Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3022: Heaven and man unite people's hearts

Everyone made a roar of laughter, and He Wuji's eyes flashed with cold light, and he threw the Su Wujie on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "Dear generals, officers, demon thief, this time they will die by themselves, and it will save us. I went to Lingnan to fight them with the miasma. Everyone now performs their duties and takes their place. Tonight, we will cook three times, four will be more open, day and night, and within five days, I want to see Nankang!"

All the civil and military people agreed in unison, shaking the beams and pillars, causing the dust to shake off: "No!"

Nankang, the county government office, the compound.

A weird smell filled the surroundings. A large group of naked men and women were frantically performing the ritual of **** between heaven and human beings that day, and Zhu Chaoshi’s scarred body, even with his face covered, was covered with thick grease. , Can still be recognized at a glance. After all, it has been fighting for many years. Compared with the thin bodies of ordinary Nankang militiamen, the muscular lines of the body are quite different, and these are undoubtedly those who are fighting with them at the moment. Among the masked women, the most experienced and the most open-minded. At the moment, she is using eighteen martial arts to fight with Zhu Chaoshi. You can even know from her unbridled laughter and wheezing. She is even enjoying it now.

Xu Daofu stood silently on a sentry tower, watching the liveliness and fragrance in this courtyard, his hand had become a fist unconsciously, because Zhu Chaoshi’s double repair partner was not his wife, but also Where is Lu Xun's sister Lu Lanxiang.

Lu Xun's voice slowly sounded behind Xu Daofu: "What's the matter, Junior Brother, are you still angry at this ritual of the religious religion today?"

Xu Daofu's teeth clenched and did not speak, but this was the best answer.

Lu Xun sighed softly, walked to Xu Daofu's side, and leaned on the railing: "There are gains and losses, and there are owes and repayments. Life is like this. Since this is the rule set by the past, you can Let us feel good about other people’s wives and daughters. When it’s our turn, don’t feel resentful. Besides, this is a means to subdue the newly-attached people. Didn’t you and I come here in the same way back then. If you didn’t have this This kind of experience can't be talked about as brothers in the true religion."

Xu Daofu gasped heavily in his nostrils: "Brother, you have dozens of wives and concubines. You don't care about this, but the younger brother only has this wife. This is still your sister. Can you really be indifferent?"

Lu Xun smiled and waved his hand: "Don't you think that my good sister will fall in love with Mengyi more and no longer be loyal to you. The human body is just a skin, and the soul is truly immortal. Yes, as long as my sister’s heart is yours, what's the problem with how many men have double practiced? We are all middle-aged, and the love and obsession of these youths should not be so important."

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "The rules are set by the ancestors of the past. I have nothing to say, but I am upset. Can you make me upset and force me to be upset?"

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "I just like your aura that has erupted. It's just that it's better to face He Wuji, not Zhu Chaoshi, who has become his own."

Xu Daofu raised his brows slightly and turned to look at Lu Xun: "Why, He Wuji really dare to attack?"

Lu Xun’s smile turned away, his expression turned serious, his eyes gleaming coldly: "Our eyeliner flying letter in Yuzhang city said that all the Jin forces in the city have been mobilized, and the navy’s warship has been activated. Putting on the grain, grass, ordnance, you don't think He Wuji intends to escape, right."

Xu Daofu hooked the corner of his mouth: "This guy is really a cruel man. The more frustrated he gets, the more courageous he is. He is about to come desperately. It seems that we have seen through the suspicion we used against him."

Lu Xun smiled and shook his head: "He really saw through our suspicion of soldiers, and he also judged that we have no more than two thousand soldiers and horses, so he has the confidence to fight, but he never expected that we have long been here. Secretly contacted the 1,500 Old Ministry of Huanzhen. They have been hiding in the Wuling area as bandits for several years. After Tanzhuan went to Wuling, they secretly sneaked into the Nankang area, relying on your younger brother’s protection and settled down. Come down, this time, it's time to be used as a surprise!"

Xu Daofu smiled and said: "The things in this world are so wonderful. These thousand and five hundred Jingchu archers, who have not practiced warfare for many years, have inadvertently recovered for me, but they will play a key role in future decisive battles. , The first batch of hundreds of warships on land can be assembled in just two days. He Wuji would never have imagined that my strength is no less than his."

Lu Xun sternly said: "Although He Wuji has the same military strength, he is the real elite of the North Mansion, especially the soldiers and horses he brought. There are more than 1,000 soldiers in the Chinese army. Don't be careless. In this battle, it's best not to force it. I think we might as well retreat temporarily and invite him to chase after him. We will be more confident in ambushing He Wuji in Wuling."

Xu Daofu shook his head: "No, He Wuji is not Xie Yan. He won't easily get in the middle. He will take the initiative to attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ if he is really occupied. After Nankang, we will block the Wuling Pass, and we won’t rush after Wuling to attack Shixing. We will definitely wait for Liu Daogui and even Liu Yi as back-ups before we act. At that time, we will not only give up all our previous efforts, but we will finally pass Wuling. Hundreds of warships in China will be cheaper than the last name, so we will lose a lot."

Lu Xun sighed, "But are you really sure about this battle?"

Xu Daofu turned his head and looked to one side of the courtyard. With Zhu Chaoshi's roar and roaring up to the sky, Lu Lanfang's tiger body was shaken, and there were bursts of cheers around. It was officially over, Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "Boy, it makes you cool, I will call you a pioneer when I look back!"

Lu Xun laughed: "So, don't worry, I have sent people to Yuzhang for everything Zhu Chaoshi has done in Nankang in the past few days. Now I am afraid from He Wuji to every sergeant. I hate him more than you hate you, make good use of our Junior Brother Mengyi, he will be the decisive means of this battle!"

Xu Daofu's eyes flashed coldly: "Fu Shui has been drunk, heaven and man have mingled, and big fish and meat have also been eaten. It's up to you to do your best."

An hour later, after bathing and changing clothes, Zhu Chaoshi, who was refreshed and refreshed, was brought to Xu Daofu's face. At this moment, he was dressed as a high-level disciple in sky blue, but he was still carrying a sword in his hand, unlike a celestial master. The way the Daoists carry their swords behind them. After all, the habit of many years cannot be changed overnight. Looking at Xu Daofu, who is sitting in a dreadful robe and big armor, he salutes: "I have seen Vice Guru Xu!"

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