Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3028: Eyeliner is hard to follow

Zhu Chaoshi put on a smile: "Understood, it's just the elite soldiers of the ten ships. Will they follow my command? After all, I can only let the Nankang militiamen follow orders, and the brothers of the gods... ..."

Xu Daofu smiled and said, "Why is this so difficult? Where is Wu Shaofu?"

As soon as the tent was opened, a tall and burly Taoist entered with his sword on his back. Without looking at Zhu Chaoshi, he directly saluted Xu Daofu's head: "Disciple Wu Shaofu, I have seen the commander."

Xu Daofu nodded in satisfaction, pointed at Zhu Chaoshi, and said, "This is the Qinglong general of the sect, Zhu Chaoshi, you must also know."

Wu Shaofu turned to Xu Daofu and saluteed expressionlessly: "I have seen General Zhu."

Zhu Chaoshi's scalp numb for a while, and he secretly said why he wanted to ask that. Seeing that, Xu Daofu sent this Wu Shaofu to monitor him. However, if you think about it again, Xu Daofu must have arranged it like this a long time ago. Whether he asks or not, he will find Wu Shaofu. He should be in a state of being out of the book at any time. If he really wanted to assassinate Xu Daofu just now. , I'm afraid these off-the-book Dao thieves will swarm them.

While thinking about it, Zhu Chaoshi also responded to Wu Shaofu, and praised by the way: "Junior Brother Wu is really mighty, he deserves to be the brother whom the marshal has fancyed."

Xu Daofu waved his hand: "He is not your junior, but my personal disciple. He is your junior nephew, General Zhu. Although you were late to teach, with your current qualifications and position, you are already my junior. Now, the master will accept you to pass on the art on behalf of the first teacher. Most of the Taoists in the religious religion are your juniors, so don't call them the wrong generation."

Wu Shaofu immediately said, "I have seen Master Uncle Mengyi."

Zhu Chaoshi disliked his name very much, but he could only follow with a smile and said, "I can’t think of my generation being so high. It’s no wonder that the martial master, oh, no, the martial master’s nephew is so similar to the martial artist, it turns out that it’s you. His personal disciple, the future is limitless."

Xu Daofu smiled slightly: "In your new teaching, many disciples may be unfamiliar with you, nor are they too familiar with the disciples of the gods and the way of contacting and commanding. Therefore, I asked Shaofu to follow you, and there are ten others. Elite swordsmen, disguised as boatmen, are on your flagship Sturgeon. When advancing and retreating, they can paddle and come and go like the wind. When attacking He Wuji on the river dragon, their swordsmanship and water warfare abilities , Can also help you. As for the disciples on the other ten ships, Wu Shaofu will give orders. You can directly give orders to Wu Shaofu."

Wu Shaofu immediately said to Zhu Chaoshi: "I have seen the generals. In this battle, I am your mouth and hands. All your commands will be delivered verbatim. And I and all the fellows will use our blood and life. To protect you."

Zhu Chaoshi murmured secretly in his heart. This guy was obviously the eyeliner Xu Daofu put in his side to monitor. With him and the ten accomplices, he was afraid that he would not be able to give any warning to He Wuji. The only chance was probably to fight. Shi tried to board He Wuji’s flagship, used the Jin army’s hand to kill these monsters, and then took the opportunity to tell He Wuji and tell the enemy’s plan to him, hoping to make it in time, but the difficulty is too high, and Xu Daofu didn't mention his main fleet and ambush to himself. I was afraid that by the time Jiang Long was really attacked, everything was too late.

But Zhu Chaoshi can only express his joy: "There is a martial artist nephew, yes, marshal, shouldn't our army be worthy of a military position? The current position of the martial artist nephew..."

Xu Daofu shook his head: "Although the cult has combat troops, it is not like the Jin army after all. All kinds of generals, captains, brigade commanders, proprietors, etc., we are mostly known as teachers and apprentices. As the big brother Zuo Yitan of Qinglongtan, you can just call him Shaof."

Zhu Chaoshi nodded: "Shaofu, this time I'll have to do it for you. Now I'm going to reorganize the troops and prepare to set off, so you can follow me as soon as possible."

Wu Shaofu said in a deep voice: "Don’t worry, the general. Twenty fishing boats and ten Clippers disguised as fishing boats are ready, and the Nankang militiamen and our people are all mixed together. They boarded the boat and just waited for you. Board the Sturgeon personally and you can set off."

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth, paid a military salute to Xu Dao, turned around and walked out of the tent in strides, while Xu Daofu winked at Wu Shaofu who was looking at him, Wu Shaofu understood, and followed him out. Inside, only Xu Daofu was left.

Lu Xun's figure walked out from behind the tent, and he smiled slightly: "Junior Brother, this time you should feel relieved about Mengyi."

Xu Daofu said coldly: "Fear of death is not necessarily true. We can always rely on people like Shaofu who have followed us from Wudi. These new attachments can only be used for a while. For life and death, this time, I still want to use him as a bait. After using it, you'd better throw him to Huan Qian."

Lu Xun shook his head: "The Zhu family is considered to be one of the best generals in Jingzhou. Throw it to Huanqian. It may be a big tail after Jingzhou. It is better to stay with him. Besides, after playing He Wuji, he will have to beat Liu Daogui again. , Liu Yi, and even Liu Yu, who returned to the teacher, have this surviving general as a demonstration, which will help us recruit more Beifu military generals. After all, to conquer the world, we rely on more than 10,000 old brothers, but it is not enough. what."

Xu Daofu sighed: "The original Wu Di believes in our sacred brothers~www.wuxiaspot.com~Many of them have been forced into the Beifu Army. I hope they will also return astray this time, and I will do it soon. I have to set off to fight He Wuji, Liu Daogui is here, I have to trouble brother, you to solve it."

Lu Xun nodded: "My first batch of 2,000 soldiers has passed Wuling. Except for the 300 disciples sent to various Donggezhai preaching missions, most of them are Dong-Dong people, plus two of my people here. The 100 guards, the core disciples of the gods, but only 500, and the others are mostly slang who have not experienced the battle, but now it’s too late to wait for the army to arrive, otherwise Liu Daogui’s recruitment speed will be faster than us, you go and deal with He Wuji, I Go straight to Baling’s granary. Liu Daogui’s soldiers and horses are now scattered across Jingzhou to collect grain. This is our opportunity. If possible, you should consider defeating He Wuji and join forces with me to capture Jiangling. Jiangling is here. , Jingzhou will fall into my hands, and we will have no worries in the future. At that time, whether we will go north to get through with Qin, or go east to Jiankang, the initiative is in my hands."

Xu Daofu said calmly: "That's the next step. It depends on the development of the battle. Let's act separately. I wish the brothers a victory and win Baling. With food in hand, there will be tens of thousands of troops in ten months and months. And if I defeat He Wuji and seize the Yu Zhang, I can also quickly incorporate the entire Jiangzhou anti-Jin forces. When we are strong, who can stop the world?! The heavenly master is with us!"

Lu Xun smiled and nodded: "The heavenly master is with us!"

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