Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3021: Xie Bao Wang Hong Shouyu

Speaking of this, two strong guards walked in front of him carrying an eucalyptus. He Wuji reached out with one hand and copied the scepter in his hand, and saw that there were nine groups on it. The silk hair, hung on an euphorbia, swayed with the wind, everyone in the hall was all in awe, because they all knew the origin of this euphorbia.

He Wuji said loudly: "This is what I used to build justice. My uncle Liu Laozhi gave me the euphorbia. In order not to hurt me, my mother killed herself on the eve of the army, leaving a last word to me. To kill the thieves and serve the country. Later, after the establishment of righteousness was successful, the court gave me the Jing Festival of the Ninth Regiment, the envoy of the Han Dynasty, Su Wu, to hang on this halberd. Loyalty, revenge for the soldiers who died!"

All the military commanders excitedly hammered their chests with their fists, shouting: "Vengeance, revenge, revenge!" Even the officials such as Deng Qianzhi and Yin Chan were also infected by this, shouting revenge, even barely one. The one-footed Wang Hong also stomped his feet rhythmically, shouting to kill the thief.

Zhang Shao still frowned slightly and said nothing.

He Wuji looked at Zhang Shao, his face flashed with displeasure, and said, "Zhang Canjun, do you have anything else to say?"

Zhang Shao sighed: "The current Yangtze River is in the dry season. If Zhennan wants to attack Nankang with a navy warship and catch the enemy by surprise, the speed will be the first. But I can’t get up soon, I’m afraid it’s not as fast as going directly by land. I thought, Zhennan’s loyalty and unparalleled, our military morale is available, but if we want to counterattack successfully, we need more careful planning. Based on the humble opinion of our subordinates, Liu Daogui, who contacted Jingzhou, joined forces to attack Nankang, which was more secure. Moreover, although Yuzhang had 5,000 troops, as the governor of the state, he could not all be dispatched. At least 2,000 troops were needed to help defend. "

He Wuji hooked his mouth in dissatisfaction and said, "I have my own plan for this, where is Xie Bao?"

A general in his thirties stepped forward and gave a military salute: "Final general Xie Bao, wait for the command of the commander!"

He Wuji nodded: "Xie Bao, you were the boss of the Xie family back then. The demon raised troops, and your family was in trouble. At that time, you joined the army alone. For so many years, I have been born and died with me, and I have done countless merits. This is also the one I trust most. Lieutenant."

Xie Bao gritted his teeth: "The Xie family was my boss at the time. The owner has been caring for my family for generations, teaching me martial arts, marrying me and having children. Xie Bao was incompetent and failed to protect the owner. Their family died tragically. , And I can’t do anything about it. In contrast, the disaster of my family doesn’t make me grieve that much. At that time, I made it clear that I have nothing to ask for in this life. Revenge for the whole family! This time Zhennan is going to attack the monsters, Xie Bao is willing to be the pioneer!"

He Wuji shook his head with satisfaction: "Very well, Xie Bao, your aura is very strong, but in this battle, you must not only be brave, but also have a plan. Your revenge is too strong, and you will easily fall into the demon. A thief's trick, so I call you this time, not as forward as before."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Xie Bao's eyes and gritted his teeth: "If the general does not allow the end to be the forward, then he will be willing to lead his troops, follow the Chinese army, or walk along the river to protect the flanks for the army."

He Wuji smiled and waved his hand: "No, Xie Bao, this time I will give you a more important task, that is to guard Yuzhang City."

Xie Bao opened his eyes wide and shook his head: "Does the Marshal want to stay at the rear to look after the house? The final is unwilling. Since the army, the terminal has always charged forward, but he has never stayed behind."

He Wuji sternly said: "Xie Bao, this task is very important. It is definitely not an ordinary stay. Look at the fall of Nankang this time, the demon raided by treacherous tricks and broke the city in one fell swoop. Even the experienced Zhu Chaoshi Unprepared, this Yuzhang is where the state is governed. If the demon thief knows that the army will attack, maybe they will make an idea here. The families of our soldiers and the officials of the Cishi Mansion are all here, and their safety, life and death, is all entrusted to them. is you."

He Wuji spoke very seriously, his eyes gleaming, and he looked directly at Xie Bao.

Xie Bao murmured to himself: "Listening to the commander, this responsibility is really heavy. Back then, the demon thief attacked the villager and killed the old villager, and my subordinates fell into the hands of the thief because of his family. Most of them collapsed, and in the end I could only join the commander alone. I understand that staying behind this time is a more important responsibility than playing forward. As long as I Xie Bao has a breath, I will definitely coexist and die with Yu Zhang!"

He Wuji stepped forward and took Xie Bao's hand: "Brother, I want you to live well, keep the Yu Zhang, and don't say anything about coexisting and dying with the city. Also, Wei Shunzhi behind, I have ordered him The expedited speed has moved closer to the front. If you encounter a surprise attack by the enemy, you must not attack, you must defend the city and get in touch with Shunzi to break the thieves together!"

Xie Bao said solemnly: "You have the order, you can rest assured that you will go on the expedition. I have five hundred elite soldiers by my side. They are all soldiers who have been with me for many years, enough to guard Yuzhang City."

He Wuji frowned slightly and turned to Wang Hong: "Wang Nankang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You lost your teacher and lost ground. This is a capital crime, but for the sake of reporting your military situation with your death, I will save you for the time being. You are a member of Liu Cheqi's shogunate's capital crime, and you will be handed over to him in the future."

With tears in his eyes, Wang Hong said loudly, "Thank you Zhennan for not killing. The lower officials will do their best to repay your kindness."

He Wuji said coldly: "This is not my kindness, but the country's difficulties. Now when you are using people, although you have lost ground, you have tried your best. Now I will give you a chance to redeem your sins. I’m going to take Nankang with me and stay at the military mansion here. It’s up to you. You need to recruit militias quickly, help General Xie Bao defend the city, and provide necessary military supplies for Wei Shunzhi’s reinforcements. Also, shrink The army from various places must gather in Yuzhang within ten and a month, and then reorganize the equipment, bring food and grass, and support the front line. Even if I take Nankang, I will face the counterattack of Lu and Xu. I must not cause chaos in the rear. !"

Wang Hong nodded again and again: "I will definitely help General Xie to guard the Yu Zhang together. The army ahead wants food and food, and there are people. I will never miss the military situation."

He Wuji nodded: "Don't let me down this time. Shunzi's movements are still too slow. According to my military order, he should have met here yesterday, but now he still tells me that the rations are not available. After three days, huh, I have hit Nankang in three days. Deng Changshi, you will place another strict order in my name, telling him that the military situation is urgent now and don’t care about any food requisitions. Quickly Come to Yuzhang, and then join forces to come to Nankang, or else he won’t be able to pacify Lingnan!"

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