Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3016: Super Stone finally enters the Tao of Heavenly Master

Zhu Chaoshi picked up the bowl of light blue "fushui" in front of him, and vaguely saw a few black ant-sized insects floating in the water. He understood that this must be a very powerful poison. Medicine can save his life. This is probably Lu Xun's method of controlling his men, but now he has no choice but to raise his neck, swallow all this big bowl of "Talishui", and then look directly at Lu Xun:" Am I a disciple of the gods now?"

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "You are welcome to join, Zhu Chaoshi, this year, your name in the religious religion is called Mengyi."

Several disciples helped Zhu Chaoshi untie the iron cords on his body, and smoothly helped him to rub the hands and feet that tied the **** marks. Zhu Chaoshi moved his body and said in surprise: "Is there anything special about this name? "

Lu Xun smiled and said: "I hope you can follow the old path of King Sima Xuan and accomplish a career, and don't let down the painstaking efforts God teaches you, understand?"

Zhu Chaoshi secretly scolded Lu Xun ten thousand times in his heart, secretly saying: If Lao Tzu really has Sima Yi's three thousand dead men, the first one would be to hack you and avenge the brothers who died, but what do I have to do next? Notify Zhennan so that he can react quickly. You know, this time the demon thief has come prepared and launched several ways together. There is a powerful conspiracy behind it. It is not something General He can deal with alone. It should be avoided for the time being. Its sharpness, shrinking forces, and after the master returns to the army, he will break it in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Zhu Chaoshi made a happy expression on his face, and said: "Master, I am willing to take the lead in the army, and to be the vanguard of the army, go straight to the Yuzhang, to capture He Wuji. Now the Yuzhang is not strong enough to make a surprise attack. good chance."

Lu Xun twitched the corner of his mouth: "No matter how strong Yuzhang City is, there are five thousand elite soldiers, which can't be dealt with by our current strength. Besides, from Nankang to Yuzhang, it is a thousand miles away. It takes a lot of time to travel by land. Only by advancing both land and water and going straight down the Yangtze River is the best way."

Zhu Chaoshi's expression froze, and he secretly cried out badly. He wanted to lead the troops first. He went all the way to inform He Wuji that Nankang was out of the defense, and asked him to quickly respond. He Wuji's generation of famous generals will inevitably shrink his defense. , Yuzhang city is a strong city on land, it is difficult to directly capture it by the army alone, but once the water and land advance, the navy in the Yangtze River will cut off the back road after reaching the city, but it will be in trouble. Kang here specifically does not keep any warships, but concentrates on the Yuzhang area, preparing to transport troops and food, but the demon actually said that, is there really any way to sail?

Zhu Chaoshi's face was still filled with joy: "It's just that the water and land advancing methods require a large number of warships. This Nankang only garrisoned the army, but there is no navy fleet."

Lu Xun smiled and patted Zhu Chaoshi on the shoulder: "Mengyi, don't worry too much, you will understand at that time, you will understand your desire to make contributions and be the vanguard of the army, but now there is no formed unit of the gods. Here you see, should I send troops to **** you to Jingzhou to join Huan Qian’s troops, or go to Guangzhou to help guard Lingnan’s defense in response to the possible counterattack of the Jin army? Don’t worry, I’ll give you this time. If you drink real Agastache and Job's Tears Soup, you won't be mixed with poisonous weeds."

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "I said before that I don’t want to go to Huan Qian’s place anymore. I don’t have a future. I might treat him as a spy in the future. If it doesn’t help, I have to help him deal with the leader and fellow brothers. It’s not good. The choice is to follow the army all the way to Jiankang and build up your own merits. If the leader does not have a formed army for me now, he can also release me back to Jingzhou. My Zhu family still has some old ministries in the Jiangling area. I gave an order, It can be called."

Lu Xun hooked his mouth: "Well, it's too dangerous to return to Jingzhou. News of your obedience to the religion has spread. It is estimated that Liu Daogui and He Wuji will want to put you to death. Moreover, you have no soldiers and no generals, and even kiss. The guards are gone. When I returned, I was in turmoil. It's hard to say whether you can live or not. If you don't want to go to Huan Qian's, just follow me. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you, there are still people who can give it to you."

As he said, he waved his hand, and said solemnly to a disciple beside him: "All the prisoners are brought up!"

This disciple hurried to the gate of the village. In a moment of effort, more than a thousand men in single clothes and embarrassed were escorted in by more than a hundred celestial masters and Taoists who were armed with swords and armor. A group of ten was tied by ropes. There were more than 30 people wearing big wooden shackles and fetters on their feet. They were brought in by more than 20 disciples of the Heavenly Master and Taoist disciples. Zhu Chaoshi saw it clearly. , Really is Sima of Nankang County, the leader of the prefecture and county soldiers in the city, and Tang Shunzi, a veteran of the Beifu, and these more than a thousand prisoners are the prefecture and county militias stationed in the city.

At this moment, Zhu Chaoshi has put on a new sky blue high-level Taoist robe, which is completely different from the light blue armor of ordinary Tianshi Tao warriors~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Tang Shunzi took a look. When Zhu Chaoshi stood with Lu Xun in this dress, he shouted: "Zhu Chaoshi, you traitor, betrayed brother, betrayed Marshal, how could Marshal have you as a rebel, you, you must die!"

Lu Xun sneered and said: "When you die, you are still stiff, Tang Shunzi, this leader asks you for the last time, is it possible to return to the religious religion? If you are willing to submit to the religious religion, you can be Zhu Chaoshi. Oh, no, he is now the original religion. The Tiger’s ritual wine has a dream, if you are willing to surrender, let you be the big brother of his Tiger division."

Tang Shunzi sprayed **** saliva to the ground fiercely: "Monster, you killed my whole family back then. I, Tang Shunzi, don’t share the heavens with you. I only hate me. , Seek revenge from you!"

Lu Xun sighed softly: "You are stubborn and unable to realize it until you die. This is what you asked for. Meng Yi, the time has come for you to show your loyalty to the religion!"

As he said, he personally drew out the saber in his hand and handed it to Zhu Chaoshi.

Zhu Chaoshi's hand trembled slightly, but he still grabbed the saber, gritted his teeth, and walked towards Tang Shunzi. Tang Shunzi glared at him and cursed: "Traitor, rebel, your family named Zhu is not going to die!" And those prisoners of the Jin army who were driven over fell into collective silence, sitting cross-legged, watching here, many people could not bear to see what was going to happen. The disciples of the Heavenly Master Taoist punched and kicked, forcing them to raise their heads.

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