Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3015: Cults also want to win hearts

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "Also, I have to make it clear beforehand that if I face my master, I will only face the old master and avoid fighting like when I surrendered to him back then. I can help you recruit troops, even Help you deal with Liu Daogui and He Wuji, Liu Yi, but in front of Master, I will not take action."

Lu Xun's brows frowned slightly: "Since you have entered the religion, you have to obey the orders, and you have to do whatever you want. How can you pick three or four?"

Zhu Chaoshi said frankly: "Being a man should have the foundation of one's own life. Don't oppose the killing of benefactors and mentors. This is the bottom line of my Zhu family. Whether it is entering the Beifu Army or entering the Heavenly Master Dao, this will not change. If you force If I do this kind of rebellious thing, I can kill my mentor today, and tomorrow I will kill you, the leader. Do you still dare to trust a person like me?"

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "Really a loyal and righteous person. Very good. I like loyal and righteous people. You are a general of Jingzhou, and you are the one who has enemies with the Beifu army. In the battle to destroy Chu, the Beifu army also killed Many of your colleagues, friends, old superiors and the like, don't you want to avenge them?"

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "Everyone is the owner, and we die well. This is our fate as soldiers. If I had killed them in Jingkou city at that time, I would have no complaints!"

A cold light flashed in Lu Xun's eyes: "Very well, you can figure this out. Joining the Heavenly Master Dao will give you a chance to be prosperous and wealthy. It will also give you revenge against the Northern Army and truly show your talents. Opportunity, but to become religious, you need to change your mind and prove your loyalty to your brothers, instead of surrendering to the Northern Army as last time, when you were forced to be captured and had to surrender."

Zhu Chaoshi said in a deep voice: "My Zhu family has always made a promise. Today, I am not surrendering to you, but I am impoverished and can only surrender. If you really have the day to take the world, you don't have to worry that I will leave. Now I The back road is broken for you, is there any other choice?"

Lu Xun said with a smile: "The bandits and bandits entered the group and they wanted to kill the pedestrians and merchants who passed by, thinking that they would vote for their fame. And when our church raised a lot of troops last time, it captured a large number of officials and soldiers from the imperial court. Was it true surrender or forced by the situation? We can’t tell if we surrender for a while. Do you know what means we used in the end?"

Zhu Chaoshi's face changed, and he sternly said: "You shouldn't let me follow those people and eat human flesh to show my loyalty! If this is the case, I would rather die than join you."

Lu Xun smiled and waved his hand: "That was the former leader, my big brother Sun En, because he was bearing the hatred of the tragic death of the whole family, so he made a cruel move. At that time, he raised his army only for revenge. Not for the world, so in the end he made everyone feel at risk like this, the enemy refused to surrender, and his brothers in the education all lived in fear and fanaticism, infighting and uneasy, that would make Liu Yu take advantage of it. The great cause of religious education has almost failed."

A sword-backed disciple next to Lu Xun laughed and said: "Thanks to Master Lu for his benevolence and righteousness, he should give more comfort to captured enemy troops and people, come and go freely, and do not kill those who surrender. This has allowed more and more people. People are willing to follow out of gratitude rather than fear. General Zhu, I was also a member of the army and forced Sun En to eat human flesh. It was Master Lu who prevented this atrocities and kept us by my side."

Many disciples on one side nodded and said yes, Zhu Chaoshi sighed: "It's just that you have killed a lot of people. In the first battle in Guangzhou, the city was set on fire. The corpses of tens of thousands of people were piled up like a hill. The same thing I see in front of me, is such cruel and tyrannical thing also benevolence and righteousness?"

Lu Xun sighed: "You only know one thing about the city of Guangzhou, but you don't know the other. At that time, when our army raided, Guangzhou governor Wu Yinzhi was caught off guard. He hurriedly moved a large number of surrounding people into the city and wanted to resist because of the heat. The large number of people led to the epidemic, and a large number of people died in the city. In order to reduce casualties, our army adopted the method of fire attack. Afterwards, a large number of corpses in the city had begun to decay and could not be treated at all. The cruelty of our army, but let go of Wu Yinzhi, Wang Dan and others who really caused this tragedy. If they weren’t stubborn, how could our army break the city by force, and how could it cause so many casualties in the city? Woolen cloth?"

Having said this, Lu Xun paused and pointed to the corpses behind him whose fire had been extinguished, and said: "As for today, all of your subordinates are poisoned, with a broken stomach, and those black corpse waters. If you don’t deal with it for a day, it will cause a plague within a hundred li. If you pity the corpses of your brothers, don’t you want to pity the tens of thousands of people around you?"

Zhu Chaoshi said solemnly: "Can you really do not kill innocent people indiscriminately, not insult corpses, and seize the world with justice?"

Lu Xun laughed: "He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. I and my fellow daoists understand this truth. The gods will create a heaven on earth that is happy for individuals. It is not a waste of life. Even if it is from the Beifu Army. Soldiers, like you, I can use them. The only person who really wants revenge is Liu Yu. Of course, even Liu Yu, if he recognizes the general trend and is willing to surrender to us, he will not lose his position as a king. We still respect real heroes."

Zhu Chaoshi sneered and said: "My master will never surrender. You should die of your heart."

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "It's man-made, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was forced by the situation back then, wasn't he also subdued to Murong, and also submitted to Huanxuan? As long as we can win the world upright, we will also help him realize that world. Datong, the ideal of expelling Hulu, maybe we can still cooperate. Of course, if you keep you working for the religious sect, in the future, maybe you can persuade your master and eldest brother to join the religious sect together. Wouldn't it be better?!"

Zhu Chaoshi was silent for a while, and sighed: "As of now, I have no choice but to believe in you once. Let me go, I am willing to join the Dao of Heavenly Master."

A smile flashed in Lu Xun's eyes, and he waved his hand: "Come here, give the newly enrolled Junior Brother Zhu Fushui!"

Zhu Chaoshi was taken aback for a moment: "Fu Shui, what is Fu Shui?"

The disciple who carried the sword before smiled and said: "Congratulations, Junior Brother Zhu, this water is the procedure when the disciple of the gods teach, it is the **** of water made by the master Lu and your master himself. After taking it, you can Refreshing, strengthening the muscles and strengthening the body, training and cultivating immortality. However, you need to take it regularly every month to have the effect. Moreover, if you are insincere or have apostasy, you will be condemned and disciplined. Death is extremely miserable!" He said, holding a bowl of "Fu Shui" and handing it to Zhu Chaoshi.

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