Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3014: Surrender to stay useful

When Lu Xun said this, he couldn't help but laugh, and the surrounding disciples also laughed loudly. For a while, the demons danced wildly, stimulating Zhu Chaoshi's ear wax. He had already felt ashamed of all thoughts. He closed his eyes and wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself. , But suddenly, Zhu Chaoshi's heart moved, opened his eyes, and said, "Lu Xun, you have tried so hard to frame me so that I cannot return to the Jin army or even preserve my reputation. What is it for? ?"

Lu Xun stopped his smile, looked at Zhu Chaoshi, and nodded slightly: "General Xiao Zhu, you are really a smart person, and you can think of this. Let me tell you the truth. Our God Sect is incompatible with the Beifu Army and Liu Yu. Dai Tian’s hatred, but the heroes of Jingzhou and the Huan family have no hatred, and even at this time, we can still become allies to help each other."

Zhu Chaoshi said solemnly: "The Huan clan has long since been defeated, and there is no one who can respond to one hundred responses. As for the Huan Qian you said, he can be low and has no reputation. The Huan clan was in trouble last time. Seeking asylum like a dog has ruined the name of the hero of Huanwen’s Northern Expedition. Even the children of the Huan family are ashamed of him. Even the thief from Shuzhong like Qiao Zong doesn’t put him in his eyes. The demon thief of the teacher is evil, but if you work with this kind of person, are you not afraid to lose the way of the heroes of the world?"

Lu Xun smiled slightly, and said, "General Xiao Zhu’s analysis is very good. Huan Qian is indeed not a weapon, but in any case, he is now the only surviving seedling of the Huan family. Even if it is notorious, it is better than not being famous, so , I need a person who is influential in Jingzhou to assist Huan Qian."

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "Huan Qian won't join any celestial masters, don't dream, they just want to retake Jingzhou, and won't allow you monsters to exist."

Lu Xun smiled and shook his head: "We are not interested in Jingzhou. What we want is to destroy the Beifu army, enter Jiankang, and seize the world of Dajin. If Jiankang is in our hands, then we will be with Huan Qian. In Jingzhou, it is war or peace, enemy or friend, that is something to say, but now we can join hands. Huan Qian brought some barbarian cavalry back in Longyou, but he has no strength and lacks generals. Only, if this is the case, let alone that he will probably not be able to defeat Liu Daogui, even if he is lucky enough to win with our help, he can only become a puppet of the Post-Qin. This is not the result we want."

Zhu Chaoshi laughed: "It turned out that after a long time, you are looking for a local general in Jingzhou who can help Huan Qian in the war, but, as you said just now, my Zhu family brothers betrayed Huan Xuan when they were in Jingkou, Huan. Does he dare to ask me?"

Lu Xun nodded: "As you said earlier, you were forced to surrender when you fell into Liu Yu's hands. Later, you also chose to avoid fighting with the Huan clan. This shows that you have left your hand and you still have some old feelings for the Huan clan. , These Huan Qian will understand that, besides, what he needs to return to Jingzhou is human support, and he needs to win over you who have left the old ministry. It is not a time to be happy. Jingzhou’s generals are still there. There are Lu Zongzhi, Hu Fan, etc. , And then you two Zhu brothers, and Fu Hongzhi and others. Now only you have fallen into our hands. You can follow Huan Qian. If I send you over as a condition of forming an alliance with him, I think he will not refuse. !"

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth and said, "You said that you wanted to take the world, not Jingzhou. Then send me to Huan Qian's place, wouldn't it be possible to become an enemy again in the future?"

Lu Xun said with a smile: "No need, no, even if you really antagonize the Huan clan, you can still be in Cao Ying's heart and help us secretly. If Huanqian doesn’t know what’s good or bad, you’ll be in harmony with us and destroy him. In the future, Jingzhou can give you the Zhu Family, and it’s not a big deal. However, this requires you to join our Divine Sect and become a disciple of the Heavenly Master’s Tao."

Zhu Chaoshi closed his eyes, and began to calculate quickly in his heart: It seems that this time the demon's handwriting is very big, combined with Huan Qian, Qiao Zong, etc. to launch together, and even behind the Qin, this kind of plan does not seem to be the case. This demon thief can do it all the way, because the demon thief has always been alone and has nothing to do with these forces. He thinks of the news from Guanggu City a while ago that the black robe is the leader of the Tiandao League, and he openly said There are accomplices in the south, and now the master and eldest brother are besieging the black robe under the city of Guanggu. Maybe this multi-channel attack was planned by the black-robed accomplice, and there are only top evil organizations like the Tiandao League. There is such power.

I am doing things carelessly and fall into the hands of the thieves. I have been stigmatized by the thieves. I can’t dispute it. Even if I die, it’s hard to wash away the shame. It’s even more useless for major events. The only thing I can do now is to pretend to surrender to the thief and stay with the thief. Camp, act according to the opportunity, first find a way to avenge Zhennan, and then notify Liu Daogui to beware of the culprit's raid. This is the way to stay useful and avenge today.

Thinking of this, Zhu Chaoshi opened his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said, “It’s not impossible if you want me to return and join the Dao of Heavenly Master. However, you are all people who have strong beliefs in Dao of Heavenly Master. My family never believes it. This, I am afraid it does not meet your requirements."

Lu Xun laughed: "It's okay. There is a sequence of hearings, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and becoming our brothers and sisters will naturally feel the warmth of the big family. General Xiao Zhu, the land of Jingzhou, this letter The local witch gods do not believe in our religious religion. Later you will believe in our religious religion first and preach on the altar in the land of Jingzhou. You can become a great master."

Zhu Chaoshi said solemnly: "This is not important. I am a professional soldier and will be the generals of generations. As long as it is determined that things can be done, joining the winner is the kingly way. It is just that you use the means of poisoning, killing my brother, and here again. Burning the corpse and insulting, this hatred, I absolutely cannot let go."

Lu Xun's brows frowned: "They are poisoned, and they will still be contagious. Burning the bodies is not to insult more people, but not to insult them."

Zhu Chaoshi said loudly: "We pay attention to getting into the soil for safety. Even if it is poisoned, you can bury them deeply. Burning them to ashes like this is unacceptable to me. Burn me on fire. Let's smash the bones and raise the ashes with them."

Lu Xun smiled and shook his head: "General Xiao Zhu is indeed a loyal person. Come here and put out the fire. Everyone is now digging a hole and burying the bodies of these fallen soldiers in the pit for safety. Also, all the daoists need to pay tribute to them, and this leader will personally do rituals for them to overcome their dead souls, General Xiao Zhu, are you satisfied with this?"

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