Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3017: Massacre

Zhu Chaoshi walked in front of Tang Shunzi and said in a deep voice: "Tang Shunzi, the person who knows the times is a good man, this is your last chance, as long as you save your life, you still have a chance, how do you..."

A **** saliva sprayed onto Zhu Chaoshi's face, accompanied by Tang Shunzi's roar: "Beijing man, the head can be broken, the blood can flow, I would rather die than fall!"

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth, pierced with a sword, and penetrated through Tang Shunzi's abdomen, and his whole body was attached to Tang Shunzi's body, and he whispered in his ear: "Brother Shunzi, you take one step first, I am a liar. Demon thief, I will definitely kiss you under Jiuquan in the future!"

Tang Shunzhi’s face was originally painfully distorted because of the penetration of the sword. Hearing this sentence, suddenly the corner of his mouth was taken aback, and an imperceptible smile appeared again. He kicked it out with a strong kick. Zhu Chaoshi fell backwards and withdrew a few steps, and the long sword was also drawn from his body, bringing out a trace of blood, staining Zhu Chaoshi’s new Taoist robe with blood stains. When he fell, he issued the last 'S roar: "Brother, take revenge for me!"

After Tang Shunzi, there were more than 20 **** and scarred sergeants standing. They were all Beifu veterans sent to Nankang County to train these newly enlisted militiamen. All of them were over 30 years old, shaggy and unrefined. Judging from the injuries suffered, they all fought to the end in a surprise attack, and fell into the hands of the enemy after exhaustion. Seeing Tang Shunzi's heroic death, all of them glared at Zhu Chaoshi, but none of them gave in.

A full-faced Heavenly Master Taoist swordsman walked up to the first Beifu warrior, shook the **** long sword in his hand, and said solemnly, "Are you surrendering?"

The soldier sneered and turned his head: "My fellow robes will definitely avenge me, Beifu fighters, their heads can be broken, blood can flow, and they would rather die than surrender!"

A sword light flashed, and the long sword pierced the warrior’s body, where the blood arrow splashed, his body fell down, and another Heavenly Master Taoist swordsman, holding the sword and pushing towards the next person, was about to do it. , Lu Xun suddenly said solemnly: "Hold on!"

The Taoist priest who wanted to stab the warrior who would rather die than surrender took his hand and looked at Lu Xun with a puzzled look: "Master, what instructions do you have?"

Lu Xun said coldly: "Meng Yi, there are still twenty-one who refuse to surrender. From the prisoners who are willing to surrender, select twenty-one."

Zhu Chaoshi sighed secretly in his heart, this Lu Xun is indeed a benevolence and morality, and actually annihilated humanity. This is the prisoners whose hands are stained with blood, and they will never be able to look back. Once they have slaughtered their soldiers, they will inevitably be affected by the Northern Army. The tenfold revenge was probably also used in the past to prevent the captives and the people who defected from turning around.

But Zhu Chaoshi swallowed his heart and said sharply: "You, you, you, get me out!"

As he walked, he pointed, and found twenty-one seemingly more powerful people to stand out. These people all put a sword in their hands and walked towards the northern warriors who were unable to get up.

Lu Xun sneered and waved his hand. The first militiaman pushed towards the soldier who had just fallen to the ground. His voice was trembling: "Brother, come down, there is only one life, don't embarrass yourself!"

The soldier from the Beifu who could not stand on the ground and was bleeding all over his body sighed: "Brother, my family is in Jingkou. If you are greedy for life and fear of death, then the whole family will be implicated. Do it, I will not blame you. You have to die if you don't do it!"

The militiaman was trembling there, holding his sword. The body of the sword was shaking violently with his hands in the air, but he couldn't get his hands down.

Lu Xun’s eyes flashed fiercely, and suddenly he tore off the bow carried by a disciple next to him, set an arrow to the string, and shot an arrow. The soldier holding the sword had no time to hum, so he shot an arrow through his neck. Falling in a pool of blood, the Beifu soldier on the ground opened his eyes wide and shouted loudly: "Demon thief, there is a kind of come at me and kill innocent people, what is it?!"

Lu Xun screamed, now murderous, full of fierce anger, the appearance of the bones of the fairy wind just now disappeared, the bowstring in his hand was still shaking, and the roar penetrated everyone's In my ears: "Is it true that you did not follow the orders of the gods, that is the result. If you don't kill these stubborn Beifu soldiers, you will die, the next one!"

Several disciples of the Celestial Master Taoist pushed and kicked the other soldiers to the Beifu fighter on the ground, while the surrounding Celestial Master Taoists shouted in unison: "Kill, kill, kill, kill!"

The captive closed his eyes and murmured, "Brother, let's go on the road with peace of mind, sorry!"

He stabbed with a sword, and just pierced into the chest of the Beifu veteran on the ground. The blood was splashed, and the surrounding Tianshidao disciples made a cheering sound. Lu Xun nodded his head with satisfaction: "Very good, that's it. , Pass my order, give this dead ghost's equipment to this person who started, and everyone else will do the same. Those who start have to be equipped, and those who don't dare to do it will be killed directly. Cowards who dare not kill even captives, the gods Don’t raise and waste food."

When he said this, he turned around to leave, and suddenly thought of something~www.wuxiaspot.com~, turned his head and said to Zhu Chaoshi: "Meng Yi, from now on, you will take the prisoners of more than a thousand states and counties. Take care. Within ten days, train them to take orders from your subordinates, just like you take orders from me. Also, let all the prisoners chop a few swords on these northern soldiers who do not surrender. need!"

Zhu Chaoshi endured the grief and killing intent in his heart, forced a smile, and said: "Leave it to the disciple, you must live up to the leader's entrustment. By the way, when can I lead the soldiers out?"

Lu Xun waved his hand, turned his head and left: "In the future, you will only be instructed by the leader. As for when to act and what tasks you have, you will naturally be notified."

When Lu Xun walked out of Dazhai and reached the top of the mountain on the side of the gorge, all the guards stayed on the side of the mountain. The cape and black robe fluttered, standing on the top of the mountain with arms folded, watching the soldiers in the cottage line up. The corpses of the Northern Army soldiers who had been beheaded were stabbed with knives and spears, while the sergeants who had already hacked people on the other side began to dig holes in the village and threw the unburnt corpses of the Northern Army into one. In this big pit, Zhu Chaoshi had already picked up a flag at the moment, and commanded his subordinates to act separately on the platform. The first batch of twenty soldiers who had been selected had become his number one. A group of subordinates ran back and forth, arranging everyone's actions in an orderly manner.

Lu Xun sighed softly: "I really understand why the gods want me to surrender Zhu Chaoshi. In terms of military talent, probably only Junior Brother Xu can surpass him in the religious teachings."

Dou Peng said indifferently: "Then do you think he really returned?"

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