Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3029: Return to the battlefield

Yuzhangnan, Yangtze River, Sangluozhou.

He Wuji, wearing a large armour and holding his hand, stood on the bow of the Crossing River Dragon. By his side, there was a fleet of more than 140 Huanglong warships. All the ships had a deep draft. Almost half of the ship’s side was submerged in the water. That’s because there were not only more than fifty soldiers of the Beifu Army and more than ten boatmen who were fully armed, but also a few hundred shi per ship’s rice. Where is the forage for the march of the month?

Yin Chan's beard fluttered with the wind. He looked at the sandbar in the middle of the river and said with a smile: "Zhennan, you were here back then. You defeated the main force of He Danzhi's Chu Army Navy. From then on, Jingzhou's With the opening of the portal hole, Huanxuan is the only lonely city left in Jiangling. Unexpectedly, today we went to Nankang to pacify the demon thief, and passed by here again. This is a sign that you will make another immortal feat in Zhennan."

There was a sound of agreement around him, but He Wuji was still expressionless, as if everything around him had nothing to do with it.

Zhang Shao frowned and kept silent. He Wuji looked at him and said, "Zhang Canjun, what are you thinking about?"

Zhang Shao hooked the corner of his mouth and said: "This time all the troops are on board and set off without going overland. Isn't it a bit too risky? The demon has always been good at navy. Short, the boss of the enemy."

He Wuji shook his head: "Then the demon thief must have a boat first. Let's put it this way, the land is difficult. From Yuzhang to Nankang, there are mostly muddy trails, and there are more than ten rebels entrenched in the surrounding area. In the Shanzhai, they also scored troops to wipe out the Huanchu surplus party. This not only slowed down the marching speed and dispersed the troops, but also prepared the monsters. If they unite these rebels, they don’t even fight directly, just assault. The follow-up of our army’s heavy food and grass can also greatly delay the speed of our army’s march."

"This battle is a sudden fight. What we want is to retake Nankang as quickly as possible. Now our army has an advantage, but in one month, the army of monsters will also go out of Lingnan and enter Jiangzhou. And the Shonan area, it will be difficult to drive them back at that time. Since we have chosen to counterattack Nankang, we must use the fastest speed."

Deng Qianzhi said: "What Zhennan said is very reasonable. This battle should not be too stable. What's more, there are only fishing boats and ferry boats in Nankang where we have not left a fleet. It is impossible to use them as warships at all. No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to let their naval ships and warships in Guangzhou fly over. We don't have to worry about too many obstructions on the waterways."

Zhang Shao said in a deep voice: "But even if the demon collects fishing boats, there can be dozens or hundreds of them. Our current warships are full of grain, with deep drafts and slow movements. If you encounter a large number of canoe raids by the enemy , Attacking our warships with fire, the consequences would be disastrous."

He Wuji smiled slightly: "Zhang Canjun’s worry is very reasonable. You should learn more from Zhang Canjun. Don’t be here all day long. The situation is very good. Instead, think about the difficulties and the enemy’s possible tactics. In order to deal with it well. Yin joined the army, your brilliantly written articles for victory, that were written to the court, but with me, let’s say less beautiful things."

Yin Chan's face blushed slightly, and he said: "The thing that Zhennan taught, but, but I don't want to boost everyone's morale. After all, Nankang is newly defeated, we..."

He Wuji waved his hand: "Well, let’s not talk about this, let’s return to the question of Zhang’s participation in the army. Actually, I have already considered what you said. Back then, we defeated the high warship of the Huanchu Navy. The canoe boats get close to capturing the enemy’s flagship He Danzhi, and the monsters do not have big ships, only small boats. Even if they encounter them, they only need to guard against their tactics. This time I divided the fleet into two parts, I I personally led 30 warships in front, and now my Guojianglong flagship is in the middle of the former fleet. In addition, the Hunjianglong, which is about the same size as the Guojianglong, was sent against me. The banner of General Zhennan is located at the forefront, posing as the Jianglong."

Yin Chan's expression changed: "Oh, it's really like this. Zhennan, is this a warship to prevent the enemy from attacking our army? So put the bait?"

Zhang Shaozheng said: "He Tanzhi did the same back then. He deliberately planted bait on the front army and disguised himself as his own ship. The result was captured by our army. But his subordinates didn’t know his plan and thought that the flagship was taken, so he suddenly collapsed. Did Jinnan forget this?"

He Wuji laughed: "I personally used this method of tactics back then. How could I make the same mistake? I have already told the leaders of the ships that the one in front is just the Hunjiang Dragon, which is to lure the enemy. The decoy for the attack, there is no me, He Wuji, only more than ten thousand catties of sulfur and saltpeter. What I want is to let the enemy’s elite main force attack the ship desperately, then set the ship on fire and let all jump to help. The demon thief who seized the ship, together with the Hunjiang Dragon, were buried in the sea of ​​flames!"

Everyone suddenly realized, Deng Qianzhi sighed: "It turned out that Zhennan made such an arrangement. The culprits thought that we were transporting grain and rice, but they didn't know that the ship was loaded with gunpowder. You were already prepared for the culprit's waterway attack. "

He Wuji nodded: "If the demon thief does not take the waterway~www.wuxiaspot.com~, then these sulphur and saltpetre will be used to attack Nankang's land warfare. If the demon's navy meets us, we will lead They besieged the Hunjiang Dragon with all their strength. At the same time, all the former military warships threw away the grain and grass in the cabin, and fought with it lightly. If there were no grain storage of Hundred Rocks, the speed of our army's ships would not be slower than those of fishing boats. Thirty warships of the front army are enough to wipe out all the navy forces of the demon thief in Nankang."

Yin Chan blinked his eyes: "But all the food is thrown away. Even if the navy of the monster thief is eliminated, what shall we eat behind?"

He Wuji turned his head and pointed to the hundreds of Huanglong warships behind him: "It's just that the food of the 30 warships of the former army has been thrown away. The Chinese army and the rear army remain the same. In a real fight, they only need to use them on the spot. Crossbows and crossbows can be used to support the front army. In case the war is really unfavorable, the warships of the Chinese army and the rear army quickly docked and landed for defense. We can still switch to the land to decide whether to advance or retreat."

Zhang Shao's brows finally stretched out: "Zhennan is worthy of being a famous general in the Beifu. All these unexpected circumstances have reminded you of this. Now, the subordinates are truly relieved, and those demons dare not dare. …………"

Before his words fell, he only heard the watchman on the mast shouting: "The enemy fleet is found ahead!"

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