troops later. In itself, this requires the mobilization of the Yongzhou soldiers and horses. Even if Lu Zongzhi himself can keep the secret, he cannot hide such a large transfer. I am even more worried that Liu Daogui will make a misjudgment, thinking that Lu Zongzhi is taking the opportunity to make chaos and attack Jingzhou. "

Speaking of this, Meng Chang looked at Liu Yi: "Lord Baihu, you have moved your whole body this time. Even if you don't need their support, you must at least tell you that, in public and private, they are your colleagues. , Comrades-in-arms, brothers, if they know they can't stop your decision, at least they can make some preparations early. They won't be caught off guard."

Liu Yi thought for a while and nodded: "Master Xuanwu made sense. Anyway, as the general who stayed behind and the prime minister, I also have the obligation to inform this decision. Let's send a secret envoy to keep this news secret. Inform Liu Yu, He Wuji and Liu Daogui. Tell Liu Yu that we are going to attack Sima Guofan and attack Post-Qin by the way to punish them for supporting the anti-thief against Dajin. In doing so, I also eliminated his rear and flanks. Threats, even to solve the Sima Guofan chaos he brought out, why is he dissatisfied?"

Yu Yue smiled and said: "That's right, this Sima Guofan was caused by his indiscretion, and Nan Yan is asking for help from the Qin Dynasty. He may send troops to rescue Yan at any time, and Master Bai Hu will send troops to defeat Sima Guofan, by the way. It can also block the channel for Hou Qin's aid. This is for his benefit, and he has no reason to oppose it."

Liu Yi sneered: "That is, he asked me to stay in the rear. The Prime Minister of the military and political affairs has the excuse of Sima Guofan to rebel. Of course I can send troops to crusade, but I also thought about it just now. To occupy the Central Plains and regain Luoyang, maybe Liu Yu will come directly to grab the merits. Then, I think the letter to Liu Yu says that I will personally conquer Sima Guofan, and I must destroy it to deter all anti-thief and chaos in the party, as for Qin. I won’t mention the matter for the time being. When I really wanted to attack Hou Qin later, I only said that I was chasing Sima Guofan and invading Hou Qin all the way."

Xu Xianzhi blinked: "Then what do you say to He Wuji and Liu Daogui? You don't need to use Lu Zongzhi to pursue Sima Guofan."

Liu Yi smiled and said, "This is easy. UU-reading www.uukanshu.com isn't Huan Qian who wants to bring the Ganliang barbarians of the post-Qin Dynasty to counterattack Jingzhou. Then Yongzhou is the first to bear the brunt. Let Lu Zongzhi's excuse to guard against Huan Qian and prepare for war. , Anyway, Lu Zongzhi also had the mind to seize the Central Plains and lay a piece of land for himself. I can secretly negotiate with him about this point. After the matter is completed, Luoyang belongs to him, and even half of Sizhou can be handed over to him. In this area, it is much more convenient for him to recruit the refugees in Guanzhong. But the premise is that he keeps secrets and does not leak the news. When our army and grain and grass are in place and Sima Xiuzhi also arrives in Yuzhou, we will send troops together!"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "But how do you explain He Wuji? Will he watch Liu Yu attack the Southern Yan from the north, and you will send troops to Qin, and then you will also do your own thing, and directly transfer Jiangzhou soldiers and horses to attack Lingnan? Got it."

Liu Yi smiled and shook his head and said, "Impossible, at least one thing is that there is not enough food and grass. Originally, I was going to give He Wuji 30,000 reinforcements and 1.5 million shi army rations for the southern expedition. Yu took the Northern Expedition ahead of time, so he now has neither food nor soldiers. Even if he really has this idea, he has to collect this year’s autumn grain and then fully mobilize and recruit troops in Jiangzhou to have the power of the Northern Expedition. That is at least. Three months later, I will tell Wuji that when I come back from victory, I will definitely divide the triumphant division among him and help him make great contributions to the south!"


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